The hidden heroes of the Olympic Games

Meet the UOW alumni behind the scenes of the world’s largest sporting event

Dr Reem Osman: Dubai's game-changing CEO

The UOW graduate's groundbreaking rise to the top of health care in the UAE

Gender expression and my non-binary identity

A personal reflection by UOW staff member Kit West

Home truths on housing affordability

Exploring solutions to the housing affordability crisis in UOW's latest Luminaries webinar

UOW medical student combines passion for healthcare and literacy

Teaching the next generation.

Welcome to The Stand Magazine

We bring to life subjects that illustrate the impact our students, teaching, research and graduates make in the world.

The Stand exists to unlock the knowledge and expertise inside the University of Wollongong (UOW), telling stories about our people and their accomplishments that inform, educate and inspire. This magazine was born out of a renewed sense of place, purpose and values that will guide the University in fulfilling its role in exploring how to resolve society’s large and complex social, environmental and economic challenges.

We believe education is one of the most powerful transformative forces on communities and individuals. It opens minds and helps people find purpose, meaning – and solutions for the world’s most pressing challenges.

This is our unified story – a story that draws on our past, understands the present, and looks to the future.


The business of community

When he started his higher education journey in 1987 at the University of Wollongong (UOW), Matt thought he would be standing in front of a classroom teaching the next generation of students.

Industry 4.0 Hub Case Study

The University of Wollongong’s (UOW) Industry 4.0 Hub, located in the Shoalhaven, is not only a makerspace and technology centre, but an educational facility that works with businesses to research adoption of modern technology in their workplace.

Growing globally, working locally

For Scalapay, the fast-growing Australian e-commerce company, the world is its oyster, but the Illawarra is its home

Bright minds, bold ambitions and boundless passion

Three UOW alumni share the stories of coming of age and finding their dream jobs right after uni

Industry 4.0 Hub May update

It’s been wonderful to commence visits to the UOW Industry 4.0 Hub again and we’ve been kept busy playing catch-up! Here are some highlights since our last newsletter.

Industry 4.0 Hub is getting ready to re-open!

Welcome back to another year! What a year 2021 was. Just when we thought things were looking up, we were hit by another lockdown. Although the lockdown meant changing tactics, we ended the year on a high with new collaborations forged, and workshops and visits steaming ahead.