Media Centre

Friday 20 September 2024

After 20 years of evidence on plastic pollution, it is now time to act

Read more about After 20 years of evidence on plastic pollution, it is now time to act

Friday 20 September 2024

UOW biologist wins international photography competition

Read more about UOW biologist wins international photography competition


Business confidence and tax reform key to Turnbull government re-election: CEDA

The Malcolm Turnbull-led government will have to combat a gloomy Australian economic forecast in this year’s election.

Do Wi-Fi and mobile phones really cause cancer? Experts respond

On 16 February, Catalyst aired an episode on the ABC titled “Wi-Fried”, hosted by Dr Maryanne Demasi, claiming that radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi may constitute a brain cancer risk. The Conversation invited experts who have conducted research into this area to respond to the claims made in the programme.

China research collaboration a breath of fresh air

UOW engineering ingenuity is helping Chinese industrial manufacturers tackle the country’s massive pollution problem.

Future leaders make top awards list

Graduating students from UOW are strongly represented on a ‘Top 100 Future Leaders Awards’ list just released through The Australian Financial Review.

UOW Executive Dean judges Blake Prize winner

Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, Professor Amanda Lawson, was an invited member of this year’s judging committee for the well-known Blake Prize for Religious Art.

What keeps physicists awake at night: ripples in space and keeping students out of black holes

Physics researchers the world over are in raptures after Albert Einstein’s 99-year-old prediction was recently confirmed.