A white cutout a person pushing a walking frame. The background is an outside area with green green and tree bushes.

Film Screening: UNDER COVER - the hidden faces of homelessness

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  • Building 67 Room 104, UOW Wollongong
  • Contact Detailsassh-events@uow.edu.au

Documentary and film maker Sue Thomson shines a light on the devastating reality that women over 55+ are increasingly at risk of homelessness in Australia.

Narrated by Margot Robbie and sharing the often secret lives of an eclectic group of women across Australia, who are the fastest growing cohort experiencing homelessness in the country. Their moving but optimistic portraits reveal the struggles these women face, and lay bare the flaws in our society, as well as our economic fragility in the modern world.

Watch the film, join the panel discussion, and help raise awareness of this important issue. Refreshments provided.