
Where the wild things are

For most of us, wildlife photography doesn’t go much further than snapping a cute picture of our dog. But for UOW horticulture and fauna expert Anthony Wardle, exposure to real Australian wildlife is a perk that comes with the job.

Uni life: what you’ve heard vs reality

If you are reading this article, chances are you have considered doing a degree at uni after finishing high school. The good news is you’re on the right track.

Footballs, meat pies, kangaroos and… vaccinations?

Before an endless array of streaming services and skippable online ads, there was a time when famous advertising campaigns made their way into our everyday vernacular. From ‘got milk?’ to ‘not happy, Jan’, you couldn’t go a day without someone quoting an iconic brand slogan in casual conversation.

UOW campus as major movie franchises

It looked straight out of a major Hollywood movie, and I was walking the set. As the years passed, the wonder that came with exploring the campus never faded. How could it when it feels like the very ground beneath me was puzzled together from all my favourite movies. There is movie magic all over the campus and I’m about to give you the Fast and Furious tour.

How ‘beer and banter’ is helping men to open up

When Lachlan Stevens bought His Boy Elroy two years ago, he had a vision to build a brand based on three principles: loyalty, authenticity, and community. Now his grassroots initiative Barstool Brothers is growing.

For the love of health and education

Steve Jobs once said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

An interview with Professor Eileen McLaughlin

Professor Eileen McLaughlin has just joined UOW as Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health. She recently spoke with Carly Evans and shares what attracted her to the role, her pathway into science and her latest research.

Determination breeds innovation

When University of Wollongong alumna, Maryanne Harris was completing her exercise science degree, she could never have predicted where her career would take her. Stumbling into the wrong things, paired with her passion for helping people, became the driving force in her life.

Creating a better world

“Australia is anchored on the principle of the ‘fair go’– defending that value from those who want to unstitch it is something I hold very dear. We all have an enduring obligation to one another today, but importantly we must also pass on a better world than the one we inherited to those coming after us.”