The Australian Centre for Health Engagement, Evidence and Values (ACHEEV), in collaboration with A/Prof Khin Win from the Centre for Persuasive Technology and Society in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, and Dr Scarlet Wilcock from the School of Law, cordially invite you to attend a UOW seminar by Professor Pascale Lehoux on the

Dr Pascale Lehoux on the Montreal Declaration on Responsible AI
Wollongong Campus
The Montreal Declaration, which was released in December 2018, stems from an inclusive deliberation process that established a dialogue between citizens, experts, public officials, industry stakeholders, civil organisations and professional associations (around 500 individuals contributed to public workshops, an online survey and call for memorandums).
The aims were to:
1. Develop an ethical framework for the development and deployment of AI;
2. to guide the digital transition so everyone benefits from AI systems and tools; and
3. to open up a national and international forum for discussions on ways to collectively achieve equitable, inclusive and ecologically sustainable AI development.
Ten principles and as many recommendations were derived from the deliberative processes.
Professor Lehoux will discuss the lessons she has drawn from her experience as a member of the Scientific Team of the Montreal Declaration. She will summarise the methodological process, its outcomes and what she see as areas for improvement.