Scholarship information

The University of Wollongong offers a range of research scholarships and awards to eligible international higher degree research students. The UOW HDR scholarships are in the form of allowances to assist candidates in meeting their living costs while they undertake their research. They can include: annual stipends, living allowances and tuition fee costs. In addition, there are external scholarship opportunities as well as specific and industry based scholarships available.

Who is an international student?  
In the Australian higher education sector, an ‘international student’ is a person who:

  • Is not an Australian citizen and
  • Is enrolled or will enrol, in a course of study with a higher education provider

An international student is not:

  • A person entitled to stay in or enter and stay in Australia,  without any limitation as to time
  • A New Zealand citizen
  • A diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative.

A domestic student is an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen or Australian Permanent resident.

There are a range of research scholarships and awards available for eligible full-time and part-time HDR research candidates at UOW. These scholarships include annual stipends, living allowances and tuition fee costs.

Scholarship opportunities are provided to support current and new HDR students at UOW and are available to both Domestic and International candidates.

In addition to UOW scholarship opportunities there are discipline specific and industry based scholarships made available to Domestic and International HDR candidates.

HDR Research Training Program Funding and Scholarship Procedure

The UOW Research Career Launch Scholarships are designed to jump start careers of young researchers by supporting them after the submission of their thesis.

UOW Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) and University Postgraduate Award (UPA) holders, who have not exhausted all of their scholarship stipend payments, will be allowed to continue being paid their scholarship stipend from thesis submission to thesis acceptance. Candidates in receipt of other types of stipend scholarships will be required to consult with their supervisor/s on where this option is available. 

The scholarship will assist the candidate to remain at the University during the examination process which will be helpful if, as is common, the examiners require corrections or changes to the thesis. The scheme will also assist the writing and submission of publications at the time when the author is most familiar with the work and in the best position to write them.

Career Launch Scholarships can be used for research training activities such as publication writing and submission, thesis revisions, conference attendance and research career development.


UOW AGRTP/UPA scholarships holders, who have not consumed all of their scholarship entitlements (3.5 years for a doctorate, 2 years for a masters) at the time of submission of their HDR thesis.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Applications must be made at the time of thesis submission and must be supported by the student's HDR supervisor, who must be willing to supervise for the period of the Career Launch Scholarship
  2. The application must be made on the appropriate form and must include a study plan and timetable of activities to be undertaken during the tenure of the scholarship.
  3. The scholarship will provide funding between the thesis submission and thesis completion, as long as a scholarship entitlement is still available.
  4. Applicants must be enrolled as an HDR candidate at the University of Wollongong during the scholarship term, including the thesis examination period.
  5. Students are required to declare they will remain at UOW and work full-time for the duration of the examination process or, until their scholarship is due to expire, as well as maintaining appropriate levels of contact with their supervisor/s.

How to Apply: HDR Career Launch Scholarship Application Form

For more information, get in contact with the Graduate Research School via email

All requests for scholarship suspension must be made in writing to the Graduate Research School. All requests must be accompanied by a completed and signed Leave of Absence form for the semester the suspension is requested for. The form must be signed by the required delegated authority prior to being returned to the Graduate Research School.

When a candidate wishes to recommence their studies and reactive their stipend payments, they must advise the Graduate Research School of the recommencement date of their scholarship in writing.

All candidates should check their Conditions of Award for eligibility.

All requests for sick leave must be submitted in writing and must have the student's supervisor's written approval. Supporting medical certificates should also be provided.

All requests for recreation leave must be made in writing to the Graduate Research School and must be approved by the student’s supervisor.

All candidates should check their Conditions of Award for eligibility.

Please contact the Graduate Research School if you wish to change your bank details for to your scholarship. 

For AGRTP/UPA scholarship holders, the annual stipend increment is payable from 1 January each year. Annual increments will not be processed for candidates that have not submitted their Annual Progress Report for the previous year.

Matching scholarship holders who receive a stipend in line with the AGRTP/UPA amount will receive their annual stipend increase on the 1 January each year also.

Higher Degree Research scholarship stipends are not generally incremented. Supplementary scholarship holders should refer to their supervisor for enquiries regarding stipend increases.


Candidates can view their payslips by accessing Web Kiosk. Candidates will be required to use their employee number and password provided by the Graduate Research School upon the commencement of their scholarship to access Web Kiosk.

Any enquiries regarding stipend  payments, please contact the Graduate Research School for assistance.