ARC discovery project success

ARC discovery project success

Associate Professor Julia Quilter from the School of Law will lead a three-year ARC Discovery Project (DP200100101) commencing in 2020 entitled, ‘Intoxication Evidence in Rape Trials: A Double-Edged Sword?’ with Professor Luke McNamara (UNSW).

There is strong evidence that intoxication by alcohol and other drugs is frequently associated with sexual violence. Criminal law reforms in Australia have attempted to break the ‘rape myth’ nexus between intoxication and assumed consent. This project will subject the operation of relevant rules to systematic analysis. Focusing on intoxication evidence in rape trials, this project will undertake qualitative analysis of appellate judgments, court transcripts and interviews with prosecutors and defence lawyers, in three Australian jurisdictions. It should produce significant new knowledge about whether existing laws and court room practices are optimally adapted to achieving the important objective of justice for sexual violence victims.