Honorary Chapter

About the Honorary Alumni Chapter

The Honorary Alumni Chapter is a network of alumni who have been awarded either an Honorary degree, an Emeritus Professorship or a University Felllowship from the University of Wollongong. The Chapter meets regularly to discuss and organise ways in which they can support the University through advocacy, projects and activities.

All Honorary alumni are encouraged to attend the Chapter's meetings to contribute new ideas about how to utilise the talents and skills of Honorary alumni for the benefit of the University.

Committee of Management

The Honorary Alumni Chapter Executive Committee includes:

  • Chair: Dr David M Williams
  • Deputy Chair: Sue Chapman
  • Secretary: Lynn Woodley

The role of the Committee of Management

  • Plan and carry out a program of activities aimed at achieving the involvement of as many members as possible to achieve the Chapter’s objectives
  • Ensure that Honorary alumni are connected with the life of the University
  • Co-ordinate ceremonial activities so that its members can represent UOW, engage with the UOW community and keep abreast of UOW strategy and developments
  • Report to the Alumni Engagement Team in the University's Advancement Division as required from time to time, as required by the Group or the Committee and seek guidance from the Alumni Engagement Manager
  • Carry out the provisions of the By-Laws including the elections in a democratic manner.

Chapter meetings

  • Meeting 1: March
  • Meeting 2: July
  • Meeting 3: November

Meetings are held 3-4 times per year. 

Honorary Chapter Scholarship Fund

The Honorary Chapter Scholarship Fund was established to help address the needs of students facing difficulty investing in their education. The Chapter understands that a solid beginning catapults a world of opportunities for a brighter future as well as encourages other students from similar backgrounds.

The Chapter aims to raise funds to award one new scholarship each year, with each scholarship lasting for one year. Each scholarship will be valued at $3000 per annum.

The Honorary Alumni Chapter encourages alumni and friends to join them in their efforts to help our students launch better lives for themselves by donating in whatever capacity you can.