By Molière - Translated into English prose by Alan Drury

The Hypochondriac
Recurs every day until Saturday 22nd Oct 2022 -
Wollongong Campus
Building 29 Theatre G04
“My state of health being what it is, I want to have doctors in the family so they’re always on tap. For consultations, prescriptions, the making up of medicines.”
Argan, a man obsessed with being ill, believes he is riddled with disease and surrounds himself with an abundance of doctors. He goes as far as trying to marry his daughter Angelique off to a doctor just to bring one into the family.
A darkly comic satire of the medical profession in 17th Century France, The Hypochondriac is a wild and farcical ride into the pitfalls of self-obsession and neurosis. A comedy-ballet and Molière’s final play, the production is a highly physical and fast-paced journey into prescriptions, bedpans and elaborate trickery through ensemble-led performance.
Directed by: Emily Ayoub & Jane Phegan
Assistant Director: Adam Lee
Cast: Connor Andis, Haydon Ashley, Megan Bonaz, Amy Crean, Riley Harrison, Melissa Legg, Clemence LE Sayec, CJ Moussa, William Phillips, Kaitlin Walsh, James Waters, Adam Watt, Benjamin Wonderley
Production and Stage Manager: Milo Michell & Kate Walker
Sound Design: Jack Robbie
Lighting Design team: Annika Bertinat
Sound/ AV Operator: Jack Robbie