Alumni are the backbone of every university's legacy - not only are they powerful ambassadors but also generous donors. As a university woven into the social fabric of the communities we serve, the University of Wollongong (UOW) takes great pride in alumni worldwide making a global impact.
Alumni stories & profiles
A platform for change
When you meet Dominique, it’s easy to see the role that passion and purpose have played in her rapid career trajectory since she graduated little more than 10 years ago.
Living the luxe life
Luxury brands have a way of making a sophisticated lifestyle look effortless. Jessica Sparks spoke to three UOW alumni working for luxury brands and discovered it’s not all jet planes, islands and tigers on a gold leash.
A house like no other
It is almost impossible to think of Sydney without conjuring to mind one or both of the city’s major landmarks: the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.
Banking on change
It’s a turbulent time in the world of banking. According to James Wyatt, that just makes it all the more exciting.
The urban farmer
Food. It's the primary way we engage with the environment, whether knowingly or not. Yet currently there is a lack of support and security for farmers.
Empires built on health and fitness
The health and fitness sector has been booming and rapidly evolving over the past decade. As more and more people seek out information on how to hit their goal weight, achieve a fitness aspiration or make lifestyle changes for the better, the industry has responded.