Front wheels of car with trees in background

Older Drivers Resource

The Decision Aid for Older Drivers aims to engage older drivers in conversations early and inform and support them when making decisions about whether to continue driving, modify driving routines or retire from driving.

Aged Dementia Health Education and Research at the University of Wollongong, together with Transport for NSW have released a new resource aimed at helping older drivers make informed decisions when it comes to driving.

The decision aid is the culmination of a partnership between older drivers, health professionals, academics, and health professionals from a diverse range of disciplines. A rigorous iterative co-design approach involved academic review; piloting; consultation with expert advisory groups; and reiterative revision based on feedback.

The decision aid will help older drivers consider:

  • How to continue driving safely for longer
  • How to maintain lifestyles if required to drive less or retire from driving
  • How to prepare for other ways to get around

Older Drivers Resource

Senior man and woman in car Online interactive version
Older man and woman on tablet PDF Interactive version
Group of older people standing in front of a tree Office and home print version
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Aged Dementia Health Education & Research (ADHERe)

This resource was produced by ADHERe, a centre of interdisciplinary researchers generating evidence in gerontological studies. Their purpose is to transform the lives of older people and family carers using our evidence-based resources.

Meet the ADHERe team
Group of people standing on pavement

Thank you

We wish to thank older drivers, retired older drivers, optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmologists, physiotherapists, general practitioners, general practice nurses, driver trained occupational therapists, geriatricians, family members of older drivers, road safety officers and transport industry representatives who provided their experiences and views on this topic or provided feedback on the draft resource.