Combatting modern slavery

Modern slavery affects some 40 million people across the globe, with women and girls disproportionately affected. This grave violation of human rights is unacceptable. UOW is committed to combatting modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and child labour. We believe everyone has the right to decent work conditions, freedom of movement and freedom from exploitation.

This 2023 Statement has not been approved by the Attorney General’s Department or published on the Modern Slavery Statements Register.

More information about modern slavery

The term "modern slavery" encompasses slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, forced marriage, the worst forms of child labour and other exploitative crimes. 

These practices are occurring today in every country across the world, and are part of all of our lives as consumers in a global economy.

The University of Wollongong is committed to combatting modern slavery practices in our supply chains and our business operations, and promoting practices to identify and reduce the risk of such practices when within our local and international communities. 

UOW and its entities are focusing on increased transparency and accountability in our supply chains, as well as awareness raising. We are committed to more work in these and other areas. We will continue to develop our understanding of modern slavery, and evolve our responses to combat it more successfully over time. 

UOW has recently released a Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) which sets out our expectations of suppliers in relation to anti-slavery practices, and a range of other issues.

Read more about UOW’s efforts in combating modern slavery and our ongoing commitment in our annual modern slavery statements:

Recommended resources 


  • If you have questions about what UOW is doing to combat modern slavery, please contact
  • In an emergency, if you are in immediate danger or under threat of violence, please call 000.
  • To report a crime of exploitation, please call the Australian Federal Police on 131 237.
  • If you are in need of personal support:
    • UOW students - please contact the 24-hour wellbeing hotline by calling 1300 036 149 or texting 0488 884 164.
    • UOW staff - please visit employee assistance program.
  • For free, specialised legal assistance for people who have experienced or are at risk of modern slavery in Australia - please visit Anti-Slavery Australia.