Join Greg Forrest as he delivers The Grammar of Games; an innovative approach to exploring potential ways to improve transfer of learning in games and sports and Physical Education and Sports.

The grammar of games: Exploring decision making
Wollongong Campus
Building 67, Room 301 (67.301)
The Grammar of Games (Forrest, 2018) is an innovative approach to exploring potential ways to improve transfer of learning in games and sports and Physical Education and Sports. Educators are asked to view all sports and movement experiences as contexts in which four underlying concepts common to all games and sports interact. These concepts, strategy and tactics, decision making, communication and concentration and movement skill acquisition, now become the content to be learnt, understood and assessed in education settings wherever sports and movement experiences are taught and assessed.
This workshop will specifically explore the concept of decision making in more detail. It will develop content knowledge in the underlying aspects of decision making from an individual and team perspective and then explore how they interact in movements and sports. Participants will then explore how they can provide learning experiences for their students and assess decision making in their own PE and Sport programs.
This presentation should be of interest to all educators in the physical, whether they be teachers, coaches or parents. The workshop is the first of three in the second half of 2019 addressing the underlying concepts of games and sports. For current teachers, the workshop will be NESA Accredited.