Publications by Group Members (2016-2020)
- C. Tawk and G. Alici, "A Review of 3D Printable Soft Pneumatic Actuators and Sensors: Research Challenges and Opportunities", Advanced Intelligent Systems, doi: 10.1002/aisy.202000223, November 2020 (in print).
- C. Sancak, F. Yamac, M. Itik, and G. Alici, “Force control of electro-active polymer actuators using model-free intelligent control”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, pp., January 2021 (in print).
- B. Stephens-Fripp, R Mutlu, and G. Alici, "A Comparison between Separated Electrodes and Concentric Electrodes for Electrotactile Stimulation", IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Vol.3, no.1, pp. 241-252, February 2021.
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, T. Searle, and G. Alici, “Low hysteresis and ultra-sensitive microcellular structures for wearable electronic applications”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,, December 2020 (in print).
- A. Giraldo-Pedroza, W. C. Lee, W. K. Lam, R. Coman, and G. Alici, "Effects of Wearable Devices with Biofeedback on Biomechanical Performance of Running – a Systematic Review", Sensors, 20(22), 6637;, 2020.
- B. Stephens-Fripp, R Mutlu, and G. Alici, "A Comparison of Recognition and Sensitivity in the Upper Arm and Lower Arm to Mechanotactile Stimulation", IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Vol.2, no.1, pp. 76-85, February 2020.
- C. Tawk, H. Zhou, E. Sariyildiz, M. in het Panhuis, G.M. Spinks, and G. Alici, "Design, Modeling and Control of a 3D Printed Monolithic Soft Robotic Finger with Embedded Pneumatic Sensing Chambers", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3009365, July 2020 (in print)
- A. S. Niyetkaliyev, E. Sariyildiz, and G. Alici, “Kinematic Modelling and Analysis of a Novel Bio-inspired and Cable-Driven Hybrid Shoulder Mechanism", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics,, 13(1): 011008 (12 pages), Feb 2021.
- C. Tawk and G. Alici, "Finite Element Modeling in the Design Process of 3D Printed Pneumatic Soft Actuators and Sensors”, Robotics, 9 (3), 52,, July 2020.
- A. Mohammadi, J. Lavranos, H. Zhou, R. Mutlu, G. Alici, Y. Tang, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, "A practical 3D-printed soft robotic prosthetic hand with multi-articulating capabilities", PLOS ONE,, May 2020.
- R. M. Mayer, R. Garcia-Rosas, A. Mohammadi, Y. Tan, G. Alici, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, "Tactile Feedback in Closed-Loop Control of Myoelectric Hand Grasping: Conveying Information of Multiple Sensors Simultaneously via a Single Feedback Channel", Frontiers in Neuroscience,, April 2020.
- B. Stephens-Fripp, M. Walker, E. Goddard and G. Alici, "A Survey on What Australians with Upper Limb Difference Want in a Prosthesis: Justification for using Soft Robotics and Additive Manufacturing for Customised Prosthetic Hands", Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Vol. 15, No.3, pp. 342—349, 10.1080/17483107.2019.1580777, March 2020.
- H. Zhou and G. Alici, "A novel magnetic anchoring system for wireless capsule endoscopes operating within the gastrointestinal tract", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 24, No.3, pp. 1106—1116, June 2019.
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, and G. Alici, “Environmentally friendly and biodegradable ultra-sensitive piezoresistive sensors for wearable electronics applications”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,, January 2020.
- M. Walker, B. Stephens-Fripp, E. Goddard and G. Alici, "Towards including end-users in the design of prosthetic hands: Ethical analysis of a survey of Australians with upper-limb difference", Science and Engineering Ethics, 26:981-1007,, 2020.
- B. Stephens-Fripp, M. Leong, G. Bowring, R Mutlu, and G. Alici, "Non-Invasive Sensory Feedback to Enhance Gripping Force Control of Myoelectric Transradial Prosthetic Hands", IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, under review, 2019.
- C. Tawk, A. Gillett, M. in het Panhuis, G.M. Spinks and G. Alici, "A 3D Printed Omni-Purpose Soft Gripper", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.35, No.5, pp.1268 -1275, October 2019.
- W. Hu and G. Alici, "Bio-inspired 3D-Printed Helical Soft Pneumatic Actuators and Their Characterization”, Soft Robotics, Vol.7, no.3, pp.267-282,, June 2020.
- C. Tawk, G.M, Spinks, M. in het Panhuis, and G. Alici, " 3D Printable Linear Soft Vacuum Actuators (LSOVA): their modeling, performance quantification and application in soft robotic systems ", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.24, No.5, pp. 2118-2129, October 2019.
- A. Remennikov, D. Kalubadanage, T. Ngo, P. Mendis, G. Alici and A. Whittaker, “Development and performance evaluation of large-scale auxetic protective systems for localised impulsive loads”, Int. J. of Protective Structures,, June 2019 (in print).
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, and G. Alici, “Highly Sensitive Soft Foam Sensors to Empower Robotic Systems”, Advanced Materials Technologies,, August 2019.
- T. D. Than, G. Alici, H. Zhou, S. Harvey, and W. Li, “Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol.49, No.6, pp.1270 – 1284, June 2019.
- C. Sancak, F. Yamac, M. Itik, and G. Alici, “Model-free control of an electro-active polymer actuator”, Materials Research Express, Vol. 6, No.5, Article No. 055309, 2019.
- C. Tawk, M. in het Panhuis, G.M, Spinks and G. Alici, "Soft Pneumatic Sensing Chambers (SPSC) for Generic and Interactive Human-Machine Interfaces", Advanced Intelligent Systems, doi: 10.1002/aisy.201900002, April 2019 (in print).
- J. Zhang, T. Yildirim, S. Sun, G. Alici, S. Zhang and W. Li, “Transverse and parametric nonlinear dynamics of a doubly clamped resonator", Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, May 2019 (in print).
- H. Mai, R. Mutlu, C. Tawk, G. Alici and V. Sencadas, "Ultra-stretchable MWCNT–Ecoflex piezoresistive sensors for human motion detection applications”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.173, pp. 118-124, March 2019.
- L. Robertson, R. Abbas, G. Alici, A. Munoz and K. Michael, "Engineering based design methodology for embedding ethics in autonomous robots", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.107, No.3, pp.582 – 599, March 2019.
- C. Tawk, M. in het Panhuis, G.M, Spinks and G. Alici, "Bioinspired 3D Printable Soft Vacuum Actuators (SOVA) for Locomotion Robots, Grippers and Artificial Muscles", Soft Robotics, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp.685-694, December 2018.
- H. Zhou, A. Mohammadi, D. Oetomo and G. Alici, "A novel monolithic soft robotic thumb for an anthropomorphic prosthetic hand", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 602 – 609, April 2019.
- B. Stephens-Fripp, V. Sencadas, R Mutlu, and G. Alici, "Reusable Flexible Concentric Electrodes Coated with a Conductive Graphene Ink for Electrotactile Stimulation", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Bionics and Biomimetics, 6:179. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00179, December 2018.
- C. Liu, E. Dong, M. Xu, G Alici, and J. Yang, “Locomotion analysis and optimization of actinomorphic robots with soft arms actuated by shape memory alloy (SMA) wires”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.1177/1729881418787943, Vol.15, No.4, July 2018.
- J. Zhang, T. Yildirim, G. Alici, S. Zhang, and W. Li, "Experimental nonlinear vibrations of an MRE sandwich plate", Journal of Smart Structures and Systems, Vol.22, No.1, pp.71 – 79, July 2018.
- W. Hu, R. Mutlu, W. Li and G. Alici, " A Structural Optimisation Method for a Soft Pneumatic Actuator”, Robotics 2018, 7(2), 24;
- F. Munoz, G. Alici, H. Zhou, W. Li, and M. Sitti, "Analysis of Magnetic Interaction in Remotely Controlled Magnetic Devices and Its Application to a Capsule Robot for Drug Delivery ", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.23, no.1, pp.298 – 310, February 2018.
- G. Alici, “Softer is Harder: What Differentiates Soft Robotics from Hard Robotics?”, Biomaterials and Soft Materials, Vol.3, No.28, pp. 1557-1568,, February 2018.
- B. Stephens-Fripp, G. Alici, and R Mutlu, "A Review of Non-Invasive Sensory Feedback Methods for Transradial Prosthetic Hands", IEEE Access, Vol.6, pp. 6878-6899, 2018.
- D. Yuan, Q. Zhao, S. Yan, S.-Y. Tang, G. Alici, J. Zhang and W. Li, “Recent progress of particle migration in viscoelastic fluid”, Lab on a Chip, Vol.18, No.4, pp.551 – 567, February 2018.
- T. Yildirim, J. Zhang, S. S. Sun, G. Alici, S. Zhang, and, W. Li, “Experimental nonlinear model identification of a highly nonlinear resonator”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol.140, No.3, pp. 034502, June 2018.
- G. Alici, T. Canty, R. Mutlu, W. Hu, V. Sencadas, "Modelling and Experimental Evaluation of Bending Behaviour of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Made of Discrete Actuation Chambers”, Soft Robotics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.24-35, February 2018.
- C. A. Hamilton, G. Alici, and M. in het Panhuis, “3D Printing Vegemite and Marmite: Redefining "Breadboards", Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.220, pp.83-88, March 2018.
- C. A. Hamilton, K. Tian, J. Bae, C. Yang, G. Alici, G. M. Spinks, Z. Suo, J. J. Vlassak and M. in het Panhuis, “A Soft Stretchable Sensor: Towards Peripheral Nerve Signal Sensing”, MRS Advances, Vol.3, No. 28, pp. 1597-1602, 2018.
- S.S. Sun, J. Yang, T. Yildirim, H. Du, G. Alici, S. Zhang, and W. Li, "Development of a nonlinear adaptive absorber based on magnetorheological elastomer", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.29, No.2, pp.194 – 204, January 2018.
- A. S. Niyetkaliyev, S. Hussain, P. Jamwal, and G. Alici, “Modelling of the Human Shoulder Girdle as a 6-4 Parallel Mechanism with a Moving Scapulothoracic Joint", Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vo.118, pp.219-230, December 2017.
- A. S. Niyetkaliyev, S. Hussain, M. H. Ghayesh, and G. Alici, “Review on Design and Control Aspects of Robotic Shoulder Rehabilitation Orthoses", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Vol.47, No.6, pp. 1134-1145, December 2017.
- V. Sencadas, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, "Large area and ultra-thin compliant strain sensors for prosthetic devices”, Sensors and Actuators: A, Physical, Vol 266, pp. 56 – 64, October 2017.
- Q. Zhao, S. Yan, D. Yuan, J. Zhang, H. Du, G. Alici, and W. Li, “Double-Mode Microparticle Manipulation by Tunable Secondary Flow in Microchannel with Arc-Shaped Groove Arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol.11, N0.6, pp. 1406-1412, December 2017.
- T. Yildirim, J. Zhang, W. Li, G. Alici, S. Zhang, and S. S. Sun, “Design of an enhanced wideband energy harvester using a parametrically excited array”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.410, pp. 416-428, December 2017.
- M. K. Masud, Md. N. Islam, Md. H. Haque, S. Tanaka, V. Gopalan, G. Alici, N.-T. Nguyen, A. K. Y. Lam, Md. S. A.Hossain, Y. Yamauchi, and M. J. A. Shiddiky, “Gold-loaded nanoporous superparamagnetic nanocubes for catalytic signal amplification in detecting miRNA”, Chemical Communications, Vol.53, No.58, pp. 8231 – 8243, July 2017.
- Q. Zhao, J. Zhang, S. Yan, D. Yuan, H. Du, G. Alici, and W. Li, "High-throughput sheathless and three-dimensional microparticle focusing using a microchannel with arc-shaped groove arrays", Scientific Reports (published by Nature Publishing Group), Vol. 7, Article number: 4115, January 2017.
- Q. Zhao, D. Yuan, S. Yan, J. Zhang, H. Du, G. Alici, and W. Li, "Flow rate-insensitive microparticle separation and filtration using a microchannel with arc-shaped groove arrays", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol.21:55, DOI 10.1007/s10404-017-1890-y, March 2017.
- T. Hossain, G. Mahmudunnab, M. K. Masud, Md. N. Islam, L. Ooi. K. Konstantinov, S, Al Hossain, B. Martinac, G. Alici, N.-T. Nguyen, and M. J. A. Shiddiky, “Electrochemical biosensing strategies for DNA methylation analysis”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.94, pp. 63-73, August 2017.
- A. Taylor, S. Beirne, G. Alici and G. Wallace, "System and Process Development for Coaxial Extrusion in Fused Deposition Modelling", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, No.3, pp.543-550, 2017.
- R. Mutlu, G. Alici, M. in het Panhuis, and G.M, Spinks, "3D Printed Flexure Hinges for Soft Monolithic Prosthetic Fingers", Soft Robotics, Vol.3, No.3, pp.120 -133, September 2016.
- D. Yuan, J. Zhang, R. Sluyter, Q. Zhao, S. Yan, G. Alici, and W. Li, "Continuous plasma extraction under viscoelastic fluid in a straight channel with asymmetrical expansion–contraction cavity arrays”, Lab on Chip, 2016,16, 3919-3928.
- T. Searle, T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, W. Li, and G. Alici, "Design, Fabrication, and Test of a Coupled Parametric-Transverse Nonlinearly Broadband Energy Harvester", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.33, No.2, pp. 457-464, June 2018.
- T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, W. Li, and G. Alici, “A Review on Performance Enhancement Techniques for Ambient Vibration Energy Harvesters”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 435-449, May 2017.
- J. Zhang, S. Yan, D. Yuan, G. Alici, N.-T. Nguyen, and W. Li, “High Throughput Cell-free Extraction of Plasma by an Integrated Microfluidic Device Combining Inertial Focusing and Membrane”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.139, No.5, pp. 052404-052404-7, DOI:10.1115/1.4035588, May 2017.
- S. Solaiman, Y. Yamauchi, J. Kim, J. Horvat, S. Dou, G. Alici, L. Ooi, B. Martinac, M. Shiddiky, V. Gopalan, and Md S. Al Hossain “Nanotechnology and Its Medical Applications: Revisiting Public Policies from a Regulatory Perspective in Australia”, Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol.6, No. 3, pp. 255 – 269, June 2017.
- S.S. Sun, J. Yang, W.H. Li, H, Du, G. Alici, T.H. Yan, and M. Nakano, “Development of an isolator working with magnetorheological elastomers and fluids”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 83, pp. 371-384, January 2017.
- T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, W. Li, and G. Alici, “A nonlinearly broadband tuneable energy harvester", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol.139, No.1, pp. 011008.01-- 011008-11, January 2017.
- T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, T. Searle, W. Li, and G. Alici, “A parametrically broadband nonlinear energy harvester", ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, doi:10.1115/1.4034514, Vol.139, pp. 032001.1 -- 032001.8, May 2017.
- C. Hamilton, G. Alici, G. Spinks, and M. in het Panhuis, “The Suitability of 3-D Printed Eutectic Gallium-Indium Alloy as a Heating Element for Thermally Active Hydrogels”, MRS Advances, Vol.2, No. 6, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.618, pp. 335-340, 2017.
- F. Munoz, G. Alici and W. Li, "A Magnetically Actuated Drug Delivery System for Robotic Endoscopic Capsules", ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol.10, No.1, 011004-1-11, March 2016.
- D. Yuan, C. Pan, J. Zhang, S. Yan, Q. Zhao, G. Alici, and W. H. Li, “Tunable particle focusing in a straight channel with symmetric semicircle obstacle arrays using electrophoresis-modified inertial effects”, Micromachines 2016, 7, 195; doi:10.3390/mi7110195, October 2016.
- H. Zhao, G. Alici and F. Munoz, "A Magnetically Actuated Anchoring System for a Wireless Endoscopic Capsule", Biomedical Microdevices, DOI: 10.1007/s10544-016-0129-0, Vol.18, No.6, December 2016.
- J. Hu, E. Dong, G. Alici, S. Mao, C. Liu, M. Xu, K. Low, and J. Yang, “A starfish robot based on soft and smart modular structure (SMS) actuated by SMA wires”, Journal of Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 11, 056012, 2016.
- S. K. Yildiz, R. Mutlu and G. Alici, “Fabrication and characterisation of highly stretchable elastomeric strain sensors for prosthetic hand applications”, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Vol.247, pp. 514-521, October 2016.
- F.L. Liu, J. Zhang, G. Alici, Y. Sheng, R. Mutlu, W. Li, and T. Yan “An inverted micro-mixer based on a magnetically-actuated cilium made of Fe doped PDMS”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25, No. 095049, August 2016.
- T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, W. Li, and G. Alici, “Design and development of a parametrically excited nonlinear energy harvester", Energy Conversion and Management, 126, pp. 247–255, October 2016.
- S. Yan, J. Zhang, H. Chen, D. Yuan, G. Alici, H. Du, Y. Zhu, and W. Li, “Development of a novel magnetophoresis-assisted hydrophoresis microdevice for rapid particle ordering”, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol.18, No.4, DOI:10.1007/s10544-016-0078-7, August 2016.
- J. Hu, E. Dong, X. Min, C. Liu, G. Alici, and J. Yang, “Soft and smart modular structures actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires as tentacles of soft robots”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.26, 085026, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/8/085026, June 2016.
- M. Y. Coskun, C. Sancak, M. Itik, and G. Alici, “Hybrid force and position control of a conducting tri-layer electro-active polymer actuator”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol.39, No.3. pp.288-296, March 2017.
- F. Munoz, G. Alici, W. Li, and M. Sitti, "Size Optimization of a Magnetic System for Drug Delivery with Capsule Robots", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.52, No.5, DOI:10.1109/TMAG.2016.2519004, May 2016.
- M. Mustapic, Md S. Al Hossain, J. Horvat, P. Wagner, D. Mitchell, B. Martinac, J. H. Kim, G. Alici, and Y. Nakayama, “Controlled Delivery of Drugs Adsorbed onto Porous Fe3O4 Structures by Application of AC/DC Magnetic Fields”, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, Vol.226, pp.243-250, May 2016.
- A. Khaldi, A. Maziz, G. Alici, G. M. Spinks, and E. W.H. Jager, “Bottom-up microfabrication process for individually controlled conjugated polymer actuators”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol.230, pp. 818-824, July 2016.
- D. Yuan, J. Zhang, S. Yan, G. Peng, Q. Zhao, G. Alici, H. Du, and W. H. Li, “Investigation of particle lateral migration in sample-sheath flow of viscoelastic fluid and Newtonian fluid”, Electrophoresis, Vol.37, No. 15-16, pp. 2147 – 2155, August 2016.
- S. Sun, J. Yang, W. Li, H. Deng, H. Du, G. Alici, and T.H. Yan, “An innovative MRE absorber with double natural frequencies for wide frequency bandwidth vibration absorption”, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, March 2016 (In print).
- J. Yang, S.S. Sun, T. Tian, W.H. Li, H, Du, G. Alici and M. Nakano, “Development of a novel multi-layer MRE isolator for suppression of building vibrations under seismic events”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 70–71, pp. 811–820, March 2016.
- J. Zhang, S. Yan, D. Yuan, G. Alici, N.-T. Nguyen, M. Ebrahimi W. and W. Li, “Fundamentals and applications of inertial microfluidics: a review”, Lab on a Chip, Vol.16, No.1, pp.10-34, January 2016.
- M. H. Ghayesh, H. Farokhi, and G. Alici, “Internal energy transfer in dynamical behaviour of slightly curved shear deformable microplates”, ASME Journal of Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, Vol.11, No.4, 041002. doi: 10.1115/1.4031290, July 2016.
- M. H. Ghayesh, H, Farokhi, and G. Alici, Size-dependent performance of microgyroscopes, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 100, pp. 99-111, March 2016.
- T. Yildirim, M. H. Ghayesh, W. Li, and G. Alici, “An Experimental Investigation into Nonlinear Dynamics of a Magneto-Rheological Elastomer Sandwich Beam", Smart Materials and Structures, 25(1):015018. DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/25/1/015018, January 2016.
- R. Mutlu, G. Alici, and W. Li, "A Soft Mechatronic Micro-Stage Mechanism Based on Electroactive Polymer Actuators", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.21, No.3, pp.1467 -- 1478, June 2016.
- Armitage L, Buller A, Rajan G, Prusty G, Simmons A, Kark L. Clinical utility of pressure feedback to socket design and fabrication. Prosthetics and orthotics international. 2020;44(1):18-26.
- Armitage L, Kark L, Czerniec S, Kwah LK. Reliability and Validity of Measurement Tools for Residual Limb Volume in People With Limb Amputations: A Systematic Review. Physical therapy. 2019;99(5):612-26.
- Armitage L, Kwah LK, Kark L. Reliability and validity of the iSense optical scanner for measuring volume of transtibial residual limb models. Prosthetics and orthotics international. 2019;43(2):213-20.
- Armitage L, Rajan G, Kark L, Simmons A, Prusty BG. Simultaneous measurement of normal and shear stress using fiber Bragg grating sensors in prosthetic applications. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;19(17):7383-90.
- Lam, W.-K., Wong, D.W.-C., Lee, W.C.-C. Biomechanics of lower limb in badminton lunge: a systematic scoping review (2020) PeerJ, 8, art. no. 10300 .
- Wong, D.W.-C., Lee, W.C.-C., Lam, W.-K. Biomechanics of table tennis: A systematic scoping review of playing levels and maneuvers (2020) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (15), art. no. 5203, .
- Wong, D.W.-C., Lam, W.-K., Lee, W.C.-C. Gait asymmetry and variability in older adults during long-distance walking: Implications for gait instability (2020) Clinical Biomechanics, 72, pp. 37-43.
- Ma, C.Z.-H., Lam, W.-K., Chang, B.-C., Lee, W.C.-C. Can insoles be used to improve static and dynamic balance of community-dwelling older adults? A systematic review on recent advances and future perspectives (2020) Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 28 (6), pp. 971-986.
- Lam, W.-K., Lee, W.C.-C., Ng, S.-O., Zheng, Y. Effects of foot orthoses on dynamic balance and basketball free-throw accuracy before and after physical fatigue (2019) Journal of Biomechanics, 96, art. no. 109338, .
- Lam, W.-K., Fan, J.-X., Zheng, Y., Lee, W.C.-C. Joint and plantar loading in table tennis topspin forehand with different footwork (2019) European Journal of Sport Science, 19 (4), pp. 471-479.
- Li, W.H.C., Lee, W.C.C., Leung, A.K.L., Zhang, M. Biomechanical approach in facilitating long-distance walking of healthy elderly people (2019) Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi, 25 (1), pp. 44-47.
- Lee, W.C.C., Alici, G. Smart approaches in facilitating engineering students to learn health technology (2019) Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 99, pp. 175-182.
- Elhadi, M.M.O., Ma, C.Z.-H., Lam, W.K., Lee, W.C.-C. Biomechanical approach in facilitating long-distance walking of elderly people using footwear modifications (2018) Gait and Posture, 64, pp. 101-107.
- Ma, C.Z.-H., Wong, D.W.-C., Wan, A.H.-P., Lee, W.C.-C. Effects of orthopedic insoles on static balance of older adults wearing thick socks (2018) Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42 (3), pp. 357-362.
- Lam, W.-K., Lee, W.C.-C., Lee, W.M., Ma, C.Z.-H., Kong, P.W. Segmented forefoot plate in basketball footwear: Does it influence performance and foot joint kinematics and kinetics? (2018) Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34 (1), pp. 31-38.
- Ma, C.Z.-H., Zheng, Y.-P., Lee, W.C.-C. Changes in gait and plantar foot loading upon using vibrotactile wearable biofeedback system in patients with stroke (2018) Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 25 (1), pp. 20-27.
- Ma, C.Z.-H., Lee, W.C.-C. A wearable vibrotactile biofeedback system improves balance control of healthy young adults following perturbations from quiet stance (2017) Human Movement Science, 55, pp. 54-60.
- Elhadi, M.M.O., Ma, C.Z., Wong, D.W.C., Wan, A.H.P., Lee, W.C.C. Comprehensive gait analysis of healthy older adults who have undergone long-distance walking (2017) Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 25 (3), pp. 367-377.
- Wan, A.H., Wong, D.W., Ma, C.Z., Zhang, M., Lee, W.C. Wearable Vibrotactile Biofeedback Device Allowing Identification of Different Floor Conditions for Lower-Limb Amputees (2016) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97 (7), pp. 1210-1213.
- Ma, C.Z.-H., Wong, D.W.-C., Lam, W.K., Wan, A.H.-P., Lee, W.C.-C. Balance improvement effects of biofeedback systems with state-of-the-art wearable sensors: A systematic review (2016) Sensors (Switzerland), 16 (4), art. no. 434, .
- D. Tian, R. Xu, E. Sariyildiz, H. Gao, “An Adaptive Switching-Gain Sliding-Mode-Assisted Disturbance Observer for High-Precision Servo Control,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, (accepted).
- E. Sariyildiz, S. Hangai, T. Uzunovic, T. Nozaki, K. Ohnishi, “Stability and Robustness of Disturbance Observer Based Motion Control Systems in Discrete Time Domain,” IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron. (accepted).
- Barkan Ugurlu, Emre Sariyildiz, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Jan Babiˇc, “Active Compliance Control Reduces Upper Body Effort in Exoskeleton-Supported Walking,” IEEE Trans. Human Machine Sys, April 2020, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 144-153.
- E. Sariyildiz, R. Oboe, K. Ohnishi “Disturbance Observer-based Robust Control and Its Applications: 35th Anniversary Overview,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, Mar. 2020, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 2042-2053.
- E. Sariyildiz, R. Mutlu, H. Yu “A Sliding Mode Force and Position Controller Synthesis for Series Elastic Actuators,” Robotica, Jan. 2020, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 15-28.
- B. Ugurlu, P. Forni, C. Doppmann, E. Sariyildiz, J. Morimoto, “Stable Control of Force, Position, and Stiffness for Robot Joints Powered via Pneumatic Muscles,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat, Dec. 2019, vol. 15, no 12, pp 6270 - 6279.
- E. Sariyildiz, R. Mutlu, C. Zhang, “Active Disturbance Rejection Based Robust Trajectory Tracking Controller Design in State Space,” ASME Trans. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, Jun 2019, vol. 141, no. 6, pp. 1-7 (061013).
- E. Sariyildiz, H. Sekiguchi, T. Nozaki, B. Ugurlu, K. Ohnishi, “A Stability Analysis for the Acceleration-based Robust Position Control of Robot Manipulators via Disturbance Observer,” IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, Oct. 2018, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2369-2378.
- E. Sariyildiz, R. Mutlu, I. Mutlu, “A Disturbance Observer-Based Robust Controller Design for Systems with Right Half Plane Zeros and Poles,” Eur. J. Control, May 2018, vol. 41, pp. 53-62.
- E. Sariyildiz, C. Gong, H. Yu, “A Unified Robust Motion Controller Design for Series Elastic Actuators,” IEEE Trans. Mechatronics, Oct. 2017, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 2229 - 2240.
- E. Sariyildiz, H. Temeltas, “Whole body motion control of humanoid robots using bilateral control,” Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, April 2017, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1495-1507.
- E. Sariyildiz, C. Gong, H. Yu, “An Acceleration-based Robust Motion Controller Design for a Novel Series Elastic Actuator,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, Mar. 2016, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1900-1910.
- E. Sariyildiz, H. Yu, K. Ohnishi, “A Practical Tuning Method for the Robust PID Controller with Velocity Feed-Back,” Invited Paper in Special Issue Advances in Control Engineering, Machine, Aug. 2015, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 208-222
- F. Bechet, K. Ogawa, E. Sariyildiz, K. Ohnishi, “Electro-Hydraulic Transmission System for Minimally Invasive Robotics,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, Dec. 2015, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 7643-7654
- K. Prasanga, E. Sariyildiz, K. Ohnishi, “Compensation of Backlash for Geared Drive Systems and Thrust Wires Used in Teleoperation,” IEEJ Trans. Ind. Applications, 2015, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 514-525.
- E. Sariyildiz, K. Ohnishi, “On the Explicit Robust Force Control via Disturbance Observer,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, Mar. 2015, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1581-1589.
- E. Sariyildiz, K. Ohnishi, “Stability and Robustness of Disturbance Observer Based Motion Control Systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, Jan. 2015, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 414-422.
- E. Sariyildiz, K. Ohnishi, “An Adaptive Reaction Force Observer Design,” IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, Apr. 2015, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 750-760.
- Nguyen, V.L., Kuo, C.-H., Lin, C.-Y. Gravity Compensation of Delta Parallel Robot Using a Gear-Spring Mechanism (2021) CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, 601, pp. 280-287.
- Nguyen, V.L., Lin, C.-Y., Kuo, C.-H. Gravity compensation design of Delta parallel robots using gear-spring modules (2020) Mechanism and Machine Theory, 154, art. no. 104046, .
- Nguyen, V.L., Lin, C.-Y., Kuo, C.-H. Gravity compensation design of planar articulated robotic arms using the gear-spring modules (2020) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12 (3), art. no. 031014, .
- Kuo, C.-H., Dai, J.S. Structure synthesis of parallel manipulators with fully decoupled projective motion and any degrees of freedom (2020) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 10, art. no. V010T10A028, .
- Linh, N.V., Kuo, C.-H. Performance Evaluation of a Class of Gravity-Compensated Gear-Spring Planar Articulated Manipulators (2020) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 78, pp. 29-38.
- Kuo, C.-H., Lin, P.-C., Essomba, T., Chen, G.-C. Preface (2020) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 78, pp. v-vii.
- Shahabi, E., Yao, Y.-T., Chuang, C.-H., Lin, P.T., Kuo, C.-H. Design and Testing of 2-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) Printable Pneumatic Soft Finger (2020) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 78, pp. 298-308.
- Nguyen Vu, L., Kuo, C.-H. An analytical stiffness method for spring-articulated planar serial or quasi-serial manipulators under gravity and an arbitrary load (2019) Mechanism and Machine Theory, 137, pp. 108-126.
- Vu, L.N., Kuo, C.-H. A gear-slider gravity compensation mechanism: Design and experimental study (2019) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5B-2019, .
- Shahabi, E., Kuo, C.-H. Solving inverse kinematics of a planar dual-backbone continuum robot using neural network (2019) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 59, pp. 355-361.
- Shahabi, E., Lu, W.-H., Lin, P.T., Kuo, C.-H. Computer vision-based object recognition and automatic pneumatic soft gripping (2019) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 9, .
- Hsieh, C.-C., Kuo, C.-H., Matsuura, D., Takeda, Y. A 7R Spatial Linkage for Ankle Rehabilitation with an Arbitrary Ankle Rotation Axis (2019) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 73, pp. 1491-1498.
- Lin, P.T., Shahabi, E., Yang, K.-A., Yao, Y.-T., Kuo, C.-H. Parametrically Modeled DH Table for Soft Robot Kinematics: Case Study for A Soft Gripper (2019) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 73, pp. 617-625.
- Robertson, P.D., Herder, J.L., Kuo, C.-H. The Static Balancing of Single-Loop Reconfigurable Mechanisms (2018) 2018 International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2018 - Proceedings, art. no. 8449864, .
- Kuo, C.-H., Nguyen-Vu, L., Chou, L.-T. Static Balancing of a Reconfigurable Linkage with Switchable Mobility by Using a Single Counterweight (2018) 2018 International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2018 - Proceedings, art. no. 8449903, .
- Huang, H.-T., Kuo, C.-H. Design of constant-force mechanisms based on straight-line linkages (2018) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5B-2018, .
- Tseng, T.-Y., Lin, Y.-J., Hsu, W.-C., Lin, L.-F., Kuo, C.-H. A novel reconfigurable gravity balancer for lower-limb rehabilitation with switchable hip/knee-only exercise (2017) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9 (4), art. no. 041002, .
- 142.Kuo, C.-H., Su, J.-W., Wu, L.-C. An Algebraic Formulation for the Configuration Transformation of a Class of Reconfigurable Cube Mechanism (2017) Mechanical Sciences, 8 (1), pp. 101-109.
- Chu, Y.-L., Kuo, C.-H. A single-degree-of-freedom self-regulated gravity balancer for adjustable payload (2017) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9 (2), art. no. 021006, .
- Kuo, C.-H., Wang, C.-W. Innovative design of an automatic acupoint catgut-embedding instrument (2017) Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 11 (1), art. no. 015001, .
- Li, G.-K., Essomba, T., Wu, C.-T., Lee, S.-T., Kuo, C.-H. Kinematic design and optimization of a novel dual-orthogonal remote center-of-motion mechanism for craniotomy (2017) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 231 (6), pp. 1129-1145.
- Hung, Y.-C., Kuo, C.-H. A novel one-DoF gravity balancer based on cardan gear mechanism (2017) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 43, pp. 261-268.
- Kuo, C.-H., Su, J.-W. Configuration analysis of a class of reconfigurable cube mechanisms: Mobility and configuration isomorphism (2017) Mechanism and Machine Theory, 107, pp. 369-383.
- Kuo, C.-H., Chen, Y.-C., Pan, T.-Y. Continuum kinematics of a planar dual-backbone robot based on pseudo-rigid-body model: Formulation, accuracy, and efficiency (2017) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5A-2017, .
- Tsai, H.-K., Chen, Y.-S., Kuo, C.-H. Development of a continuously statically balanced tablet computer stand (2017) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 408, pp. 609-618.
- Chu, Y.-L., Kuo, C.-H. A single-dof self-regulated gravity balancer for adjustable payload (2016) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5A-2016, .
- Wu, L.-C., Kuo, C.-H. Enumerating the topological configurations of the reconfigurable cube mechanism with eight sub-cubes (2016) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 36, pp. 75-83.
- Kuo, C.-H., Lai, S.-J. Design of a novel statically balanced mechanism for laparoscope holders with decoupled positioning and orientating manipulation (2016) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8 (1), art. no. 015001.
- Sreenivasa M, Valero-Cuevas FJ, Tresch M, Nakamura Y, Schouten AC, Sartori M, “Editorial: Neuromechanics and Control of Physical Behavior: from Experimental and Computational Formulations to Bio-inspired Technologies”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 13, 2019.
- Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Kingma I, van Dieën JH, Mombaur K, “Predicting the influence of hip and lumbar flexibility on lifting motions using optimal control,” Journal of Biomechanics 78, 118-125, 2018.
- Harant M, Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Sarabon N, Mombaur K, “Optimizing Design Characteristics of Passive and Active Spinal Exoskeletons for Challenging Work Tasks,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, 249-253, 2018 .
- .Millard M, Sreenivasa M, Mombaur K, “Predicting the motions and forces of wearable robotic systems using optimal control,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI - Biomedical Robotics, 4:41, 2017.
- Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Felis M, Mombaur K, Wolf SI, “Optimal control based stiffness identification of an ankle-foot orthosis using a predictive walking model,” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 11:23, 2017 .
- Manns P, Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Mombaur K, “Motion optimization and parameter identification for a human and lower back exoskeleton model,” Robotics & Automation Letters, 2(3), pp. 1564-1570, 2017.
- Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Manns P, Mombaur K, “Optimizing Wearable Assistive Devices with Neuromuscular Models and Optimal Control”, Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II, 627-632, 2017.
- S. Zhang, L. Qiu, Y. Zheng, Q. Shi, T. Zhou, V. Sencadas, Y. Xu, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Zhang, C. L. Zhang, S. H. Yu, Z. Guo, Rational Design of Core-Shell ZnTe@N-Doped Carbon Nanowires for High Gravimetric and Volumetric Alkali Metal Ion Storage. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021).
- S. Y. Yang, V. Sencadas, S. S. You, N. Z. X. Jia, S. S. Srinivasan, H. W. Huang, A. E. Ahmed, J. Y. Liang, G. Traverso, Powering Implantable and Ingestible Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials 10.1002/adfm.202009289 (2021).
- D. M. Silva, R. Liu, A. F. Gonçalves, A. da Costa, A. Castro Gomes, R. Machado, J. Vongsvivut, M. J. Tobin, V. Sencadas, Design of polymeric core-shell carriers for combination therapies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 587, 499-509 (2021).
- D. M. Silva, L. G. dos Reis, M. J. Tobin, J. Vongsvivut, D. Traini, V. Sencadas, Co-delivery of inhalable therapies: Controlling active ingredients spatial distribution and temporal release. Materials Science and Engineering C 122 (2021).
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, T. Searle, G. Alici, Low-Hysteresis and Ultrasensitive Microcellular Structures for Wearable Electronic Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13, 1632-1643 (2021).
- S. T. Pham, A. K. Tieu, V. Sencadas, W. Lei, D. Liu, S. Wan, J. Hao, Smart-Responsive Colloidal Capsules as an Emerging Tool to Design a Multifunctional Lubricant Additive. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10.1021/acsami.0c20759 (2021).
- D. Cardillo, V. Sencadas, T. Devers, M. Monirul Islam, M. Tehei, A. Rosenfeld, T. Boutard, E. Rocher, P. J. Barker, K. Konstantinov, Attenuation of UV absorption by poly(lactic acid)-iron oxide nanocomposite particles and their potential application in sunscreens. Chemical Engineering Journal 405 (2021).
- J. Wu, Q. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Long, Z. Wu, W. Zhang, W. K. Pang, V. Sencadas, R. Song, W. Song, J. Mao, Z. Guo, Synergy of binders and electrolytes in enabling microsized alloy anodes for high performance potassium-ion batteries. Nano Energy 77 (2020).
- D. Singh, C. Tawk, R. Mutlu, E. Sariyildiz, V. Sencadas, G. Alici (2020) A 3D Printed Soft Force Sensor for Soft Haptics. in 2020 3rd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, RoboSoft 2020, pp 458-463.
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, G. Alici, Environmentally Friendly and Biodegradable Ultrasensitive Piezoresistive Sensors for Wearable Electronics Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 8761-8772 (2020).
- V. Sencadas, S. Sadat, D. M. Silva, Mechanical performance of elastomeric PGS scaffolds under dynamic conditions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 102 (2020).
- V. Sencadas, Influence of the Stabilization Process on the Piezotronic Performance of Electrospun Silk Fibroin. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 305 (2020).
- S. T. Pham, K. A. Tieu, S. Wan, J. Hao, H. H. Nguyen, D. R. G. Mitchell, V. Sencadas, Intrinsic Effect of Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Rupture of Doubled-Shell Colloidal Capsule via In Situ TEM Mechanical Testing and STEM Interfacial Analysis. Small 16 (2020).
- A. Morlando, J. McNamara, Y. Rehman, V. Sencadas, P. J. Barker, K. Konstantinov, Hydrothermal synthesis of rutile TiO2 nanorods and their decoration with CeO2 nanoparticles as low-photocatalytic active ingredients in UV filtering applications. Journal of Materials Science 55, 8095-8108 (2020).
- S. Liu, J. Mao, Q. Zhang, Z. Wang, W. K. Pang, L. Zhang, A. Du, V. Sencadas, W. Zhang, Z. Guo, An Intrinsically Non-flammable Electrolyte for High-Performance Potassium Batteries. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 59, 3638-3644 (2020).
- A. Ahmed, I. Hassan, A. S. Helal, V. Sencadas, A. Radhi, C. K. Jeong, M. F. El-Kady, Triboelectric Nanogenerator versus Piezoelectric Generator at Low Frequency (≤4 Hz): A Quantitative Comparison. iScience 23 (2020).
- S. M. Solaiman, J. Algie, S. Bakand, R. Sluyter, V. Sencadas, M. Lerch, X. F. Huang, K. Konstantinov, P. J. Barker, Nano-sunscreens–a double-edged sword in protecting consumers from harm: viewing Australian regulatory policies through the lenses of the European Union. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 49, 122-139 (2019).
- V. Sencadas, C. Tawk, G. Alici, Highly Sensitive Soft Foam Sensors to Empower Robotic Systems. Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (2019).
- V. Sencadas, C. Garvey, S. Mudie, J. J. K. Kirkensgaard, G. Gouadec, S. Hauser, Electroactive properties of electrospun silk fibroin for energy harvesting applications. Nano Energy 66 (2019).
- H. Mai, R. Mutlu, C. Tawk, G. Alici, V. Sencadas, Ultra-stretchable MWCNT–Ecoflex piezoresistive sensors for human motion detection applications. Composites Science and Technology 173, 118-124 (2019).
- K. Bogusz, M. Zuchora, V. Sencadas, M. Tehei, M. Lerch, N. Thorpe, A. Rosenfeld, S. X. Dou, H. K. Liu, K. Konstantinov, Synthesis of methotrexate-loaded tantalum pentoxide–poly(acrylic acid) nanoparticles for controlled drug release applications. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 538, 286-296 (2019).
- W. Zhang, W. K. Pang, V. Sencadas, Z. Guo, Understanding High-Energy-Density Sn4P3 Anodes for Potassium-Ion Batteries. Joule 2, 1534-1547 (2018).
- Q. Zhang, J. Mao, W. K. Pang, T. Zheng, V. Sencadas, Y. Chen, Y. Liu, Z. Guo, Boosting the Potassium Storage Performance of Alloy-Based Anode Materials via Electrolyte Salt Chemistry. Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2018).
- Y. Yan, V. Sencadas, T. Jin, X. Huang, W. Lie, D. Wei, Z. Jiang, Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the cross-linking density of the poly(glycerol sebacate) elastomeric nanocomposites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 521, 24-32 (2018).
- Y. Yan, M. Potts, Z. Jiang, V. Sencadas, Synthesis of highly-stretchable graphene – poly(glycerol sebacate) elastomeric nanocomposites piezoresistive sensors for human motion detection applications. Composites Science and Technology 162, 14-22 (2018).
- B. Stephens-Fripp, V. Sencadas, R. Mutlu, G. Alici, Reusable flexible concentric electrodes coated with a conductive graphene ink for electrotactile stimulation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 6 (2018).
- D. M. Silva, H. K. N. Vyas, M. L. Sanderson-Smith, V. Sencadas, Development and optimization of ciprofloxacin-loaded gelatin microparticles by single-step spray-drying technique. Powder Technology 330, 201-209 (2018).
- D. M. Silva, R. Paleco, D. Traini, V. Sencadas, Development of ciprofloxacin-loaded poly(vinyl alcohol) dry powder formulations for lung delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 547, 114-121 (2018).
- A. Morlando, V. Sencadas, D. Cardillo, K. Konstantinov, Suppression of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles encapsulated by chitosan through a spray-drying method with potential for use in sunblocking applications. Powder Technology 329, 252-259 (2018).
- R. Machado, A. da Costa, D. M. Silva, A. C. Gomes, M. Casal, V. Sencadas, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Poly(Lactic Acid)–Bovine Lactoferrin Nanofiber Membranes. Macromolecular Bioscience 18 (2018).
- F. I. Hai, S. Yang, M. B. Asif, V. Sencadas, S. Shawkat, M. Sanderson-Smith, J. Gorman, Z. Q. Xu, K. Yamamoto, Carbamazepine as a Possible Anthropogenic Marker in Water: Occurrences, Toxicological Effects, Regulations and Removal by Wastewater Treatment Technologies. Water (Switzerland) 10 (2018).
- H. C. Duong, D. Chuai, Y. C. Woo, H. K. Shon, L. D. Nghiem, V. Sencadas, A novel electrospun, hydrophobic, and elastomeric styrene-butadiene-styrene membrane for membrane distillation applications. Journal of Membrane Science 549, 420-427 (2018).
- M. Branco, A. R. Caseiro, D. M. Silva, I. Amorim, A. Rema, S. S. Pedrosa, M. V. Branquinho, P. S. Gomes, M. H. Fernandes, J. D. Santos, A. C. Mauricio, V. Sencadas, Processing, characterization, and in vivo evaluation of poly (L-lactic acid)-fish gelatin electrospun membranes for biomedical applications. ACS Applied Bio Materials 1, 226-236 (2018).
- G. Alici, T. Canty, R. Mutlu, W. Hu, V. Sencadas, Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Bending Behavior of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Made of Discrete Actuation Chambers. Soft Robotics 5, 24-35 (2018).
- Y. Yan, V. Sencadas, J. Zhang, G. Zu, D. Wei, Z. Jiang, Processing, characterisation and electromechanical behaviour of elastomeric multiwall carbon nanotubes-poly (glycerol sebacate) nanocomposites for piezoresistive sensors applications. Composites Science and Technology 142, 163-170 (2017).
- Y. Yan, V. Sencadas, J. Zhang, D. Wei, Z. Jiang, Superomniphilic Poly(glycerol sebacate)–Poly(l-lactic acid) Electrospun Membranes for Oil Spill Remediation. Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (2017).
- Y. Yan, V. Sencadas, T. Jin, X. Huang, J. Chen, D. Wei, Z. Jiang, Tailoring the wettability and mechanical properties of electrospun poly(L-lactic acid)-poly(glycerol sebacate) core-shell membranes for biomedical applications. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 508, 87-94 (2017).
- A. Sultana, S. K. Ghosh, V. Sencadas, T. Zheng, M. J. Higgins, T. R. Middya, D. Mandal, Human skin interactive self-powered wearable piezoelectric bio-e-skin by electrospun poly-l-lactic acid nanofibers for non-invasive physiological signal monitoring. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 5, 7352-7359 (2017).
- V. Sencadas, R. Mutlu, G. Alici, Large area and ultra-thin compliant strain sensors for prosthetic devices. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 266, 56-64 (2017).
- D. Santos, D. M. Silva, P. S. Gomes, M. H. Fernandes, J. D. Santos, V. Sencadas, Multifunctional PLLA-ceramic fiber membranes for bone regeneration applications. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 504, 101-110 (2017).
- D. Santos, C. O. Correia, D. M. Silva, P. S. Gomes, M. H. Fernandes, J. D. Santos, V. Sencadas, Incorporation of glass-reinforced hydroxyapatite microparticles into poly(lactic acid) electrospun fibre mats for biomedical applications. Materials Science and Engineering C 75, 1184-1190 (2017).
- R. Machado, V. Sencadas, "Advanced techniques for characterizing bioinspired materials" in Bioinspired Materials for Medical Applications. (2017), 10.1016/B978-0-08-100741-9.00007-3, pp. 177-214.
- Y. Liu, Z. Tai, T. Zhou, V. Sencadas, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, K. Konstantinov, Z. Guo, H. K. Liu, An All-Integrated Anode via Interlinked Chemical Bonding between Double-Shelled–Yolk-Structured Silicon and Binder for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 29 (2017).
- S. K. Ghosh, P. Adhikary, S. Jana, A. Biswas, V. Sencadas, S. D. Gupta, B. Tudu, D. Mandal, Electrospun gelatin nanofiber based self-powered bio-e-skin for health care monitoring. Nano Energy 36, 166-175 (2017).
- M. A. Gámiz-González, D. M. Correia, S. Lanceros-Mendez, V. Sencadas, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, A. Vidaurre, Kinetic study of thermal degradation of chitosan as a function of deacetylation degree. Carbohydrate Polymers 167, 52-58 (2017).
- A. Da Costa, A. M. Pereira, A. C. Gomes, J. C. Rodriguez-Cabello, V. Sencadas, M. Casal, R. MacHado, Single step fabrication of antimicrobial fibre mats from a bioengineered protein-based polymer. Biomedical Materials (Bristol) 12 (2017).
- H. Wang, V. Sencadas, G. Gao, H. Gao, A. Du, H. Liu, Z. Guo, Strong affinity of polysulfide intermediates to multi-functional binder for practical application in lithium-sulfur batteries. Nano Energy 26, 722-728 (2016).
- A. Vild, S. Teixeira, K. Kühn, G. Cuniberti, V. Sencadas, Orthogonal experimental design of titanium dioxide - Poly(methyl methacrylate) electrospun nanocomposite membranes for photocatalytic applications. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4, 3151-3158 (2016).
- T. A. M. Valente, D. M. Silva, P. S. Gomes, M. H. Fernandes, J. D. Santos, V. Sencadas, Effect of sterilization methods on electrospun poly(lactic acid) (PLA) fiber alignment for biomedical applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8, 3241-3249 (2016).
- J. A. Panadero, V. Sencadas, S. C. M. Silva, C. Ribeiro, V. Correia, F. M. Gama, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Mendez, Mechanical fatigue performance of PCL-chondroprogenitor constructs after cell culture under bioreactor mechanical stimulus. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 104, 330-338 (2016).
- J. Padrão, S. Gonçalves, J. P. Silva, V. Sencadas, S. Lanceros-Méndez, A. C. Pinheiro, A. A. Vicente, L. R. Rodrigues, F. Dourado, Bacterial cellulose-lactoferrin as an antimicrobial edible packaging. Food Hydrocolloids 58, 126-140 (2016).
- A. D. Moriana, T. Tian, V. Sencadas, W. Li, Comparison of rheological behaviors with fumed silica-based shear thickening fluids. Korea Australia Rheology Journal 28, 197-205 (2016).
- A. Maceiras, A. Gören, V. Sencadas, C. M. Costa, J. L. Vilas, S. Lanceros-Méndez, L. M. León, Effect of cyano dipolar groups on the performance of lithium-ion battery electrospun polyimide gel electrolyte membranes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 778, 57-65 (2016).
- A. Lengalova, A. Vesel, Y. Feng, V. Sencadas, Biodegradable Polymers for Medical Applications. International Journal of Polymer Science 2016 (2016).
- S. Gonçalves, I. P. Rodrigues, J. Padrão, J. P. Silva, V. Sencadas, S. Lanceros-Mendez, H. Girão, F. M. Gama, F. Dourado, L. R. Rodrigues, Acetylated bacterial cellulose coated with urinary bladder matrix as a substrate for retinal pigment epithelium. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 139, 1-9 (2016).
- J. C. Dias, D. C. Correia, A. C. Lopes, S. Ribeiro, C. Ribeiro, V. Sencadas, G. Botelho, J. M. S. S. Esperança, J. M. Laza, J. L. Vilas, L. M. León, S. Lanceros-Méndez, Development of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications. Journal of Materials Science 51, 4442-4450 (2016).
- V. Correia, J. A. Panadero, C. Ribeiro, V. Sencadas, J. G. Rocha, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Méndez, Design and validation of a biomechanical bioreactor for cartilage tissue culture. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 15, 471-478 (2016).
- D. M. Correia, V. Sencadas, C. Ribeiro, P. M. Martins, P. Martins, F. M. Gama, G. Botelho, S. Lanceros-Méndez, Processing and size range separation of pristine and magnetic poly(l-lactic acid) based microspheres for biomedical applications. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 476, 79-86 (2016).
- D. M. Correia, C. Ribeiro, V. Sencadas, L. Vikingsson, M. Oliver Gasch, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, G. Botelho, S. Lanceros-Méndez, Strategies for the development of three dimensional scaffolds from piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride). Materials and Design 92, 674-681 (2016).
- N. A. Almeida, P. M. Martins, S. Teixeira, J. A. Lopes da Silva, V. Sencadas, K. Kühn, G. Cuniberti, S. Lanceros-Mendez, P. A. A. P. Marques, TiO<inf>2</inf>/graphene oxide immobilized in P(VDF-TrFE) electrospun membranes with enhanced visible-light-induced photocatalytic performance. Journal of Materials Science 51, 6974-6986 (2016).
L. Armitage, A. Buller, G. Rajan, G. Prusty, A. Simmons, L. Kark. “Effect of Pressure Sensor Feedback on Prosthetic Socket Fabrication.” Poster Presentation. Congress of International Society for Biomechanics, Calgary Aug 2019.
L. Armitage, L. Kark, S. Strike. “It’s all relative: Measuring movement between the residual limb and prosthesis of people with transtibial amputation in real time.” Oral Presentation. Engineering Postgraduate Research Symposium UNSW, Sydney Sept 2018.
L. Armitage, L; Kark, G. Prusty, G. Rajan, “Development of a Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Shear and Compressive Stresses at the Socket-Residuum Interface.” Poster Presentation. Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Sydney Nov 2017.
L. Armitage, L; Dürselen, R. Aaron; A. Ignatius; ML. Knothe Tate. “Meniscal Loading and Molecular Transport in an In Vivo Osteoarthritis Model,” in Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., pp. 0608 – 0608. Poster Presentation. Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., 05 - 08 March 2016.
E. Sariyildiz, “A Guide to Design Disturbance Observer Based Motion Control Systems in Discrete-time Domain”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), Kashiwa, Japan, 7-9 March 2021.
E. Sariyildiz, “Acceleration Measurement Enhances the Bandwidth of Disturbance Observer in Motion Control systems”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), Kashiwa, Japan, 7-9 March 2021.
E. Dunwoodie, R. Mutlu, B. Ugurlu, M. Yildirim, T Uzunovic, E. Sariyildiz, “A High-Torque Density Compliant Actuator Design for Physical Robot Environment Interaction,” IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Kristiansand, Norway, 20 – 22 April, 2020.
E. Sariyildiz, R. Mutlu, T. Nozaki, T. Murakami, “A Decentralized Force Controller Synthesis for Compliant Robots Driven by Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), Ilmenau, Germany, 18 – 20 March, 2019.
E. Sariyildiz, R. Mutlu “A Robust Position Controller Synthesis for Compliant Mechanical Systems via Disturbance Observer in State Space”, IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Tokyo, Japan, 9 – 11 March, 2018.
A. T. Kansizoglu, E. Sariyildiz, B. Ugurlu “A Comparison Study on Observer-based Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Tokyo, Japan, 9 – 11 March, 2018.
T. Uzunovic, E. Sariyildiz, A. Sabanovic “A Discussion on Discrete Implementation of Disturbance-Observer-Based Control”, IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Tokyo, Japan, 9 – 11 March, 2018.
E. Sariyildiz, H. Cheng, G. M. Yagli, H. Yu, “Modelling and Control of a Novel Walker Robot for Post-Stroke Gait Rehabilitation”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON), Beijing, China, 29 October– 1 November, 2017.
E. Sariyildiz, H. Yu, “A Robust Force Controller Design for Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 24 – 28 September, 2017.
E. Sariyildiz, H. Wang, H. Yu, “A Sliding Mode Controller Design for the Robust Position Control Problem of Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, Singapore, 29 May – 3 June, 2017.
E. Sariyildiz, C. Gong, H. Yu, “An Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for the Robust Position Control of Series Elastic Actuators”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Deajeon, South Korea, 9 – 14 October, 2016.
E. Sariyildiz, T. Nozaki, H. Yu, T. Murakami, “A Robust State-Space Controller Design for Multi-Mass Resonant Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON), Florence, Italy, 24 – 27 October, 2016.
E. Sariyildiz, T. Nozaki, H. Yu, T. Murakami, “Robust Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators using Sliding Mode Control and Disturbance Observer”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON), Florence, Italy, 24 – 27 October, 2016.
E. Sariyildiz, T. Nozaki, H. Yu, T. Murakami, “Robust Vibration Control of Two-Mass Resonant Systems in State Space”, The 14th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Auckland, New Zealand, 22-24 April 2016.
Robertson, P.D., Kuo, C.-H., Herder, J.L. A compatibility study of static balancing in reconfigurable mechanisms (2016) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5B-2016, .
Essomba, T., Wu, C.-T., Lee, S.-T., Kuo, C.-H. Mechanical design of a craniotomy robotic manipulator based on optimal kinematic and force performance (2016) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 37, pp. 191-198.
Harant M, Sreenivasa M, Millard M, Sarabon N, Mombaur K, “Parameter optimization for passive spinal exoskeletons based on experimental data and optimal control,” 2017 IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2017
Sreenivasa M, Chamorro CJG, Alvarado DG, Rettig O, Wolf SI, “Patient specific bone geometry and segment inertia from MRI images for model-based analysis of pathological gait,” Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (9), pp. 1918-1925, 2016
Sreenivasa M, Ayusawa K, Nakamura Y, “Modeling and identification of a realistic spiking neural network and musculoskeletal model of the human arm, and an application to the stretch reflex,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 24 (5), pp. 591-602, 2016.
Sreenivasa M, Laumond J-P, Mombaur K, Berthoz A, “Principles underlying locomotor trajectory formation,” in Humanoid Robotics: A Reference, eds. Vadakkepat P, Goswami A, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 1-17, 2016.
B. Akle, C. Tawk and E. Challita. Design and Manufacturing of an Array of Micro IPMC Hair-like Sensors, 2016, SPIE Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices.
R. M. Mayer, A. Mohammadi, Y. Tang, G. Alici, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, "Psychometric Evaluation of Multi-Point Bone-Conducted Tactile Stimulation on the Three Bony Landmarks of the Elbow”, 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2020), pp. , New York, USA, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2020.
C. Tawk, M. in het Panhuis, G.M Spinks, and G. Alici, “3D Printed Soft Pneumatic Bending Sensing Chambers for Bilateral and Remote Control of Soft Robotic Systems", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.922-927, Boston, USA, July 2020.
C. Tawk, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, “A 3D Printed Modular Soft Gripper for Conformal Grasping", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.583-588, Boston, USA, July 2020.
H. Zhou, and G. Alici, “A compact and cost-effective pattern recognition based myoelectric control system for robotic prosthetic hands", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.270-275, Boston, USA, July 2020.
C. Tawk, E. Sariyildiz, H. Zhou, M. in het Panhuis, G.M Spinks, and G. Alici, “Position Control of a 3D Printed Soft Finger with Integrated Soft Pneumatic Sensing Chambers", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, pp.446 -- 451, USA, April 2020.
D. Singh, C. Tawk, R. Mutlu, E. Sariyildiz, Vitor Sencadas, and G. Alici, “A 3D Printed Soft Force Sensor for Soft Haptics", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, pp.458 -- 463, USA, April 2020.
R. M. Mayer, A. Mohammadi, Y. Tan, G. Alici, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, “Multi-Frequency Stimulation: Spatial Differentiation of Bone-Conducted Tactile Stimulation on the Elbow Bony Landmarks," in 5th Int. Conf. on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2020), October 2020.
R. M. Mayer, S. Chen, Z. Li, A. Mohammadi, Y. Tan, G. Alici, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, “Investigation of Vibrotactile Transducers for a Bone Conduction Sensory Feedback System," in 5th Int. Conf. on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2020), October 2020.
R. M. Mayer, A. Mohammadi, G. Alici, P Choong, and D. Oetomo, “Bone Conduction as Sensory Feedback Interface: A Preliminary Study”, 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'19), Berlin Germany, 23-27 July 2019.
S. Young, B. Stephens-Fripp, A. Gillett, H Zhou, and G. Alici, “Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Hand User’s Intentions using EMG Data and Machine Learning Techniques", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.544-549, Hong Kong, July 2019.
B. Stephens-Fripp, E. Wallace, T. Searle, and G. Alici, “Design of a Sensorised Object to Test Sensory Feedback for Prosthetic Hands", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.157-162, Hong Kong, July 2019.
C. Tawk, G.M Spinks, M. in het Panhuis, and G. Alici, “3D Printable Vacuum-Powered Soft Linear Actuators", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.50-55, Hong Kong, July 2019.
C. Tawk, Y. Gao, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, “Fully 3D Printed Monolithic Soft Gripper with High Conformal Grasping Capability", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1139-1144, Hong Kong, July 2019.
S. O'Brien, T. Searle, and G. Alici, “Flexible Surface Electrodes Targeting Biopotential Signals from Forearm Muscles for Control of Prosthetic Hands: Part 1 – Characterisation of sEMG Electrodes", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1019-1024, Hong Kong, July 2019.
S. O'Brien, T. Searle, and G. Alici, “Flexible Surface Electrodes Targeting Biopotential Signals from Forearm Muscles for Control of Prosthetic Hands: Part 2 - Characterization of Substrates for Strain Sensors", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1025-1030, Hong Kong, July 2019.
D. Singh, C. Tawk, R. Mutlu, E. Sariyildiz, and G. Alici, “Developing Haptic Feedback Unit Based on Monolithic Soft Robotics", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.388-393, Hong Kong, July 2019.
R. M. Mayer, A. Mohammadi, G. Alici, P. Choong, and D. Oetomo, “Static Force Dependency of Bone Conduction Transducer as Sensory Feedback for Stump-Socket based Prosthesis,” in ACRA 2018 Proceedings, Lincoln, 2018.
S. K. Yildiz, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, “Position Control of a Soft Prosthetic Finger with Limited Feedback Information", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 700-705, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2018.
W. Hu, W. Li, and G. Alici, “3D Printed Helical Soft Pneumatic Actuators", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.950 -- 955, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2018.
Niyetkaliyev, E. Sariyildiz and G. Alici, “A Hybrid Multi-Joint Robotic Shoulder Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation ", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.857 -- 862, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2018.
Stephens-Fripp, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, "Using Vibration Motors to Create Tactile Apparent Movement for Transradial Prosthetic Sensory Feedback", 7th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2018), pp. , Enschede, Netherlands., 26-29 August, 2018.
Stephens-Fripp, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, "Applying Mechanical Pressure and Skin Stretch Simultaneously for Sensory Feedback in Prosthetic Hands", 7th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2018), pp. , Enschede, Netherlands, 26-29 August, 2018.
R. Mutlu, E. Sariyildiz, T. Nozaki and G. Alici, “Design of A Multi-stage Stiffness Enhancing Unit for A Soft Robotic Finger and its Robust Motion Control,” in IECON 2018 – 44rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 5074 – 5079, DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2018.8591584,Washington DC, USA, October 2018.
H. M. C. M. Anver, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, “3D Printing of a Thin-Wall Soft and Monolithic Gripper Using Fused Filament Fabrication", 2017 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.442—447, Munich, Germany, July 2017.
H. Zhou, and G. Alici, “Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Magnetic Membranes as Soft Smart Actuators for Medical Robotics", 2017 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.797 – 802, Munich, Germany, July 2017.
R. Mutlu, C. Tawk, G. Alici, and E. Sariyildiz, “A 3D printed monolithic soft gripper with adjustable stiffness", IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 6235 – 6240, October 2017.
R. Mutlu , S. K. Yildiz, and G. Alici, M. in het Panhuis, and G.M, Spinks, “Mechanical Stiffness Augmentation of a 3D Printed Soft Prosthetic Finger", 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.7-12, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
S. K. Yildiz, R. Mutlu and G. Alici, “Performance Quantification of Strain Sensors for Flexible Manipulators", 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.584 -- 589, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
F. Munoz, G. Alici, H. Zhou, W. Li and M. Sitti, "Analysis of the Magnetic Torque on a Tilted Permanent Magnet for Drug Delivery in Capsule Robots", 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1386 -- 1391, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
J. Zhang, S. Yan, D. Yuan, G. Alici, N. T. Nguyen, and W. H. Li, “On-chip manipulation of micro-particles by a novel viscoelastic-based ferrofluid”, 2016 International Conference on Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-Chip, pp., Dalian, China, June 2016.
J. Zhang, S. Yan, D. Yuan, G. Alici, N. T. Nguyen, and W. H. Li, “High Throughput Cell-Free Extraction of Plasma by an Integrated Microfluidic Device Combining Inertial Microfluidics and Membrane”, ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, doi:10.1115/MNHMT2016-6717, pp. V001T01A012; 6 pages, Singapore, January 4–6, 2016.