Close up shot of thesaurus on table at UOW Library

Message to students

Message to students

Dear students, I hope your first week and a half of exams has gone smoothly. Sending my best wishes to any students with exams and assignments still to complete.

Some helpful study tips

If you’re still busy studying over the next few days, these tips could help:

In terms of what food is best for exam study and concentration, UOW grad and accredited dietitian and nutritionist Rebecca Gawthorne offers .

The other helpful piece of advice is regarding music; .

I wish I’d had this info back in my study days!

Sending your favourite teachers a note of thanks

Our academic staff are some of the best and most dedicated around. That being said, everyone has their own learning style, and some teachers meet these individual needs more than others. Perhaps you might consider sending a note of thanks to your educators (and/or your head of school) to let them know the impact they’ve had – it’s wonderful when teaching staff receive the recognition and positive reinforcement they deserve. Teaching staff across the globe have had a tough couple of years and it’s important we let them know how much they mean to us.

Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Finally, this year I will once again be taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money to support Australians in need. Tomorrow night, I'll be joining CEOs from around Wollongong sleeping outdoors in a bid to break the devastating cycle of homelessness in Australia. One night isn’t a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference. You can visit the link above to find out more.


Once again, good luck for any remaining exams and assignments. You have worked very hard to get to this point – there are only a couple more days of hard work left before you’re on mid-year recess!


My best,