The Centre for Cross-Cultural Management (CCCM) is pleased to invite you to attend its 22nd CCCM Conversation on a fascinating topic by PhD Candidate Nelly Liyanagamage.

22nd CCCM Conversation: Identity work by a young petite female academic home comer: Quest for social power in masculine settings
Format: Online webinar
Date: 31st March 2022
Time: 11.30am-12.30pm
Delivery: Via Zoom (password: 406216)
Format: 40 minutes talk, 20 minutes Q&A
This CCCM Conversation will highlight:
1. Social power and the intersections of gender and physical stature
2. Social power and identity strategies of female researchers in masculine settings
3. Ethical considerations of revealing (collaborative) autoethnographic accounts
4. Negotiating identities as an academic home comer
Presenter Bio:
Nelly Liyanagamage is a final year PhD candidate in the Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Wollongong. Her current research explores Machiavellian leadership, relational processes in organisations, emotions at work and relationships in education and research settings. She has published her work on the emotional experiences of working students and evolving supervisor-student relationships in higher education. Nelly was a Three Minute UOW Thesis Finalist in 2021 and a presenter and conference track chair at the 2021 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual conference.