March 9, 2020
Advances in Statistical Methodology: A symposium to celebrate the career of Professor Ray Chambers
To celebrate the career of Professor Ray Chambers, a symposium on advances in statistical methodology was held on Thursday 6 February 2020 at the National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, University of Wollongong.
The symposium considered some of the important areas of statistical methodology in which Ray has extensive interests. Ray has made significant contributions in a range of areas, such as Sample Survey Design and Analysis, Robust Statistical Methods, Small Area Estimation, Graphical Methods in Statistics, Computer Intensive Statistical Methods, Statistical Modelling and Inference, Longitudinal Data Analysis, and Analysis of Computer-Linked Data.
Over 40 people attended the workshop including many from overseas, reflecting the high regard in which Ray is held internationally and his involvement in research, collaboration and consulting in many countries. Ray’s career includes senior appointments at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, The Australian National University, the University of Southampton, and the University of Wollongong.
Speakers included: Roberto Benedetti, James Brown, Robert Clark, Alan Dorfman, Paul Smith, Siu-Ming Tam, Nikos Tzavidis, Suojin Wang, Alan Welsh, and Li-Chun Zhang.