Aerial shot of the Illawarra. Innovation Campus in the foreground

Implementation Science Symposium - Health Innovations Research Centre

  • All Day
  • Innovation Campus (Wollongong)
    Ocean View Room, The Central Building 230

The symposium brings together some of the brightest minds in Implementation Science and Knowledge Translation.

We welcome our keynote speaker, Professor Alison Kitson, Vice President and Executive Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University.

Guest speakers 

  • Professor Alison Kitson, Flinders University – ‘Implementation Frameworks, Theory and Practice’ 
  • Professor Andrew Bonney, University of Wollongong – ‘Implementation Science in the Primary Care Setting: Reflections of an Academic-GP’ 
  • Professor Chris Levi, John Hunter Hospital and University of Newcastle – ‘Learning Health Systems: the HMRI-John Hunter Hospital experience’
  • Professor David Currow, University of Wollongong – ‘Why we need to slash the 17 years bench to bedside’ 
  • Kiarn Roughley, Lived Experience Consumer – Consumer Story
  • Associate Professor Leanne Hassett, University of Sydney & Western Sydney Local Health District & Sydney Health Partners – ‘How to Develop an Implementation Strategy’
  • Doctor Margaret Murphy, Westmead Hospital and University of Sydney – ‘How we scaled HIRAID from the Gong to Global’
  • Associate Professor Natalie Taylor, University of New South Wales, and SPHERE Implementation Science Platform – ‘What is the SPHERE IS collaborative and how can it help you?’
  • Doctor Sabine Allida, University of Wollongong & Western Sydney Local Health District – ‘Living Guidelines: What Are They and Why They Are Important’
  • Doctor Shanthi Ramanathan, Hunter Medical Research Institute – ‘Framework to assess the impact of translational health research (FAIT)’
  • Doctor Stephanie Partridge, University of Sydney – ‘Co-designing digital health and diet interventions and adolescents’ 
  • Professor Anthony Okley Early Start Institute, University of Wollongong – ‘Implementation science in low and middle income countries, reflections on physical activity studies’

This is a ticketed event, $50pp. For further information, please contact