Feeling social? We can’t connect on campus like we once did, but we can get together virtually now with Couch Conversations!

Couch Conversations
Recurs every week until Wednesday 23rd Sep 2020 -
Online (Zoom)
Join our fun and informal sessions to connect with your fellow students from UOW via Zoom (online).
Wednesday – hump day – starting to make some progress through the week. Might be a good day to make some friends and have a chat. Are you watching the Bachelor? Did you see the Australian Story on Joel Edgerton? Did you get out and about in nature today (while being safe and social distancing of course)? Maybe you learned something interesting in class that blew your mind and you could share with us. Sessions are on at 12.30pm and 4.30pm on Wednesdays – get in!
Whatever your motivation, whether it’s to share experiences, develop cross-cultural friendships, practice your conversational English skills or hear about tips and tricks for work, study and play – everyone is welcome in our Couch Conversations sessions.
There are 8 sessions per week (from Monday to Friday) so when you feel like joining in, visit our website to find out more and register for a session!