Faculty-led study tours

Faculty-Led Study Tour Programs

A faculty-led study tour is a 1-2 week experiential learning program during which a cohort of students travel alongside faculty staff. Study tour programs can consist of a range of activities, including visits to industry, engagement with local universities, excursions to local landmarks, cultural experiences, and more. They sit within university subjects, often electives, and are a great way to gain an international perspective on your area of study. These programs allow you to develop your cross-cultural communication skills, start building an international network, enhance your professional skills, and increase your readiness for the increasingly global workforce. While study tour programs are beneficial for all students, they are a particularly good option if you are a first-time international traveller, as you will have the support of travelling as part of a group. 

Upcoming Programs

Japan Study Tour

Sign up to explore Tokyo and Osaka during the winter break with this faculty-led study tour! Running within general elective subject BUS 303, the program includes a range of industry visits, cultural activities, academic sessions, and engagement with local universities, designed to immerse you in the local culture and introduce you to sustainable business practises unique to Japan.

Dates: 6 – 21 July, 2024

Subject: BUS 303 – International Perspectives on Sustainable Business Practises

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $3,500 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: 7 April, 2024

Xi’an FinTech Study Tour

Spend two weeks in Xi’an, a city with over 6,000 years of history and a wealth of preserved heritage, home to the famed Terra Cotta Army. You’ll undertake a financial technology course at Xi’an Jiaotong University, alongside cultural activities, and excursions to notable sites.

Dates: 30 June – 13 July, 2024

Subject: BUS 302 – International Study Tour in Business

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $1,500 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: 14 April, 2024

Thailand/Laos Study Tour

Travel to Thailand and Laos with a group of UOW students and staff and learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to business, within the context of the Indo-Pacific region. Students from all study areas are encouraged to apply, as the program will take a multi-disciplinary approach in searching for innovative ways to address challenges associated with achieving the SDGs.

Dates: TBC

Subject: BUS 303 – International Perspectives on Sustainable Business Practises

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $3,000 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: TBC

Vietnam Study Tour

Travel to Hanoi for a two-week study tour during which you’ll learn about Vietnamese business practices while immersing yourself in the local culture. Participate in a range of industry visits, cultural activities, classes at a local university, and excursions to notable sites such as Ha Long Bay.

Dates: 23 June – 6 July, 2024

Subject: BUS 302 – International Study Tour in Business

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $3,000 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: 28 April, 2024

Intelligent Accounting & Sustainability in China

Study at the Shandong University of Finance and Economics (SDUFE) for two weeks on this study tour program. With workshops and seminars conducted by industry experts and researchers you’ll enhance your knowledge of Big Data Technology, Intelligent Accounting and Low-Carbon Management. You’ll also undertake a range of excursions and extracurricular activities designed to immerse you in the local culture.

Dates: TBC

Subject: ACCY231 – Information Systems in Accounting

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $3,000 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: TBC

Sustainable Investments Within and Between Australia and Malaysia

Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of sustainable investment and explore the critical role of climate change in shaping the future of industry with this two-week study tour. While staying in Penang, you’ll undertake excursions to notable local sites, participate in cultural activities, and learn about the application of ESG principles in the investment landscape through seminars, workshops and industry visits.

Dates: 30 June - 13 July, 2024

Subject: FIN 222 – Corporate Finance or BUS 303 – International Perspectives on Sustainable Business Practises

Funding: NCP Mobility grants of $3,100 are available to support eligible students participating in the program. More information regarding NCP Mobility grants can be found below.

Application Deadline: 28 April, 2024

Eligibility and applications 

For more information, to check your eligibility, or to apply for any of these programs please contact BAL-mobility@uow.edu.au

Funding Opportunities

New Colombo Plan (NCP) 

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) is an Australian Government initiative that aims to increase knowledge in Australia of the Indo-Pacific by supporting Australian undergraduate students in undertaking study and internship programs in the region. The NCP Mobility Program provides universities with funding to support the delivery of projects that provide students with international experiences within 40 eligible Indo-Pacific locations.

Select study tour programs are supported by the NCP, meaning eligible students can receive an NCP Mobility grant of $1,500 - $3,500 to support their participation in the program. If a program is NCP-supported, this will be listed in the program description above, alongside any grant details where relevant.

To be eligible to receive an NCP grant to support your participation in a faculty-led study tour program you must:

  • Be a domestic undergraduate student currently studying at UOW
  • Be an Australian citizen, and not also a citizen of the country/countries where you will be travelling to as part of the program
  • Meet the requirements of the subject associated with the program
  • Hold at least a credit average (WAM of 65 or above)
  • Have not received an NCP Mobility grant for a short-term mobility program previously

Meet any additional program eligibility requirements specified by the project coordinator

New Colombo Plan logo featured with the Australian Government Coat of Arms logo

Past Programs

January 2024 was an exciting month for a group of Business and Law undergraduates students, who embarked on a two-week study tour to Kochi, India, and Singapore. This trip, supported by DFAT’s New Colombo Plan (NCP), offered an immersive blend of academic sessions, industry visits, cultural experiences, and tasty food adventures.

Learn more about India & Singapore 2024

Eighteen UOW Business and Law undergraduates embarked on a two-week study tour of Osaka and Tokyo, supported by the New Colombo Plan. This immersive experience took them from prestigious universities to iconic Japanese corporations, providing invaluable insights into academia and industry. Amidst the backdrop of cultural exploration, they navigated Osaka's historic treasures and Tokyo's modern marvels. The students gained firsthand exposure to Japanese life, culminating in unforgettable experiences like witnessing Sumo wrestling and networking with global corporations.

Read more about Osaka and Tokyo 2023

In August 2019 10 MBA students travelled to India as part of subject MGNT939: Global Business Practices. The program allowed students to observe the Indian business landscape and local culture, and understand the nature and scale of particular industries such as business process outsourcing. Students visited the Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM) at Bangalore and the Birla Institute of Management and Technology (BIMTECH) in Delhi, as well as various industry organisations.

During the 2019 winter break a group of 20 students undertook a faculty-led study tour to Singapore and Malaysia as part of subject COMM335. The program explored themes of corporate social responsibility, manufacturing, and international trade in South East Asia. During the program, students engaged in industry visits, city tours, networking opportunities, and lectures in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

10 students enrolled in COMM330: Economics and Finance Applied Research Project during Spring Session 2018 participated in a study tour to Laos and Thailand. The theme for the program was ‘Developing Economies Within the Asia-Pacific Region’. During the program, students visited local universities, the World Bank, UNDP Lao, and other local government organisations.

Interested? Get further information

Contact the Faculty International Unit - Building 40.222, University of Wollongong