

SMP_Central is a web-based class management system used by lecturers, subject co-ordinators and other staff to view class rolls and associated student information, manage tutorial allocation, enter task marks, enter final marks and grades, publish results, send SOLSMail messages, reply to Academic Consideration applications, etc

SMP_Central login


Privacy and data management

All staff accessing the student systems are reminded of their responsibility to comply with UOW’s Privacy Policy and IT Acceptable Use Policy.

You must not access, use, disclose, reproduce or deal with any confidential or personal information except where it relates to a legitimate business function which is specific to your role at UOW.

You must use your best endeavours to prevent unauthorised disclosure of any confidential or personal information to any person or body.

All UOW Data should be stored on UOW Approved devices or storage solutions in line with UOW's IT Acceptable Use Policy.

Help and information

Select Class

It is important to realise that a "class" is different from a subject. A class is a specific group of students enrolled in a subject for a particular year and session.

To view and/or edit a class, start from the top "drop-down menu" and select the year and other relevant criteria in order from top to bottom. As each menu is selected, the criteria in the lower menus change to reflect the options available.


Class Roll

This Class Roll screen can be used to view student and class details (including student status details), to add pending students to a class list, to process academic consideration requests as well as to send SOLSMail messages.

Class Roll Manual

Reference Document(s):


Define Groups

The SMP OnLine Tutorial system enables students to enrol in, transfer from/to and withdraw from groups via SOLS between defined opening and closing dates. Faculty Staff are responsible for setting up the Tutorial Groups, either by importing from syllabus or setting up groups manually in SMP_Central.

Define Groups Manual


Assign Groups

Staff have the ability to assign/remove students to/from groups (even after the Close date has been reached). Staff can assign/remove students to/from a Group from the main Assign Groups screen. Alternatively, staff can click on the Edit button at the top of each individual group column and edit one individual group at a time.

Assign Groups Manual



The Attendance function in SMP_Central is only for the UOW College. UOW College staff should contact Julie Lunn, Administration Manager, for more information (including approval for access to locked Attendance data). 


Define Tasks

This screen is used to define the list of tasks which contribute to the final mark for the subject selected. A task is any assessable module - a practical report, tutorial, essay, quiz, assignment, mid-session exam etc. The subject lecturer can define and name the tasks according to the requirements of each individual subject.

Define Tasks Manual

Reference Document(s)


Task Marks

The Task Marks screen is used to record individual task marks for students. The Composite % is calculated based on the Marked out of and Weighting values that were setup via Define Tasks. Once all tasks marks have been entered, the Copy Composite % button can be used to copy all of the Composite % from the Task marks screen to the Final Marks screen (please note that if this option is clicked, any marks that are currently showing on the Final Marks screen will be replaced with the values that are currently showing in the Composite % column).

Task Marks Manual

Reference document(s):


Final Marks

The Final Marks screen is used to enter or adjust composite (i.e. final) marks and, where applicable, to allocate discretionary grades (e.g. WH, IPC, S, U etc.).

Final Marks Manual

Reference Document(s):


Unit Summary

The Unit Summary tab is only visible to those users with Unit Head access. It provides a summary view of the status of all classes as per the criteria selected in the Select Class screen. For example, if a user selected Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts > School of the Arts, English and Media > All Subjects > All Classes and then clicked on the Unit Summary tab a list of all classes and their relevant status would appear. The user could then see if a class has been published, and if so, to what level.

Unit Summary Manual


Annual Progress Reports (APRs)

Access APR's via the APR tab in SMP_Central. From this screen, a list of all HDR students that have a relationship to the user (i.e. Supervisor, HPS and/or Associate Dean Research in chain of command) will be displayed. Note: Supervisors and students MUST discuss the contents of the APR prior to online completion.

APR Manual


Consolidated Results

Analysis of the Consolidated Results is part of the Examination and Results process. Once results have been published to SSD, SSD staff generate Snapshots, a combination of Faculty and Sessions included in the Examination Reporting Period. The electronic Consolidated Results were implemented in November 2009. The Consolidated Results report on Students enrolled in the sessions included in the snapshot and produces a list of their results for analysis.

Consolidated Results Manual



The Supervising screen lists all HDR students that have a relationship to the user (i.e. Supervisor, HPS or Dean chain of command). From this screen you can select to view the students that you are supervising by Course Status (All, Active, Complete, Leave of Absence, Lapsed) and/or by Supervisor Type (All, Principal, Co-Supervisor and Associate).

Staff will only see the students that they are attached to via the student's APR in SAI (this is set up by the Graduate Research School). That is, staff set up as Supervisor, but no APR yet, will not see a student until an APR exists (GRS decision). New staff that would like to gain access to SMP_Central (e.g. advanced search) before an APR exists should contact the Student Systems team to discuss alternate access to SMP_Central (via a form).


Advanced Search

The Advanced Search function can be used to search for Students or Subjects. The Advanced Search screen is divided into 2 sections. The criteria in the bottom ½ of the screen can only be used to do a subject search.

Some of the functions the Advanced Search may assist you with:

  • View enrolment numbers without having to call up individual classes
  • Export lists to excel
  • Export student lists from multiple classes into excel
  • Send SOLSMail messages to students in multiple classes in one transaction
  • Export current addresses

Advanced Search Manual


Academic Consideration

The student logs onto SOLS to create an Academic Consideration Application.

The Application is reviewed by administration staff. When Admin staff select to forward the Academic Consideration Application to the subject coordinator the academic consideration application will appear on the Class Roll in SMP_Central.

An email is then sent to the Subject Co-ordinator(s) advising them that there is an academic consideration request waiting for a reply.

If Admin staff have approved or declined the Academic Consideration Request (in line with the policy), an email is also sent to the Subject Co-ordinator(s) advising them that Admin have replied and the details of the reply to the student. There is also a link on the  SMP_Central Class Roll - staff can click to view the Admin responses - X Academic Consideration Application(s) have been processed by Admin.

Note: The Academic Consideration Policy states that if the application is not responded to within 2 business days, the subject coordinator is sent a reminder email and is given another 2 business days to respond. The reminder email contains the following information 'This Academic Consideration application is overdue. If not responded to within 2 business days, it will be automatically forwarded to the Head of Students/Associate Dean.'

If, after 4 business days, the application still has not been responded to, the application will be sent to the Head of Students/Associate Dean for action.

Academic Consideration Manual


Teaching staff 

If the subject is COSMOS mastered, staff associations need to be maintained in COSMOS and will flow through to SMP Subject Database

Otherwise, if the subject is NOT a COSMOS mastered subject, Faculty Subject Database Contacts add Subject Coordinators, Lecturers and Tutors in the Subject Database.
This provides immediate access to the subject instance in SMP_Central. There is no need to complete a request for access form.

If you require Subject Coordinators, Lecturers & Tutor access to a subject instance, please contact your faculty Subject Database Contact to arrange this.

Other staff

If you require access to this system, we require that you complete an access request form.

  • For staff with access to the UOW intranet, access request forms can be found on our intranet site.
  • For staff without access to the UOW intranet, contact us via our ServiceNOW portal and we will assist you with your access requirements and provide you with appropriate access request forms.


Login to SMP_Central using your UOW email username and email password. If you're having problems with your email password (if you can't login to email or intranet and any of the SMP systems), see IT Services » User account & password.

Three incorrect login attempts will lock you out for 20 minutes.

Session Verification & Timeout

Save Regularly - Save your work every 10 minutes.

SMP Central will prompt you to re-enter your password to continue working if you have been inactive between 30 and 60 mins:

"You have been inactive for 35 minutes. Please re-enter your password to continue."

SMP Central will timeout if you are inactive for more than 60 mins:

"Sorry! Your request could not be completed because your session has timed out or you have not logged in. Click continue to return to SMP Central."   

Microsoft Office (Exporting to Excel) issues

Issue: File doesn't open in Excel when Exporting from SMP_Central.
Resolve: Step through Windows 10 - Change default TDF application to Excel - IMTS Knowledge Base (requires login), or contact IMTS Help Desk on x3000.

Keep up to date with the changes to SMP Central.

Version release (.pdf)


Abbreviation Description
SASD Student Administration Services Division
Browser Software used to view information on the World Wide Web, such as Firefox Mozilla, Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer
Class A group of students enrolled in a subject for a specific session or year.
Cookies Small files stored on your local hard drive by a website to record user preferences etc. In this application, these are necessary to identify the user and keep track of the "session". If cookies are not enabled, the browser will not be able to connect. Refer to Browser Setup for further information.
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
HDR System System managed by the Graduate School of Research for the administration of HDR students. Not a part of SMP systems.
IMTS Information Management and Technology Services
JavaScript A programming language commonly used to extend the capabilities of web based applications. SMP_Central uses JavaScript to extend the functionality of the web browser allowing it to behave like a standard application on your computer.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A server operated by IMTS which provides a database of all staff with valid email accounts. This list is used to identify users of the system.
LPMS Learning Platform Management System. Not a part of SMP Systems
Moodle eLearning system managed by IMTS (call 3000 for Moodle help). Not a part of SMP systems.
Session A single time period when a given user is connected to SMP_Central. After an extended period of time with no activity, the session will "timeout" (ie disconnect the user) and require the user to log in again, for security reasons.
SMP Student Management Package
Syllabus Timetabling administered by SASD - Central Timetabling team to schedule UOW activities against available resources. Not a part of SMP systems.
Task Any assessable work which contributes to the final subject mark. This includes practicals, tutorials, essays, project reports, quizzes and exams. The subject coordinator can create and name tasks to suit any subject structure.
WAM Weighted Average Mark.


Grade Schemes

Importing Marks from Moodle (LMS)
Importing Marks only

Student Status Legend

Weighting Examples

Frequently asked questions

Check the function manual above via SMP_Central help and information > Function help manuals > Define tasks

It is recommended that you get in the habit of clicking SAVE at least every 10 minutes.

If you have been inactive for a short period of time you will be prompted to re-enter your password to continue and will then be able to return to the screen you were working on.

The session verification message will appear as follows:

Session Verification

You have been inactive for 35 minutes. Please re-enter your password to continue.

However, if you are inactive for an extended period of time your session will time out and you will receive the following message:


Your request could not be completed because your session has timed out or you have not logged in. Click continue to return to SMP Central.

SOLSMail is designed to enable short messages (up to 2000 characters - including spacing) to be sent to students.

You cannot include attachments in your message. However, you can include a web link in a SOLSMail message.

NOTE: There are limitations to web links that can be sent. Links containing special characters such as '=' or '?' will cut the URL off.
Check your link works in the preview before triggering it.

See the SOLSMail Instructions on the right for best practice and details instructions on creating SOLSMail Messages.

Faculty contacts are responsible for setting up staff association to the subject.

If you have been setup as a Coordinator and/or Lecturer or Tutor of a class, you should have (immediate) access to that class in SMP_Central.

For all teaching access enquiries, please contact your faculty contact.

On the Class Roll screen click the Show Wthd icon at the top of the screen (to show any withdrawn students).

If the student does not appear on the class roll as enrolled, withdrawn or removed you will need to check with Administration if the student is actually enrolled in the subject.

If the student is not enrolled in the subject, you can still record a mark for the student by adding them as a Pending student (click the + Pending icon at the top of the screen). If the student is then enrolled in the subject at a later date, the mark(s) will be retained.

If a student has withdrawn from a subject (or if the student is removed from the subject for not satisfying pre-reqs or non-payment of fees), then the student will appear on the class with a status of Withdrawn or Removed. This is the reason you cannot add the student as a Pending student.

On the Class Roll screen click on the Show Wthd icon at the top of the screen to show the withdrawn students. Once you have clicked to show the withdrawn students, they will also appear on the Task Marks and Final Marks screens.

A mark can be entered for a withdrawn/removed student, however it obviously will not appear on the student's record as they are not enrolled in the subject. Pending students with no marks will not impact your class being Published.

Task marks and comments are not automatically displayed online to students. From the Task Marks tab, you need to click to edit each individual task. Clicking Display on Web will flag the marks and comments for each student to be displayed on SOLS. If marks/comments are updated once the task has been displayed on web, there is no need to take any further action, the updated information is displayed in SOLS. If you wish to remove the Tasks Marks/Comments from the SOLS view, click Remove from Web.

Once you have entered all the task marks, you have to click 'Copy %' to copy the marks that appear in the Composite % column on the Task Marks screen to the Composite % column on the Final Marks screen.

NOTE: This will wipe any marks that currently appear in the Composite % screen on the Final Marks screen.

  1. Click on the Final Marks tab
  2. Ensure that no mark is showing in the Composite % column (if a mark is showing, highlight the mark and press the delete button on the keyboard). Save your work.
  3. Click Grade at the top Menu bar (green), not from the table.
  4. Any student who does not have a mark will be highlighted in pink (and a drop down menu will appear in the Grade column of the table)
  5. Select the grade you want from the drop down menu and click Save
  6. Click Edit to go back to editing marks (Composite %)

If IPC (In Progress Coursework) grade scheme has been allocated to the subject, users will be able to select from the grades of IPC, S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory).

If IPR (In Progress Research) grade scheme has been allocated to the subject, users will be able to select from the grades of IPR, CO (Complete) or F (Fail).

If GSM (Graduate Medicine) grade scheme has been allocated to subjects, users will be able to select from the grades of IPC, S, U and E (Excellent).

If S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grade scheme has been allocated to subjects, users will be able to select from grades of S and U.

All UOW Subjects have a grade scheme of UOW by default. When no marks are entered, this grade scheme contains the grades of WH and TF

If additional Grade Schemes are required, Please email the Student Administration team on providing details of the subject and the additional grade scheme be added to the subject.

Some additional Schemes are:

IPR - In Progress Research

IPC - In Progress Coursework

GSM - Graduate Medicine

S/U - Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Full listing of subject grade Schemes

Click the +With icon (show withdrawn students) there is probably an outstanding AC request for a student with a status of Withdrawn. It isn't necessary to reply to a student who has withdrawn or been removed. Outstanding AC requests on a subject do not prevent the user from publishing results.

Contact Student Systems

Student Systems is responsible for the ongoing support, maintenance and development of the Student Management Package (SMP).