Join us for a half-day online symposium: Symposium on Academic Integrity SAI’24 - Navigating Academic and Research Integrity in the Era of GenAI on Friday 17 May, 2024.

UOW Symposium on Academic and Research Integrity (SAI’24-UOW)
Various due to multi campus audience: 8:30am Dubai, 12:30pm Kuala Lumpur and 2:30pm NSW Australia
The University of Wollongong (UOW) is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical research practices. As advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and Generative AI tools continue to shape the landscape of academia and research, it is crucial for scholars, researchers, and students to navigate these developments with a strong understanding of integrity and ethics.
In response to this need, under the patronage of Professor Patricia Davidson, Vice Chancellor we are excited to offer this half-day online Symposium on Friday 17 May, 2024.
- To raise awareness about the ethical considerations and challenges posed by the integration of GenAI in academic and research practices.
- To provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions on best practices, guidelines, and strategies for maintaining integrity and ethical conduct in research.
- To foster collaboration and networking among UOW family of scholars, researchers, and students interested in the intersection of AI, genetics, and academic integrity.
Session 1
[Total - 45 minutes]
8:30am Dubai, 12:30pm Kuala Lumpur, 2:30pm NSW Australia
Opening Keynote
Session Chair - Dr Nawar Al Hakeem
Opening remarks - Dr Nawar Al Hakeem [5 minutes]
Welcome note from Professor Patricia Davidson (Vice Chancellor UOW) [10 minutes]
Keynote address by a renowned expert in the field of AI ethics, research ethics, providing insights into the ethical implications of GenAI in academia.
Keynote Speaker – Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Educational Integrity, Springer Nature | Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada [30 minutes]
Session 2
[Total – 45 minutes]
9:15am Dubai,1:15pm Kuala Lumpur, 3:15pm NSW Australia
Panel Discussion – GenAI and Ethical Challenges in Academia and Research
Session Chair – Ajrina Hysaj
Moderated panel discussion featuring experts from diverse disciplines, including research and publication, and academic integrity.
Topics include data privacy, algorithmic bias, copyright concerns, consent, responsibility, accountability, and attribution system for generated content.
Speakers Dr Helen Gniel (TEQSA), Professor Mario Fernando (UOW), Dr Stephen Wilkinson (UOWD), Dr Simon Moss (UOW), Gabriel Lau Chi Wen (UOW Malaysia KDU College)
Moderator: Professor Ann Rogerson, UOW
Session 3
[Total - 45 minutes]
10am Dubai, 2pm Kuala Lumpur, 4pm NSW Australia
Interactive Workshops
[Parallel sessions – individual chairs]
Parallel breakout workshops facilitated by faculty/scholars.
Workshop 1 - Responsible conduct of research in the era of GenAI
Facilitator: European Network for Academic Integrity specialist and board member Dr Shivadas Sivasubramaniam invited to run the workshop | appropriate for all researchers, particularly doctoral thesis students and early research careers.
Session Chair – Dr Ruwan Bandara
Workshop 2 - Practical guidelines for navigating ethical dilemmas in assessment settings.
UOW Learning, Teaching & Curriculum (LTC), Dr Alyce Mason and Dr Matalena Tofa invited to run this workshop | appropriate for all faculties.
Session Chair - Dr Afnan Boutrid
Session 4
[Total – 30 minutes]
10.45am Dubai, 2.45pm Kuala Lumpur, 4.45pm NSW Australia
Student Voices
A moderated panel discussion involving UOW/UOWD/UOWKDU students, their voices on GenAI risks and opportunities and how they see policy and advocacy.
Speakers include: Ajrina Hysaj (PhD UOW offshore), Juliana Cavalieri Goncalves Peloche (PhD UOW), Neha Hemnani (Undergraduate Faculty of Business UOWD), Sami Sheikh (Undergraduate Computer Science UOW), Amanda Stevceski (Undergraduate Business and Law UOW) and Asriel Teh (UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College).
Moderator – Dr Zeenath Khan, UOWD
Session 5
[Total – 15 minutes]
11:15am Dubai, 3:15pm Kuala Lumpur, 5:15pm NSW Australia
Closing Remarks
Chair Dr William Gueraiche
Summary of key takeaways from the symposium by Dr Vikash Ramiah, UOWD.
Call to action for promoting a culture of integrity and ethical conduct in academic and research communities from Dr Anjli Narwani, UOWD.
Closing remarks from Professor Mohamed Salem, President of University of Wollongong Dubai (UOWD),
The "Navigating Academic and Research Integrity in the Era of GenAI" symposium will serve as an important platform for addressing the ethical challenges and opportunities arising from the integration of AI and genetic technologies in academia and research. By bringing together experts, scholars, and students, we aim to foster meaningful discussions and collaborations that contribute to the advancement of ethical research practices in the era of GenAI.