Director: Tim Maddock; written by: Lucy Heffernan; featuring: 3rd year Bachelor of Performance students.

Midsummers ... Yeah, Nah!
Recurs every day until Wednesday 3rd Nov 2021 -
Live online event
Yeah, Nah! Takes Shakespeare’s best known play A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream online. Adapted by Lucy Heffernan the age-old play is transformed into a spectacle fit for the digital stage! Taking a stab at the traditional and conservative image of theatre, this adaptation is raunchy, outrageous, and utterly hilarious. This light-hearted rom com isn’t particularly suited to all ages, and features tightly interwoven subplots that ramp up the love, laughter and drama that keeps us all going right to the end. Despite having thrown our fairy folk, our Athenian lovers and hapless mechanicals into a web-series, our forest dwellers have adapted to this new landscape and thrive amongst the manipulation and domestic intrigue that continues to draw audiences in. If the world was an overly offended stage this cast has made the global village it’s stomping ground with all their talents, wit and style. Every actor dreams of the bright lights and a standing ovation. So, with these dreams and hopes, wrapped up in every joke under the sun, and in a song, Yeah, Nah! brings the magic of theatre to you. Wherever you may be.
Cast: Byron Davis, Emily Hespe, Veronique de Havilland, Lu Bradshaw, Casey Cleary, Molly Garry, Tegan Blanch, Adam Lee, Marlay Commandeur
Production and Stage Manager: James Sutherland
Sound Design and musical arrangement: Lucy Heffernan, Byron Davis, Emily Hespe, Adam Lee