Rainwater tanks at the sports hub

Reduce water use

Water is a precious natural resource that should not be wasted. Australia can suffer from long drought periods that have negative environmental, social and economic impacts. UOW operations include a range of activities that impact on the amount of water consumed including sports field maintenance, provision of food services, research and general campus use. Growth and climatic factors pose a challenge to reduce water consumption. Water management priorities are outlined in our Water Management Action Plan. Water consumption reduction and rainwater capture and reuse initiatives are the focus as we work towards being self sufficient in water use.

Reducing consumption and maximising water reuse

A range of initiatives are conducted to reduce water consumption and maximise water reuse and many of these are embedded in our building standards and practices and landscape design principles. Water used by the university is from mains water supply or rainwater capture only we do not extract from aquifers, lakes or rivers.

Rainwater storage and reuse Minimising water consumption

Let’s do our bit to avoid wasting water.

Watering plant using watering can About the water restrictions
Report water leaks

Reduce water use

Report water leaks immediately 

  • Wollongong and Innovation Campus please contact Infrastructure and Property Division Service Centre during business hours (or UOW Security after hours on 42214555)
  • At regional and metropolitan campuses please contact your Facility manager
  • At student accommodation residences please contact the relevant admin office.

 Rethink your water use practices 

  • What activities do you do that use a lot of water at UOW? These might be part of research or teaching activities, or part of everyday operations of your facility.  They might happen every day or once every so often. 
  • How might these activities be modified to reduce water use? Are there more water efficient methods that could be used?  
  • Contact Environment Unit to discuss options and seek advice. Email environment-team@uow.edu.au.

Tips to reduce water use at home and at UOW 

  • Consider the water (and energy) efficiency of appliances that you are looking to purchase. 
  • At university, if you are purchasing research equipment consider the amount of water that it might use and if there are options for use of recycled water.  
  • Wash cars at commercial car washers that recycle water and wash them as needed rather than on a schedule. Stretch out the time in between washes.  Remember that car washing activities are impacted by water restrictions.
  • Rinsing your dishes in a plugged sink or bowl rather than under a running tap.  It saves water and is just as easy and effective.
  • Wait until you have a full load for the dishwasher and washing machine before using it. This saves water and energy, and reduces the amount of detergent entering the sewer system.
  • What you put down the drain can cause blockages and pollute our environment. Use a sink strainer when you pull the plug out.  Please do not use the drain to dispose of coffee grinds as this will cause a blockage.
  • Keep your showers to under 4 minutes. 
  • Refer to the Useful links for further advice on water savings and rainwater capture and reuse.