HDR Workshop: Meet the Dean, Graduate Research

Do you think the HDR program at UOW is perfect? If so, you may be delusional. If not, here is your opportunity to improve this program. During this session, you will meet the Dean of Graduate Research, Simon Moss—who is ultimately the person responsible to enhance the HDR program and improve your lives. He will listen to all the concerns you raise and answer the questions you might pose. And he will discuss some possible changes, solutions, and initiatives that might address these concerns in the future. 

Learning Outcomes:

Learning outcomes will vary in depending on the types of discussions held during the session. Some learning outcomes may include:

  • Developing initiatives that may motivate and improve your personal and professional development
  • Developing an idea of the most likely and fulfilling career paths that HDR graduates often pursue—as well as the skills that HDR candidates might develop to secure these jobs
  • How to publish more effectively, and how to respond to unreasonable examiners or reviewers
  • How to negotiate and persuade other individuals more effectively, as well as resolve conflict

Who is this for: 
Any candidate at any stage.