Presented by the School of the Arts, English and Media. Written by Ellen Houghton and Malcolm Whittaker After Benedict Andrews, David Lynch and Marius Von Mayenberg Director: Directed by Malcolm Whittaker. Assistant Director: Ellen Houghton

The Red Room
Recurs every day until Saturday 14th Nov 2020 -
Wollongong Campus
Building 29, Theatre G02
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
In the throws of our constant fears of the covid-19 pandemic, we have here a cohort of young adults who are about to leave childhood well and truly behind and graduate from university. Childhood might be left behind, but not necessarily their childhood fears. If anything, they have been added to and exacerbated by the now far from novel coronavirus. Our process and production entail these fears being confronted and played-with, with the cast confined to the limbo of the dream-like world of The Red Room, wherein they are bound in repeated child-like games of hide and seek to work through their fears.
Ready or not, here we come.
Cast: Ella Capobianco, Sam Chapman, Mirabel Collyer, Lily Christie Daly, Laika F.M, Olivia Harris, Leah Herbert, Will Holland, Kezia Killin, Connor McInerney, Thomas Petersen, Lauren Taylor.
Production and Stage Manager: Kaylee Ashton
Sound Designer: Kaylee Ashton and Malcolm Whittaker, after Angelo Badalamenti
Lighting Designer: Thomas Doyle
Warning: Coarse language, childishness.
This production has a COVID-Safe plan in place to reduce risk of potential virus transmission. Patrons are advised that they will not be permitted entry if they are showing signs of flu or cold symptoms.
For more information contact the School of the Arts, English and Media
Details on past and present productions in the School of the Arts, English & Media UOW can be found at