Summer Master Classes sponsored places

175 sponsored places are available

Up to 175 fully and partially sponsored places are available for equity students and students from In2Uni high schools.

In 2023 a limited number of full and partial sponsorship of the $480 program fee will be available to students who meet one or more of the following criteria.

Students will be asked to indicate in their online application if they wish to apply for program sponsorship.

Eligibility criteria

  • Attend an In2Uni Sponsored School
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Financial Hardship - student or parents in receipt of means tested income support payment from Centrelink*
  • Disability*
  • Diagnosed Medical Condition - physical or mental health condition*
  • Attend a regional, rural or remote school
  • Refugee Status*
  • Other - such as situational or social disadvantage*

* These criteria will require you to attach documentation to your application to support your sponsorship request. Details of documentation required are outlined below:

  • Financial Hardship - written proof of payment or payment eligibility from Centrelink or other Commonwealth Agency
  • Disability - diagnosis (associated support plan should also be included where relevant to program participation)
  • Diagnosed Medical Condition - diagnosis (associated support plan should also be included where relevant to program participation)
  • Refugee Status - proof of refugee status
  • Other Social or Situational Disadvantage - Statutory Declaration or letter from your School (on school letterhead) outlining the situation and how required payment of the program fee would inhibit program attendance

Equity grants

A limited number of equity grants, valued at up to $500 each, are available for equity students.

This grant is available to offset costs associated with attending the course, such as lost income, travel or accommodation costs. For students eligible for partial sponsorship of the program fee, this grant can be used to offset the non-sponsored portion of the $480 program cost.

Students can indicate if they would like to apply for a grant on their application form. 

Contact us

Year 12 Programs Team