Audio and video

Making video and audio media accessible

Videos on the UOW website must provide captions and transcripts

  • Captions - text version of the speech and non-speech audio information needed to understand the content. They are synchronized with the audio and usually shown in a media player when users turn them on. Videos hosted on UOW's official YouTube channel will have captions automatically generated. The automatic captions are not perfect, so you need to check and amend them as needed.
  • Transcript - A text version of the speech, non-speech audio, and a description of visual information needed to understand the video content.
  • Audio description is essential if providing audio-only content (e.g. music score).

Captions should include:

  • All words spoken by characters (including stuttering etc).
  • Words spoken by a narrator.
  • The words to any song.
  • Identification for off-screen speakers.
  • Descriptions of sound events that impact the story or meaning.

Captions do not need to include:

  • Every word or sound effect where the pace of a video sometimes makes it impractical.
  • Information that is already displayed on the screen, e.g. text in a PowerPoint slide.

Accessible media is essential for people with disabilities and beneficial to all

Captions can be used

  • In loud environments where users cannot hear the audio or in quiet environments where users cannot turn on sound.
  • By people who may not understand the spoken language well or are not native speakers of the language.

Transcripts can be

  • Skimmed or read before deciding whether to watch the video.
  • Accessed without using data to play or download videos.
  • More easily translated to other languages, including Braille.
  • Used offline, printed, or read at own pace.
  • Accessed by search engines.

More things you can do

  • Always use videos as a complementary channel to enhance written information.
  • Disable auto-play.

Resources and further information