Fellows Research Meetings

The NIASRA Fellows Meetings aim to provide an ongoing opportunity for researchers actively working in areas of interest to the Centre to present both work in progress and recent research results to an audience of fellow researchers and senior professionals who are also working in these areas.

Find out more

Past events

The 2023 Data Science and Statistics Lecture

"Data Science for Public Health" presented by Antonietta Mira, Professor of Statistics at Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland; and Insubria University, Como, Italy

SCC workshop

"Introduction to Mixed Modelling" presented by Dr Brad Wakefield - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm, Thursday, 23 February, 2023.

Data & Decision Science Network meeting

"Causal Diagrams: A tool to better understand results from epidemiological and machine learning analyses" presented by Associate Professor Ian Shrier, McGill University - 10.30 am - 11.30 pm, Tuesday, 21 February, 2023.

SCC workshop

"Introduction to Mixed Modelling with R Workshop" presented by Dr Brad Wakefield - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm, Wednesday, 7 December, 2022.

The 2022 Statistical Science Lecture

"On Learning-Aware Mechanism Design" presented by Michael I. Jordan Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor in Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Professor of Statistics - 11.00 am, Thursday, 17 November, 2022.

SCC/CHSA workshop

"Introduction to Data Science & Machine Learning for Health and Social Sciences workshop ONLINE" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham, Professor Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, Dr Brad Wakefield - 9.30 am - 1.30 pm, Monday 14 - Wednesday 16 November, 2022.

Data & Decision Science Network meeting

"Teaching Programming & Modelling to First-Year Undergraduates: Tips and Lessons Learned" presented by Associate Professor Jenny Fisher, University of Wollongong - 11.30 am - 12.30 pm, Thursday, 27 October, 2022.

A Joint NIASRA-SEALS Seminar

Dr Michael Bertolacci, from the Centre for Environmental Informatics, NIASRA, gave a presentation “A shifting carbon cycle: Hunting for changes in ecosystems' emission and absorption of CO2” during Global Climate Change Week (GCCW) 2022 - 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm, Friday 14 October, 2022.

Welcome to 2022 Global Climate Change Week: Planet-Positive Partnerships

Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie gave a presentation on the 2022 Global Climate Change Week opening “Welcome to 2022 Global Climate Change Week: Planet-Positive Partnerships” - 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm, Tuesday 11 October, 2022.

SCC short course

"Introduction to R and RStudio workshop Online" presented by Dr Brad Wakefield and Professor Marijka Batterham, NIASRA, UOW - 12.30 pm - 3.30 pm, Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 October, 2022.

SCC/CHSA short course

"Introduction To Data Science & Machine Learning" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham, Professor Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, Dr Brad Wakefield - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm, Tuesday 19 & Wednesday 20 July, 2022.

A joint presentation of the Data & Decision Science Network & the Illawarra Shoalhaven Epidemiology & Biostatistics Network

"Linked Sensitive Data - a Beginners Guide" presented by Dr Felicity Flack, Population Health Research Network - 11.00 am - 12.30 pm, Tuesday, 31 May, 2022.

SCC short courses workshop

"Introduction to R and RStudio workshop" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham and Brad Wakefield, NIASRA, UOW - 10.00 am - 3.30 pm, Tuesday, 3 May, 2022.

"Introduction to Jamovi Workshop" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham and Brad Wakefield, NIASRA, UOW - 10.00 am - 3.30 pm, Tuesday, 10 May, 2022.

"Introduction to IBM® SPSS® statistics workshop" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham and Brad Wakefield, NIASRA, UOW - 10.00 am - 3.30 pm, Monday, 23 May, 2022.

The fifth themed meeting of the Data and Decision Science Network

"Transparency and reproducibility for quantitative research: Like the Layers of an Onion" presented by Professor Ben Marwick, University of Washington - 10.00 am - 11.30 am, Friday, 29 April, 2022.

The fourth themed meeting of the Data and Decision Science Network

"Which stats package should I use?" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham, Brad Wakefield and Professor Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, NIASRA, UOW - 11.30 am - 1.00 pm, Tuesday, 22 March, 2022.


NIASRA members gave a series of presentations, invited talks, and a mini tutorial at the 2021 Australian and New Zealand Statistical Conference (ANZSC) and OZCOTS from 3-7 July 2021, with the highlight of the Conference’s Moran Lecture given by Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie:

1. Invited Session - Spatial models for complex environmental problems

"WOMBAT: a fully Bayesian global flux-inversion framework" presented by Dr Michael Bertolacci - 1.30 pm, Monday, 5 July, 2021.

2. Mini Tutorial

"Defensive programming: how to help shield your code from error" presented by Dr Michael Bertolacci - 11.00 am, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.

3. Presentations in various sessions

  • Session - Time Series Analysis
    • "AdaptSPEC-X: a spectral method for handling spatially-dependent nonstationarity" presented by Dr Michael Bertolacci - 1.30 pm, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
  • Session - Environmental Statistics
    • "Modelling nonstationary and asymmetric multivariate spatial covariances via deformations" presented by Mr Quan Vu - 11.00 am, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
    • "Statistical inference with non-Gaussian spatial and spatio-temporal data using the software package FRK" presented by Mr Matthew Sainsbury-Dale - 11.30 am, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
    • "Spatial prediction of column-averaged carbon dioxide over the globe" presented by Mr Josh Jacobson - 12.00 pm, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
    • "Pseudo-Bayesian optimal and adaptive sampling designs for stream networks with the R package SSNdesign" presented by Mr Alan Pearse - 1.45 pm, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
    • "Emulation of Lagrangian particle dispersion model sensitivities using a convolutional variational autoencoder" presented by Ms Laura Cartwright - 2.00 pm, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
  • Session - Statistical Theory and Methods
    • "Optimal spatial prediction for positive spatial processes using power-divergence loss functions" presented by Mr Alan Pearse - 11.45 am, Tuesday, 6 July, 2021.
  • Session - Modelling
    • "Non-homogeneous Poisson process intensity modeling and estimation using measure transport" presented by Dr Andrew Zammit-Mangion - 1.30 pm, Wednesday, 7 July, 2021.

4. Moran Lecture

"SUPE-ANOVA: Intercomparison of global geophysical models" presented by Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie - 9.45 am, Wednesday, 7 July, 2021. (twitter)

5. The 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS)

  • "Relationship between statistics anxiety and final marks in introductory biostatistics in undergraduate health sciences students" presented by Professor Marijka Batterham - 11.45 am, Thursday, 8 July, 2021.
  • "Assessment randomisation in statistics and related disciplines" presented by Dr Andrew Zammit-Mangion - 1.45 pm, Friday, 9 July, 2021.

The first themed meeting of the Data and Decision Science Network

"Elegant graphics for data analysis with R" presented by Dr Emi Tanaka - 11.30 am - 1.00 pm, Thursday, 2 September, 2021.

The second themed meeting of the Data and Decision Science Network

"Machine Learning Taster" presented by Professor Alberto Nettel-Aguirre - 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm, Thursday, 7 October, 2021.

The 2021 Statistical Science Lecture

"Saving Medical Dollars, Trillions at a Time: A Statistical Perspective" presented by Scott L. Zeger, John C. Malone Professor of Biostatistics and Medicine - 10.45 am, Wednesday, 3 November, 2021.

The third themed meeting of the Data and Decision Science Network

12.00 pm - 1.30 pm, Wednesday, 10 November, 2021.

2021 SSA Canberra Knibbs Lecture

"Perspectives on sample surveys" presented by Professor David Steel, Director of the Centre for Sample Survey Methodology, NIASRA, UOW - 5.45 pm - 7 pm, Tuesday, 30 November 2021.

The 22nd J.B. Douglas Awards and Annual Lecture 2021

"Modelling Antarctica elevation change using nonstationary spatio-temporal covariances" presented by Quan Vu, NIASRA, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, UOW - 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm, Thursday, 9 December 2021.

Statistical Science Lecture, presented by Professor Sally Cripps. Wollongong, 18 November 2020.

The G38 Research Fellows Meeting will be held at the Goulburn Soldiers Club on 1 April 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
Please email Angela Fiakos on angelan@uow.edu.au to register your interest and to receive further information about future Research Fellows Meetings. 

Stats Week 2020, Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 February 2020.

Research Fellows MeetingGoulburn, 20 November 2019. 

Statistical Design and Analysis for Data Science Workshoppresented with our ASEARC partners. Sydney, 7 November 2019. 

Statistical Science Lecture, presented by Distinguished Professor Peter Diggle. Wollongong, 6 November 2019. 

Climate-change research in UOW's Centre for Environmental Informatics, presented by Dr Michael Bertolacci, Dr Andrew Zammit Mangion, Professor Noel Cressie (and Bohai Zhang). Climate-Change Week, 17 October, 2019.

Randomization, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Methods in Biology Workshoppresented by Professor Bryan Manly. Wollongong, 3 October 2019.

Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R Short Course, presented by Noel Cressie and Andrew Zammit Mangion. Sydney, 29-30 April 2019.

Research Fellows Meeting, Goulburn, 3 April 2019.

Stats Week 2019, Monday 4 to Thursday 7 February 2019.

Multilevel Modelling in R Short Course, presented by Mark Tranmer (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK). Wollongong, 23 November 2018

Prof Ray Chambers: Nudging a Pseudo-Science Towards a Science, NSW Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia Annual Lecture 6.00pm Wednesday 28 November, UTS Function Centre, Sydney.

Statistical Science Lecture, presented by Dr Renate Meyer. Wollongong, 31 October 2018.

SAGI Symposium, Wollongong, 8-9 August 2018.

Symposium on Bioinformatics and Biometrics for Plant Breeding Programs. Wollongong, 25-26 July 2018.

High-Dimensional Data Analysis Short Course, presented by Olivier Thas. Wollongong, 5-6 February 2018.

International Conference on Robust Statistics, Wollongong, 3-7 July 2017.

Past seminars

Thursday, 17 November, 10:45 for 11:00 start, Building 43, Room G01 and Zoom. Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley

On Learning-Aware Mechanism Design

Friday, 11 November, 14:00, Building 8 Room G24 Professor Stephen Haslett, Massey University, New Zealand

Equality of BLUEs for Full, Small, and Intermediate Linear Models under Covariance Change, with links to Data Confidentiality and Encryption

Friday, 28 October, 14:00, Building 3 Room 122 and Zoom Professor Maurizio Filippone, Chair of Computational Statistics at EURECOM, France

Functional Priors for Bayesian Deep Learning

Thursday, 27 October, 11:30, Zoom (A Joint NIASRA and DDSN seminar) Associate Professor Jenny Fisher, University of Wollongong

Teaching Programming & Modelling to First-Year Undergraduates: Tips and Lessons Learned

Friday, 21 October, 14:00, Zoom Dr Mohamad Khaled, University of Queensland

Rank-based conditional measures of inequality under complex sampling designs (joint with Paul Makdissi and Myra Yazbeck, University of Ottawa)

Friday, 14 October, 13:30, Building 20 Room 5 and Zoom Dr Michael Bertolacci, Centre for Environmental Informatics, NIASRA, University of Wollongong

A shifting carbon cycle: Hunting for changes in ecosystems' emission and absorption of CO2

Friday, 16 September, 14:00 Dr Pavel Krupskiy, University of Melbourne

Modeling Spatial Tail Dependence with Cauchy Convolution Processes

Friday, 2 September, 14:00  Dr Pauline O’Shaughnessy, University of Wollongong

SSP Report and a talk on the applications of Multivariate Moment-Based Density Estimation

Friday, 26 August, 14:00 Professor Sefa Awaworyi Churchill, School of Economics, Finance, and Marketing, RMIT University, Australia

Local Area Crime and Energy Poverty

Friday, 12 August, 14:00 (reschedule) Dr Lauren Kennedy, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Combining multiple survey frames with multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP)

Friday, 6 May, 14:00 Mo Namazi, TPG Telecom AI/ML-driven automation systems and Data Products in Telecommunications Industry
Friday, 29 April, 10:00 Professor Ben Marwick, University of Washington Transparency and reproducibility for quantitative research: Like the Layers of an Onion
Friday, 1 April, 14:00 Professor Eric Beh, Honorary Professor of Statistics with the School of Information and Physical Science, Honorary Professorial Fellow with NIASRA and Extraordinary Professor of Statistics at Stellenbosch University, South Africa On the biplot for contingency tables with ordinal variables: features of the configuration obtained using orthogonal polynomials generated from Emerson’s recurrence formulae
Friday, 4 March, 14:00 Dr Matt Moore, University of Wollongong The Annealed Leap-Point MCMC Sampler (ALPS) for multi-modal posterior distributions
Date Presenter Topic
Friday, 3 December, 14:00, Zoom

Quan Vu, University of Wollongong

Modelling Antarctica Elevation Change Using Nonstationary Spatio-Temporal Covariances

Friday, 22 October, 14:00, Zoom

Dr Bryson Bates, CSIRO Honorary Fellow and currently holds Adjunct Professorships at the University of Western Australia and the University of Adelaide

Discerning the influence of climate variability modes, regional weather features and time series persistence on streamflow using Bayesian networks

Friday, 27 August, 14:00, Zoom

Dr Beverley Gogel, University of Wollongong

Comparison of tensor product penalised-splines and autoregressive processes for modelling the smooth trend effects in plant breeding field trials
Friday, 13 August, 16:30, Zoom

Dr James Ng, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Mixture of normalizing flows for spherical density estimation
Friday, 30 July, 11:30, Zoom

Professor Robert Deardon, University of Calgary

Fast parameterization of spatial epidemic models: let’s emulate
Friday, 2 July, 11:00, Zoom

Senior Professor David Steel, University of Wollongong

Sample design for analysis using high influence probability sampling
Friday, 4 June, 14:00, Zoom

Dr Luca Maestrini, University of Technology Sydney

Variational approximations for random effect and latent variable models
Friday, 21 May, 14:00, Zoom

Dr Leah South, Queensland University of Technology 

Monte Carlo variance reduction using Stein operators
Friday, 14 May, 16:00, Zoom

Consulting statistician Jonathan Rougier 

Estimating volume from point-referenced thickness measurements
Friday, 30 April, 14:00, Zoom

Honorary professorial fellow, Siu-Ming, University of Wollongong

On removing the linkage bias from integrated data sets for analytic inference
Friday, 16 April, 14:00, Zoom

Professor Han Lin Shang, Macquarie University

Bootstrap rediction bands for functional time series
Friday, 9 April, 14:00, Zoom

Dr David Gunawan, University of Wollongong

Posterior probabilities for Lorenz and stochastic dominance of Australian income distributions
Friday, 19 March, 14:00, Zoom

Chris Lisle, University of Wollongong

A new diagnostic to assess information available for variance parameter estimation in Multi-Environment Trial (MET) analyses
Friday, 12 March, 14:00, Zoom

Dr Stephanie Clark, University of Technology Sydney

Multiple time series analysis with unsupervised and supervised machine learning: Groundwater level patterns in the Namoi region of NSW




Friday, 27 November, 14:00, Zoom Dr Thomas Suesse, University of Wollongong Controlling the coverage of inner and uuter exceedance sets by controlling the k-FWER
Friday, 30 October, 14:00, Zoom Professor Chris Drovandi, Queensland University of Technology To summarise or not to summarise: A comparison of likelihood-free methods with and without summary statistics
Friday, 16 October, 14:00, Zoom Dr Michael Bertolacci, University of Wollongong WOMBAT: a hierarchical Bayesian framework for flux inversion with remote sensing data
Friday, 18 September, 14:00, Zoom Yue Ma, University of Wollongong Protecting extreme values in business data under multiplicative noise masking scheme
Dr Pauline O'Shaughnessy, University of Wollongong On masking and releasing smart meter data at micro-level: the multiplicative noise approach
Friday, 4 September, 14:00, Zoom Quan Vu, University of Wollongong Modelling nonstationary and asymmetric multivariate spatial covariances via deformations
Friday, 28 August, 14:00, Zoom Dr Reza Hajargasht, Swinburne University of Technology Fifty years on: can spatial chaining improve international comparisons of living standards?
Friday, 14 August, 14:00, Zoom  Dr Khue-Dung Dang, University of Technology Sydney Subsampling sequential Monte Carlo for static Bayesian models
Monday, 24 February,13:30, room 6.210.208 Professor James Brown, University of Technology Sydney Utilising alternative data sources as auxiliary information in survey estimation; re-thinking established tools in the big data environment
Tuesday, 18 February,10:00, room 39A.208 Kieren Brodnik and Aidan McGarty, CBB summer scholars Re-analysis of an oat NVT trial to understand linear mixed models and examine generalised inverses
Thursday,13 February, 10:30, room 6.210 Dr Mark Brewer,Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland,The James Hutton Institute Model selection and the cult of AIC
Monday, 20 January, 13:30, room 6.210 Associate Professor Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, University of Calgary A biostatistician’s navigation through a world of health and social sciences research
Tuesday, 14 January, 14:00, room 6.210 Associate Professor Robin Turner, University of Otago Designing randomised trials to estimate the benefits and harms of patient choice of treatment
Friday, 29 November, 14:00, room 39A 208 A/Prof Lassi Roininen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Posterior inference for sparse hierarchical non-stationary models
Tuesday, 22 October, 14:30, room 39A.208 Roman Marchant, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Translational Data Science, University of Sydney Bayesian optimisation for decision making in spatial-temporal processes
Thursday, 17 October, 13:30, room 67.101 Michael Bertolacci, Andrew Zammit Mangion, Noel Cressie (and Bohai Zhang), NIASRA, SMAS, UOW Climate-change research in UOW's Centre for Environmental Informatics
Thursday, 10 October, 13:30, room 1.G05 Rune Christiansen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen Using space as an anchor: causality meets spatial data
Friday, 4 October, 11:00, room 4.G31 Bryan Manly, Manly Biostatistics Ltd, Dunedin, New Zealand Statistical Consulting in the USA: Marine Mammals, Birds and Fish in and Around Water and a Little Bit of Medical Research
Thursday, 12 September, 2:30pm, room 39A.208 Bradley Wakefield, NIASRA, SMAS, UOW A general framework for measuring disclosure of protected micro-level data
Wednesday 4 September, 1:30pm, room 39C.174 Senior Research Scientist Dan Pagendam, CSIRO Data61 Statistical Modelling to Support Mosquito Biocontrol Programs
Monday, 22 July, 2.30pm, room 6.210 Associate Professor Daniel Simpson, University of Toronto
Sometimes having a continuous interpretation is useful. Sometimes it isn't. A story about Gaussian random fields
Wednesday, 10 July, 10:30am, room 39A.208 Valeria Paccapelo, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries QLD
A whole genome QTL analysis for NAM populations
Friday, 5 July, 2:30pm, room 39A.208
Dr Brenda Vo, University of New England
Statistical inference for agent based models in cell biology
Friday, 14 June, 10:00am, room 39A.208 Professor Murray Aitkin, University of Melbourne
Statistical modelling education for Data Science
Thursday, 13 June, 2:30pm, room 39A.208 Dr Michael Betancourt, Symplectomorphic, LLC
Scalable Bayesian Inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Thursday, 13 June, 2.30pm, room 39A.208 Professor Murray Aitkin, University of Melbourne
An alternative measure of income inequality over successive surveys
Thursday 28 March, 2:30pm, room 39A.208 Dr Matt Moore, University of Wollongong R package ‘bayesImageS’: a case study in Bayesian computation using Rcpp and OpenMP
Tuesday 19 March, 2:30pm, room 6.210 Dr Michael David, University of Newcastle A preventative approach for minimising the impact of attrition in longitudinal studies
Wednesday 20 February, 1:30pm, room 4.G31 Dr Michael Betancourt, Symplectomorphic, LLC Scalable Bayesian Inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Wednesday 13 February, 9:30am, room 39A.208 William Gross, University of Wollongong Using Population Groups for Replicate Variance Estimation
Tuesday 12 February, 2:30pm, room 39A.208 Professor Irene Hudson, Swinburne University of Technology Multidisciplinary research with impact: the integration of statistics and data science in research
Monday 11 February, 2:30pm, room 39A.208 Professor Andrew Wood, University of Nottingham Regression modelling using the scaled von Mises-Fisher distribution: an example of manifold-valued response data
Wednesday 6 February, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 Olivier Thas, I-Biostat, Hasselt University, Belgium
Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Ghent University, Belgium
NIASRA, University of Wollongong, Australia

Leyla Kodalci, Hasselt University
A semiparametric model for compositional data with applications to RNASeq and microbiome studies
Monday 10 December, 1:30pm, room 4.G31 Dr Tom Stindl, UNSW Sydney Direct Likelihood Evaluation for the Renewal Hawkes Process
Wednesday 5 December, 11:00am, room 39A.208 Associate Professor Mirko Draca, University of Warwick​

Carlo Schwarz, University of Warwick​
How Polarised are Citizens? Measuring Ideology from the Ground Up
Thursday 15 November, 11:30am, room 6.210 Victoria Leaver, Assistant Director, Advanced Modelling & Optimisation, Methodology Division, Australian Bureau of Statistics Comparison of likelihood-based methods for size-biased sampling
Thursday 9 November, 11:30am, room 4.G31 Dr Tao Zou, ANU Covariance Regression Model for Non-Normal Data
Thursday 27 September, 11:30am, room 3.122 Dr Petra Kuhnert, Data61, CSRIO The Provision and Utility of Science to Decision-Makers in the Face of Uncertainty
Monday 17 September, 1:30pm, room 1.G04 Dr Gordana Popovic, Research Associate in Statistics, University of New South Wales Covariance modelling and inference for multivariate discrete data in ecology
Thursday 6 September, 1:30pm, room 3.122 Dr Hsin-Cheng Huang, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica Spatial Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter in Taiwan
Friday 24 August, 11:30am, room 6.210 AProf Michael Schweinberger, Department of Statistics, Rice University, U.S.A. High-dimensional multivariate time series with spatial structure
Wednesday 22 August, 11:30am, room 3.123 Prof Alan T. Murray, Department of Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara Observed Spatial Clustering
Thursday 16 August, 1:30pm, room 3.123 Dr Liuhua Peng, Lecturer in Statistics, University of Melbourne Distributed Statistical Inference for Massive Data
Thursday 9 August, 1pm, room 1.G03 Ms Helani Kottage Multiple imputation (MI) for handling the problem of missingness in categorical variables
Tuesday 17 July, 11:30am, room 6.210 Dr Linda Tan, Assistant professor, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore Topic-Adjusted Visibility Metric for Scientific Articles
Wednesday 27 June, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Prof Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong Atmospheric carbon and the statistical science of measuring, mapping, and uncertainty quantification
Wednesday 13 June, 1:30pm, room 6.210 Ray Chambers, University of Wollongong Domain Estimation Under Informative Linkage
Wednesday 6 June, 9:30am, room 39A.208 Mossamet Nesa, University of Wollongong Fay-Herriot estimators
Wednesday 7 February, 11:30am, room 4.G31 Conjoint Professor John Rayner, University of Newcastle Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit for Extended GLMs
Friday 2 February, 11:30am, room 4.G31

Roberto Benedetti, Department of Economic Studies, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Federica Piersimoni, Istat, Directorate for Methodology and Statistical Process Design, Italy

Identifying spatial regimes in environmental and ecological models
Tuesday 12 December, 1:30pm, room 8.G25 Assoc. Prof. David Nott, ​Associate Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore, Singapore Gaussian variational approximation with structured covariance matrices
Tuesday 5 December, 1:30pm, room 8.G25 Dr. Bohai Zhang, ​Research fellow, Centre for Environmental Informatics, NIASRA, University of Wollongong Smoothed Full-Scale Approximation of Gaussian Process Models for Computation of Large Spatial Datasets
Wednesday 8 November, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 Prof. Paul Clarke, ​Professor of Social Statistics, Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex, UK Panel-data modelling using structural mean models
Friday 6 October, 12:30pm, room 6.210 Mr. Patrick McDermott, ​Department of Statistics, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Dynamical Machine Learning Models for Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Processes
Wednesday 27 September, 1:30pm, room 15.206 Dr. Hassan Doosti, ​Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Statistics, Macquarie University Nonparametric tilted density function estimation
Wednesday 20 September, 1:30pm, room 19.1056 Dr. Thomas Fung, ​Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Statistics, Macquarie University Semiparametric generalized linear models for time-series data
Wednesday 13 September, 1:30pm, room 4.G31 Dr. Thomas Suesse, Senior lecturer in Statistics, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Assessing the Fit of Finite Mixture Distributions
Wednesday 30 August, 1:30pm, room 4.G31 Dr. Pauline O'Shaughnessy, ​Lecturer in Statistics, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Bootstrapping longitudinal data with multiple levels of variation
Thursday 8 June, 1:30pm, room 8.G25 Dr. Yanan Fan, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Australia Quantile pyramids for simultaneous quantile regression
Thursday 1 June, 1:30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. Andrew Zammit Mangion, Senior Lecturer, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), University of Wollongong Sparse approximate inference for spatio-temporal point process models with application to armed conflict
Thursday 18 May, 1:30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. Jakub Stoklosa, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Australia A Generalized Estimating Equation approach to Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline
Thursday 11 May, 1:30pm, room 6.210 Dr. Francis Hui, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University Teaching an old dog new tricks: Joint selection in mixed models using regularized PQL
Thursday 4 May, 1:30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. Walt Davis, NIASRA, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Causal Analysis in Social Research
Thursday 13 April, 1:30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. John Ormerod, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Australia Bayesian hypothesis tests with diffuse priors: Can we have our cake and eat it too?
Thursday 23 March, 1:30pm, room 4.G31 A/Prof. Olivier Thas, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Belgium
NIASRA, University of Wollongong, Australia
Estimation in the Probabilistic Index Model
Tuesday 21 March, 1:30pm, room 19.G026 Prof. John Rayner, NIASRA, University of Wollongong
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Australia
New Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel Results
Friday 24 February, 11:00am, room 6.210 Prof. Alfred Stein, Institute of Statistical Science, Professor in Spatial Statistics and Image Analysis University of Twente, the Netherlands Objects as subjects: modeling the uncertainty in spatial big data
Tuesday 29 November, 1.30pm, room 1.G04 Dr. Hsin-Cheng Huang, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica Multi-Resolution Spatial Random-Effects Models for Automatic Fixed-Rank Kriging
Thursday 10 November, 1.30pm, room 8.G25 Dr. Robert G. Aykroyd, Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds
Visiting Fellow, University of Technology Sydney
A statistician’s perspective on inverse problems in medicine, archaeology, and industrial process engineering
Wednesday 26 October, 1.30pm, room 25.G05 Mr. Luke Mazur, Centre for Bioinformatics and Biometrics (CBB), National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Equivalence of Cholesky Factorization and Absorption
Wednesday 19 October, 1.30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. Martin Tingley, Senior Research Analyst, Insurance Australia Group Insurance applications of the 0-1-inflated beta distributions
Wednesday 5 October, 1.30pm, room 1.G05 A/Prof. Robert Clark, Director, Centre for Sample Survey Methodology, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Generalised Linear Models Under Response Dependent Sampling
Wednesday 14 September, 1.30pm, room 3.122 Dr. Emi Tanaka, Research Fellow, Centre of Bioinformatics and Biometrics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong How statistics feeds us – applied statistics in agriculture
Thursday 25 August, 3.00pm, room 6.210 A/Prof. Olivier Thas, Associate Professor in Statistics, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics, and Process Control, Ghent University
Associate Professor in Statistics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong
The Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data
Monday 4 July, 2.30pm, room 6.210 Dr. Wesley Brooks, Research Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales Fast variational estimation of a Cox process model for spatial point patterns using spatial random effects
Wednesday 1 June, 2.30pm, room 1.G03 Dr. David Clifford, Director of Science, Climate Corporation From the ground up: Data science to agronomic insights
Wednesday 25 May, 2.30pm, room 1.G01 Dr. Ben Marwick, Senior Research Scientist, School of Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Wollongong
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle
Computational reproducibility in research and teaching: A case study from archaeology
Wednesday 4 May, 2.30pm, room 1.G01 Prof. Noel Cressie, Distinguished Professor, Director of Centre for Environmental Informatics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Predictive Inference for Big, Spatial, Non-Gaussian Data: MODIS Cloud Data and its Change-of-Support
Wednesday 20 April, 2.30pm, room 6.102 Dr. Shuvo Bakar, Lecturer, Centre for Social Research and Methods, College of Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University A Bayesian Spatial Model for Small Area Estimation
Wednesday 13 April, 2.30pm, room 1.G01 Mr. James Dawber, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Method of moments approach to nuisance scale estimation for Huber M-quantiles
Wednesday 6 April, 2.30pm, room 1.G05 Dr. Cécile Hardouin, Maître de Conférences, Team MODAL’X, Université Paris Ouest Misparametrisation Subsets for Penalised Least Squares Model Selection
Wednesday 30 March, 2.30pm, room 1.G03 Dr. Thomas Suesse, Senior Lecturer, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Econometric Models under the Presence of Missing Data
Thursday 3 March, 2.30pm, room 4.G31 Associate Professor Eun-Hye Enki Yoo, Department of Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo A geospatial approach to air pollution exposure assessment
Thursday 11 February, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 Prof. David Balding, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne Statistical evaluation of DNA evidence in criminal casework
Monday 8 February, 1.30pm, room 15.206 Prof. Martina Morris, Professor of Sociology and Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle Identifying Network Effects in Infectious Disease Dynamics
Thursday 28 January, 1.30pm, room 6.102 Dr. Mark Tanmer, Social Sciences, University of Manchester (UK), Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow (UK) What Is The Relational Event Model (REM)?
Tuesday 17 November, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 Mr. Sumonkanti Das, PhD Research Student of Statistics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Robust Poverty Mapping Inference
Tuesday 10 November, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 A/Prof. Samuel Mueller, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney A multi-step classifier identifies cohort heterogeneity in cancers leading to improved accuracy of prognostic biomarkers
Tuesday 27 October, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 A/Prof. Robert Clark, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, University of Wollongong An Evaluation of Alternative Weightings for Analysis of a Complex Cross-Sectional Health Survey /
Sampling Minorities in New Zealand Using a Combination of Imperfect Strategies
Tuesday 20 October, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 Dr. Pamela Campanelli, Survey Methods Consultant, UK Chartered Statistician and Chartered Scientist Mixed Modes of Survey Data Collection and Measurement Error
Tuesday 13 October, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 Dr. Craig Anderson, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney Identifying Boundaries in Spatial Modelling
Tuesday 6 October, 2.30pm, room 8.G25 Prof. Raymond Chambers, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), University of Wollongong Inference about small area distributions using area level tabulations
Tuesday 15 September, 2.30pm, room 1.G04 Dr. Janice Scealy, Lecturer, Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Applied Statistics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University Robust principal component analysis for power transformed compositional data
Tuesday 8 September, 2.30pm, room 4.G31 Dr. Bohai Zhang, Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Informatics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Full scale multi-output Gaussian process emulator with nonseparable auto-covariance functions
Thursday 3 September, 1.30pm, room 6.102 Dr. Zhiqiang Feng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography & Sustainable Development, University of St. Andrews Back-Casting Small Area Deprivation Indicators for Linking to Cohort Studies
Wednesday 18 June, 1.30pm, room 6.210 Associate Professor Olivier Thas, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics, and Process Control, Ghent University Tests for interaction in two-way layouts
Thursday 28 May, 1.30pm, room 4.G31 Professor Raymond Chambers, Director, Centre for Sample Survey Methodology, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong Efficient Sampling in Higher Dimensions
Thursday 21 May, 11.30am, room 1.G04 Assistant Professor Ivor Cribben, Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta Estimating dynamic graphical models with applications to brain imaging data
Thursday 14 May, 1.30pm, room 4.G31 Associate Professor Yan-Xia Lin, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Generating Synthetic Data based on Noise Multiplied Data
Thursday 30 April, 1.30pm, room 6.210 Professor Raymond Chambers, Director, Centre for Sample Survey Methodology, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong Efficient Sampling in Higher Dimensions
Dr. Thomas Suesse, Senior Lecturer, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong New Network Modelling Strategies and Applications to Surveys and Health
Thursday 23 April, 1.30pm, room 3.122 Professor David Steel, Director, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong Maximising the value of survey data through cost-efficient sample designs for analysis
Tuesday 14 April, 1.30pm, room 4.G31 Dr. Sandy Burden, Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Informatics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Simultaneous Inference from Simulation Experiments: Figures of Merit
Thursday 9 April, 1.30pm, room 6.210 Professor Louise Ryan, Distinguished Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences and Advanced Analytics Institute UTS, Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics Harvard School of Public Health Spatio-temporal modelling of health data: Challenges and opportunities
Tuesday 24 March, 1.30pm, room 1.G05 Professor Alan Welsh, Mathematical Sciences Institute, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University “Magnitude based-inference”: A statistical review
Thursday 29 January, 1.30pm, room 6.210 Professor Dani Gamerman, Professor of Statistics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Point pattern analysis with spatially varying covariate effects, applied to the study of cerebrovascular deaths
Friday 23 January, 11.30am, room 4.G31 Associate Professor Olivier Thas, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control Ghent University and University of Wollongong Increasing the power of the Mann-Whitney test in randomised experiments through flexible covariate adjustment
Monday 24 November, 12.30pm, room 41.202 Dr. Ahmad Rabiee, Cow Signals Australia Application of meta-analysis and systematic reviews in veterinary science
Friday 14 November, 1.30pm, room 8.G25 Associate Professor Robert Clark, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong Sampling the Maori Population In New Zealand Using Imprecise Design Data
Thursday 6 November, 2.30pm, room 15.206 Assistant Professor Edward Cripps, School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Western Australia Flexible Clustering of Longitudinal Trajectories with Applications in Psychology
Wednesday 5 November, 2.30pm, room 15.206 Professor Bimal Sinha, Board of Regents Professor of the University System of Maryland Research Mathematical Statistician, US Census Bureau Some Aspects of Data Analysis under Confidentiality Protection
Thursday 23 October, 1.30pm, room 3.123 Nicholas I. Fisher, University of Sydney and ValuMetrics Australia Measuring Research Quality: Approaches and Issues
Monday 13 October, 2.30pm, room 4.G31 Professor Pierre Del Moral, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of New South Wales Stochastic particle methods in Bayesian statistical learning
Thursday 9 October, 1.30pm, room 3.123 Dr. Andrew Zammit Mangion, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Informatics, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia (NIASRA), University of Wollongong Sparse linear algebraic methods and MPI with spatio-temporal models
Friday 3 October, 1.30pm, room 6.210 (SMART) Dr. Grace Chiu Senior Research Scientist Digital Productivity Flagship CSIRO Assessment and prediction of ecosystem health as model parameters at multiple spatial scales across Australia's Murray-Darling Basin
Thursday 18 September, 1.30pm, room 3.123 Prof. Raymond Chambers, University of Wollongong Survey sampling in official statistics — some thoughts on directions
Thursday 28 August, 1.30pm, room 1.G02 Dr. Justin Rory Wishart, University of New South Wales Data-driven optimal thresholds and resolution selection methods in multichannel wavelet deconvolution with long memory
Thursday 19 June, 1.30pm, room 6.210 (SMART) Dr. Ian Renner, University of Newcastle Advances in Presence-only Methods in Ecology
Thursday 12 June, 1.30pm, room 6.210 (SMART) Associate Professor Anne Porter, Associate Professor Annette Worthy, Doctor Carole Birrell, Miss Bothaina Bukhatwa, University of Wollongong Opportunities for research, teaching and learning in Indonesia
Tuesday 3 June, 1.30pm, room 8.G25 Prof. Chris Wikle, University of Missouri Feature Space Reduction via Dimension Expansion of High-Dimensional Functional Covariates for Prediction
Thursday 29 May, 1.30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Prof. William T.M. Dunsmuir, University of New South Wales Random Effects Regression in Multiple Independent Discrete Valued Time Series
Thursday 8 May, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Dr. Payam Mokhtarian, University of Wollongong On Outlier-Robust Prediction of The Empirical Distribution Function
Thursday 17 April, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Dr. Emi Tanaka, University of Wollongong Improving the Utility of Motif Finders
Thursday 10 April, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Dr. Pavel N. Krivitsky, University of Wollongong Inference for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models based on Egocentrically-Sampled Data
Thursday 20 March, 1:30pm, room 32.G01 (IHMRI) Dr. John Ormerod, University of Sydney Collapsed Variational Bayes for Model Selection
Thursday 6 March, 1:30pm, room 1.G02 Dr. Mark Berman, CSIRO Sydney Some Statistical Problems in Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
Thursday 27 February, 1:30pm, room 6.210 Professor Neville Weber, University of Sydney U-statistics, Trimming and a Robust Measure of Spread based on U-quantiles
Date Presenter Topic
Wednesday 9 January, 3.30-4.30, room 15.113 Dr Pavel Krivitsky, Penn State University,  USA Modeling Dynamic Networks in Changing Populations based on Static Egocentrically-Sampled Data
Thursday 17 January, 11.30- 12.30, room 15.113 A/Prof Olivier Thas, Ghent University, Belgium Semiparametric rank tests: a new perspective on an old class of tests and a gateway to new rank tests
Thursday 21 February, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 A/Prof Robert Tanton, NATSEM University of Canberra Small area estimation using spatial microsimulation: Methods, Validation and Results
Thursday 28 February, 11.30-12.30, room 35.G20 Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong Sixty-year climate-change projections over North America
Thursday 7 March, 11.30-12.30, room 1.G03 Dr Mark Fielding, DHI Water and Environment Extreme Value Analysis for Worldwide Rainfalls
Thursday 14 March, 11.30-12.30, room 4.G31 Maman Fathurrohman, PhD candidate, University of Wollongong Meta-development of Resources and Learning Designs: Providing ICT-based Tools for Use by Mathematics Teachers
Thursday 19 March, 11.30-12.30, room 35.G45 Prof. David Balding, Institute of Genetics, University College London Analysis of Low-Copy Number Forensic DNA Profiles
Thursday 4 April, 11.30-12.30, room 35.G45 Prof. Pascal Perez, University of Wollongong TransMob: A micro-simulation model for integrated transport and urban planning
Thursday 2 May, 2.30-3.30, room 6.210 (TBC) A/Prof. Stephane Heritier, The George Institute for Global Health Efficient penalised likelihood estimation for the Cox model
Thursday 9 May, 11.30-12.30, room 24.201 Dr James Chipperfield, Australian Bureau of Statistics and UoW Disclosure-Protected Inference with Linked Micro-data using a Remote Analysis Server
Thursday 16 May, 11.30-12.30, room 24.G02 Dr Lawrence Murray, CSIRO Environmental applications of particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
Thursday 23 May, 11.30-12.30, room 24.G02 Prof. Ray Chambers, University of Wollongong Using Social Network Information for Survey Estimation
Thursday 6 June, 11.30-12.30, room 24.201 Dr Zamalia Mahmud, NIASRA Visiting Fellow Exploring students's learning ability in a statistical coures via entrance-exit survey: a Rasch measurement approach
Thursday 13 June, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 Prof. Matthias Schonlau, University of Waterloo, Canada Semi-automated categorization of open-ended questions
Thursday 20 June, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 A/Prof. Olivier Thas, Ghent University , Belgium Principal Bi-correlation Analysis: A new multivariate data analysis method for the integration of three data sources, with applications in early drug development
 Friday 28 June, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 Dr Thomas Suesse, University of Wollongong  Modelling Strategies for Repeated Multiple Response Data
Thursday 4 July, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 Dr John Maindonald, Australian National University The Task of the Applied Statistician--how is it Different in 2013?
Thursday 18 July, 11.30-12.30, room 32G01 Dr Sara Taskinen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Robust multivariate methods with an application to allometry
Tuesday 23 July, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 Walter Davis, University of Wollongong Instrumental variable identification of factor analysis models with complex structures
Thursday 25 July, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 Dr Gunky Kim, University of Wollongong Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression with Auxiliary Information for Probabilistically Linked Data 
Thursday 8 August, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 A/Prof. Shelton Peiris, University of Sydney Modelling and Forecasting with Logarithmic Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models: A Comparative Study with an Application
Thursday 15 August, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 A/Prof. David Warton, University of New South Wales New applications of the probability integral transform in diagnostics and resampling
Monday 2 September, 11.30-12.30, room 24.202 A/Prof. Alison Smith, University of Wollongong Increasing the profitability of the Australian grains industry through the provision of more accurate wheat grain quality information
Friday 11 October, 11.30-12.30, room 32.G01 Prof. Suojin Wang, Texas A&M University A new nonparametric stationarity test of time series in time domain
Thursday 17 October, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 Prof. Peter Lynn, University of Essex Sequential mixed-mode survey designs: small differences in protocol can make a big difference to panel attrition
Thursday 31 October, 11.30-12.30, room 6.210 Dr Julian D. Taylor, University of Adelaide The Analysis of Efficiency/Tolerance Trials: The Good, The BAD, and The Ugly
Date Presenter Topic
Wednesday 29 February, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Prof. Roberto Benedetti, G. d'Annunzio University, Italy Cut-Off Sampling
Wednesday 28 March, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Associate Professor Zudi Lu, The University of Adelaide Nonlinear spatial and spatiotemporal modeling: A review
Monday 30 April, 2.30-3.30, Rm 19.1056 Dr Natalie Shlomo, University of Southampton Calibrated Imputation of Numerical Data Under Linear Edit Restrictions
Wednesday 2 May, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Distinguished Professor Matt Wand, University of Technology Sydney Variational Sparse Signal Regression
Friday 18 May, 1.30 - 2.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Jorg Drechsler, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg Germany Synthetic Datasets for Statistical Disclosure Control - A Personal Appraisal
Friday 25 May, 2.30 - 3.30, Rm 15.113 Payam Mokhtarian, CSSM, University of Wollongong Robust Model Fitting Approach for Linear Mixed Models; An application to Small Area Estimation
Wednesday 30 May, 2.30 Rm 15.113 Martin Murphy, Australian Council for Education Research Managing nonresponse in Australian education surveys
Wednesday 6 June, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Prof Ken Russell, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga Obtaining Efficient Designs for Multinomial Experiments by two Optimality Criteria
Wednesday 13 June, 2.30 -3.30, Rm 15.206 Maman Fathurrohman, CSSM PhD student, University of Wollongong Maps of Learning Designs for Teachers in Developing Countries to Document Mathematics Teaching and Learning Experiences
Wednesday 20 June, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.206 Prof Muhammad Hanif, Lahore University Pakistan Use of auxiliary variable in survey sampling and development of two-phase from 1938 to date
Monday 16 July, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Sirithip Wasinrat, University of Bangkok The Importance of Prior Specification in Bayesian Analysis of Power Variance Frailty Model
Wednesday 22 August, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 A/Prof. Yan-Xia Lin and Dr Mark Fielding, University of Wollongong Approximating the density function of unmasked data by using their masked data
Wednesday 3 October, 11.30-12.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Philip Kokic, CSIRO Simulation of climate variables using quantile matching and block bootstrapping
Wednesday 17 October, 1.30-2.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Sally Galbraith, University of New South Wales Design of Accelerated Longitudinal Studies
Mondy 12 November, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Prof Sue Wilson, University of New South Wales Analysis of Very Large Data Sets containing Different Types of Variables
Thursday 15 November, 3.30-4.30, Rm 32.G01 Dr Jay Ver Hoef, University of Alaska Fairbanks Estimating Abundance from Counts in Large Data Sets of Irregularly-Spaced Plots using Spatial Random Effects with Fixed Rank
Thursday 22 November, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Prof. David Steel, University of Wollongong Design and Analysis Issues for the Health Connect Study
Thursday 29 November, 1.30-2.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Sandy Burden, University of Wollongong Zones Issues for Small Area Health Data
Wednesday 12 December, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 A/Prof. Glenn Stone, University of Western Sydney

Statistical Experiences in Testing for Growth Hormone Abuse in Sport

Thursday 24 February, 11.00-11.30, Rm 15.113 Klairung Samart, PhD student Analysis of Probabilistically Linked Data
Wednesday 9 March, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Hukum Chandra, University of Wollongong A Semiparametric Block Bootstrap Approach for Clustered Data
Wednesday 23 March, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Emilio L. Escobar, University of Southampton Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement
Wednesday 23 March, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Mark Fielding, University of Wollongong Gaussian processes in hybrid MCMC
Wednesday 20 April, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Chandra Gulati, University of Wollongong Pairs Trading
Wednesday 27 April, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Stephen Beare, ANALYTECON The costs of meeting environmental objectives with increasing reliability, A case study of the Lower Goulburn River Floodplain, Victoria, Australia
Wednesday 4 May, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Janette Green, University of Wollongong Stats-y Snapshots from a Multidisciplinary Research Centre
Wednesday 11 May, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Marijka Batterham, University of Wollongong In search of the perfect diet/treatment for managing body fat - one diet does not fit all
Wednesday 18 May, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Hukum Chandra, University of Wollongong Small Area Prediction Under Transformation
Wednesday 25 May, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Phil Hughes, ORC International Mobile phone sampling for the National Visitor Survey
Thursday 2 June, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Nicole Watson, University of Melbourne Re-engaging with survey non-respondents: the BHPS, SOEP and HILDA Survey experience
Wednesday 15 June, 3.30 - 4.30, Rm 15.113 Prof. Farzad Safaei, University of Wollongong The challenge of compressive sampling for free viewpoint video
Tuesday 26 July, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr James Brown, University of Southampton Evaluating the UNFPA Reproductive Health Programs in China: eight years of collaborative experience
Tuesday 9 August, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Gunky Kim, University of Wollongong Regression Analysis Using Longitudinally Linked Data
Tuesday 23 August, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Thomas Suesse, University of Wollongong Estimation of Population Total based on Linear Models using Social Network Information
Tuesday 13 September, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Simon Diffey, NSW Department of Primary Industries A faster and computationally more efficient specification of a REML-(PX)EM algorithm for linear mixed models
Tuesday 20 August, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Prof. John Rayner, University of Wollongong Towards a Better Understanding of Correlation
Tuesday 11 October, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Janice Scealy, Australian National University Regression for Compositional Data by Using Distributions Defined on the Hypersphere
Monday 17 October, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 A/Prof. Robert Clark, University of Wollongong The Art and Science of Sample Design
Tuesday 25 October, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Olena Kravchuk, University of Adelaide Repeated measures analysis of small-sample satiety trials
Thursday 10 November, 2.30-2.50, Rm 15.113 Mohammad-Reza Namazi-Rad, SMART Contextual Effects in Modeling for Small Domain Estimation
Tuesday 15 November, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113 Tom Hunt, University of Wollongong UoW Transport Surveys - the good, the bad and the "very interesting"
Friday 25 November, 2.30-3.30, Rm 15.113 Dr Sujit Sahu, University of Southampton High Resolution Bayesian Space-Time Modelling for Ozone Concentration Levels
 Tuesday 20 December, 3.30-4.30, Rm 15.113  Dr Johan Koskinen, University of Manchester Missing data in social networks: Problems and prospects for model-based inference

Public Seminar - Monday 25 October 2010, 12.30pm Location 20.1
Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie
Program in Spatial Statistics and Environmental Statistics, The Ohio State Universtiy
Title: Statistical Science: A Tale of Two Unknowns (Abstract)


Date Presenter Topic
Wednesday 10 March, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 15.113 Assistant Professor Jarek Harezlak, University of Indiana Joint Modeling of functional SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry proteomic data and disease risk
Wednesday 31 March, 3.30-4.30, Room 4.G31 Dr Yanan Fan, University of New South Wales Adaptive Optimal Scaling of Metropolis-Hastings Algorithms
Wednesday 14 April, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 19.2103 Professor Alan Welsh,
The Australian National University
Recent Reflections on Extra Zeros in Count Data
Wednesday 28 April, 3.30-4.30, Room 19.2103 Professor Salim Bouzerdoum,
University of Wollongong
Compressive Sensing and its Application in Visual Pattern Recognition
Wednesday 5 May, 3.30-4.30, Room 19.2103 Professor Bruce Brown,
University of New South Wales
Aligning penalty function methods
Wednesday 12 May, 3.30-4.30, Room 19.2103 Professor Barry Quinn,
Macquarie University
Estimating the mode of a unimodal “symmetric” distribution on a circle, with extensions to frequency estimation
Wednesday 19 May, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 19.2103 A/Professor Eric Beh,
The University of Newcastle
Sample graphical and numerical summaries for contingency tables
Wednesday 2 June, 3.30-4.30, Room 19.2103 Jeffrey Goldsmith,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, School of Public Health, Baltimore
Penalized Functional Regression
Wednesday 28 July, 3.30-4.30, Room 15.113 Dr Peter Siminski, University of Wollongong Long-Run Employment Effects of Serving in the Vietnam War: Evidence from 16 Australian Conscription Lotteries
Wednesday 4 August, 3.30-4.30, Room 15.113 Professor David Steel, University of Wollongong The Excellence in Research for Australian (ERA) process and its implications
Wednesday 11 August, 3.30-4.30, Room 15.113 Dr Thomas Suesse, University of Wollongong A Marginal Modeling Approach for Curved Exponential Random Graph Models
Wednesday 18 August, 3.30-4.30, Room 15.113 Dr James Brown, University of Southampton Using M-quantile models as an alternative to random effects to model the contextual value-added of schools in London
Wednesday 25 August, 3.30 -4.30, Room 15.113 Dr Tung Pham, University of Wollongong Improvement to some linear classifiers for high dimensional low sample size data
Wednesday 1 September, 3.30-4.30, Room 1.G04 Dr David Warton, University of New South Wales Unifying methods for species distribution modelling using presence-only data in ecology
Wednesday 8 September, 3.30-4.30, Room 1.G04 Professor Rob Hyndman, Monash University Demographic forecasting using functional data models
Wednesday 15 September, 3.30-4.30, Room 1.G04 Dr Mayukh Samanta, Australian National University Reconstruction of Wind-Generated Wave Height Fields from Light Transmission Data
Wednesday 22 September, 3.30-4.30, Room 1.GO4 A/Professor Stephane Heritier, The George Institute for Global Health On robust testing in the Cox model
Wednesday 6 October, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 1.G04 Professor John Geweke, University of Technology Sydney Improving Asset Price Prediction when All Models are False
Wednesday 20 October, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 15.113 Dr Simon Barry, CSIRO Describing complex processes
Wednesday 27 October, 3.30 - 4.30, Room 15.113 Dr Emlyn Williams, The Australian National University Modern Experimental Design - Some developments and applications
Wednesday 3 November, 3.30 - 4.30 Room 15.113 Prof. Andreas Ruckstuhl, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland Modelling of air quality affected by traffic emission considering meteorological situations
Wednesday 24 November, 3.30- 4.30, Room 15.113 Prof. David Balding, University College London Fine mapping of causal HLA variants using penalised regression

Statistics Conference
First National Conference on Teaching and Modelling in Statistics incorporating the Third Annual ASEARC Research Conference, hosted by University of Newcastle , on 7 and 8 December 2009.


Date Presenter Topic
Monday 23 February, 11.30pm - 12.30pm Room 15.113 Raazesh Sainudiin An Auto-validating Trans-dimensional von Neumann Rejection Sampler.
Tuesday 10 March, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Christel Faes The Effective Sample Size and an Alternative Small Sample Degrees of Freedom Method
Tuesday 21April, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Prof. Douglas Simpson Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models with Varying Dispersion
Tuesday 28 April, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Prof. Nick Fisher Statistics, Performance Measurement and Corporate Collapses
Tuesday 5 May, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr Michele Haynes Analysing Women’s Employment Transitions using a Dynamic Multinomial Logit Random Effects Model
Tuesday 26 May, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 A/Prof. Mary Meyer Constrained Penalized Splines
Tuesday 2 June, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Prof Jean Opsomer Two topics in modeling for survey estimation: model selection and post-stratification
Monday 29 June, 11.30am - 12.30pm Room 15.206 Prof Anoop Chaturvedi A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts
Tuesday 28 July, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Prof. John Robinson Asymptotic Approximations in Sampling and Resampling
Tuesday 4 August, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr James Brown Coverage Adjustment in 2011 - Learning Lessons from 2001
Tuesday 11 August, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Prof. Richard Roerts and Dr Rex F Galbraith Evidence-based archaeology: opportunities for statistical inference in archaeological science
Thursday 20 August, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr Samuel Mueller Model Selection in Regression Models
Tuesday 25 August, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr Andrew Robinson Quarantine inspection: how risky a business?
Tuesday 1 September, 3.30pm - 3.55pm Room 15.113 Prof. David Griffiths Flavours of Statistics - the doing of Lamia Gurdleneck
Tuesday 8 September, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr John Ormerod Variational Approximations for Semiparametric Regression with Missingness
Tuesday 15 September, 3.30pm - 4.30pm Room 15.113 Dr Chandra  Gulati Control Charts for Autocorrelated Data
Tuesday 22 September, 3.30pm - 4..30pm Room 15.113 Prof. William Dunsmuir Inference and Computational Methods for Regression Modelling in Multiple Time Series of Counts with Random Effects
Tuesday 3 November, 3.30 - 4.30 Room 15.113 Dr George Sofronov Spatial small area estimation: comparison of different approaches
Tuesday 10 November, 4.00 - 5.00 Room 15.113 Prof. Philip Ogunbona Face Recognition for a Single Sample
Tuesday 17 November, 3.30 - 4.30 Room 15.113 Dr Thomas Suesse Mantel - Haenszel Estimators of Odds Ratios for Stratified Multiple Response Data

COPSS visitors - Distinguished Prof Ray Carroll and Prof Xiao-Li Meng to give presentations in July.


Date Presenter Topic
Wednesday 22nd October 3.30pm:Room 15.113 Dr Li-Chun Zhang A prediction approach to representative sampling
Wednesday 15th October 3.30pm: Room 15.113 Dr George Sofronov Statistical Model-based Optimization
Wednesday 17th September 3.30pm:Room 15.113 A/Prof Yan-Xia Lin A Graphical Method for Identifying Potential Domains for Change Points in Generalized Bernoulli Processes
Wednesday 3rd September 3.30pm: Room 15.113 Dr Nick Longford Small-area estimation with spatial similarity
Friday 8th August 11.30am: Room 15.113 A/Prof. Jerry Reiter The multiple adaptations of multiple imputation
Wednesday 23rd July 3.30pm: Room 15.113 Carole Birrell Efficiency Gains for Seasonal Adjustment by Joint Modelling of Disaggregated Series
Tuesday 29th July 1.30pm: Room LT5 Building 20 Prof Xiao-Li Meng Statistics Can Lie But Also Correct for Lies: Reducing Response Bias in NLAAS via Bayesian Imputation
Tuesday 1st July 3.30pm: Room LT4 Building 20 Prof Ray Carroll Testing for Interactions in General Semiparametric Analysis of Repeated Measures Data, With Application to Testing for Main Effects of Genes with Possible Environmental Applications
Tuesday 24th June 3.30-4.30; Room 15.113 Loai Alzoubi and Wilford Molefe Loai - Adaptive Modeling of Complex Survey Data

Wilford - Design of samples for small-area estimation
Tuesday 27th May 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Dr Jennifer Chan, University of Sydney Geometric Process Models for series of events
Tuesday 13th May 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Dr Richard Gerlach, University of Sydney Dynamic Nonlinear Quantile estimation with the Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
Tuesday 22nd April 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Dr Scott Sisson, UNSW Intractable likelihoods? Inference as easy as ABC ......
Tuesday 15th April 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Gerry Sozio, UoW Self Directed Learning of Mathematics in a One to One Laptop School.
Tuesday 8th April 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 A/Prof Nader Tajvidi, Lund University Sweden Parametric and Nonparametric Analysis of Temporal Trend in Extreme Values with Applications to Wind Storm Losses and Temperature Data.
Tuesday 18th March 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Dr Milorad Kovacevic, Statistics Canada Regression analysis of linked survey files.
Tuesday 4th March 3.30 - 4.30pm; Room 15.113 Prof David Steel, UoW Measuring and Analysing Homogeneity of Geographical Areas for a Categorical Variable.