Future of Business Conversations

Future of Business Conversations: Transforming business using digital innovations

Join Dr Grace McCarthy, speaking with Associate Professor Shahriar Akter, as they explore digital transformation utilising four emerging technologies; artificial intelligence, block chain, cloud and Data Analytics (ABCD).

The development and advancement of these distinct technologies are increasingly converging, shaping integrated and hybridized digital innovation.

Using a multidisciplinary approach, this webinar will highlight wide-reaching and diverse applications among a variety of vertical sectors.

All UOW MBA Students, Alumni, Staff, Corporate and Industry Partners are welcome to attend.


Professor Grace McCarthy - Dean of Business, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong, Australia.

Having worked for many years in industry, including as European Director of Customer Service of a manufacturing multinational company, Grace enjoys blending real-life experience with academic rigour in teaching leadership and entrepreneurship. Grace completed her PhD at UMIST (Manchester) on leadership and also completed projects on innovation in SMEs in UK, Spain and Norway. Grace is a UOW accredited Peer Reviewer of Teaching and is particularly interested in challenging and interactive learning sessions, learning from her students, and authentic assessments. Grace is Dean of Business in the Faculty of Business and Law, leading a team of academics in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management.

Dr Shahriar AkterAssociate Professor of Marketing Analytics & Innovation @School of Business, University of Wollongong, Australia.

Dr Akter is an Associate Professor of Marketing Analytics & Innovation at the School of Business at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He was awarded his PhD from the UNSW Business School Australia, with a doctoral fellowship in research methods from the University of Oxford. He has published in leading business journals (40+ A or A ranked articles in the ABDC list) with 100+ publications. His research areas are big data analytics in marketing, retail and service areas. He received the best paper awards in big data analytics from Electronic Markets Journal in 2017 and the Journal of Business Research in 2020.