Build your network and enhance your skills with Couch Conversations!

Couch Conversations Session
Recurs every week until Friday 23rd Sep 2022 -
Wollongong Campus
Join our fun and informal sessions to connect with your fellow students on campus!
We made it!!! Thank god it’s FRIDAY! Time to have some fun in our session at 3:30pm. What are the plans for the weekend? Surfing, Netflix, family fun, playing with your pet, dancing up a storm to the latest songs? Come and share what you’re doing with some of your fellow students from around UOW.
Whatever your motivation, whether it’s to share experiences, develop cross-cultural friendships, practice your conversational English skills or hear about tips and tricks for work, study and play – everyone is welcome in our Couch Conversations sessions.
There are multiple sessions per week so when you feel like joining in, visit our website to find out more and register for a session!