
Ngarruwan Ngadju conducts high impact research in response to the health and wellbeing needs and priorities of First Peoples and advances Indigenous research methodologies.

Current research

Our research covers a wide range of health topics reflecting our interest in understanding how the social and cultural determinants impact on the health and wellbeing of First Peoples.

View our past publications

Past research projects (by year)

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations evaluation project (Phase 2)
  • Caring for Community: Ngaimpe Aboriginal Corporation “The Glen”
  • Embedding training and capacity building for Indigenous higher degree research students into the UOW research environment
  • Re-Focus: The efficacy and appropriateness of Focus Group Discussions for health research in Aboriginal contexts
  • School Kids Aboriginal Mentoring Program (SKAMP)
  • Understanding burn injuries in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: Treatment, access to services and outcomes (The Coolamon Study)
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations evaluation project
  • Tackling Indigenous Smoking evaluation project
  • Caring for Community project
  • Preventing unintentional injury to Aboriginal children and young people in NSW
  • Social marketing research to prevent unintentional injury to Aboriginal children and young people
  • Aboriginal Chronic Disease Care Pathways project
  • National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network
  • Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service (IAMS) Safe Homes Safe Kids Program Evaluation
  • Noah’s Shoalhaven Kids Together Program Evaluation

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provide a shared global framework of development priorities. The Ngarruwan Ngadju centre is actively working toward meeting these goals in their research projects.

Find out more
Infographic of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals