
Support Standards

Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
1.1 Students and HDR candidates new to UOW receive early orientation to the University - its physical environment, academic culture and support services - to develop a sense of belonging

Orientation attendance rates

Student feedback (SES)

First year retention rates

Student Charter

Orientation and Welcome Programs

HES 1.3.1

ESOS National Code Standard 6

FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
1.2 A range of social/extra-curricular  activities enable students and HDR candidates to meet one another and form friendships and support networks

No. of students and HDR candidates involved UOW Pulse engagement activities

Student Feedback  (SES)

Student Charter

Student Engagement programs

HES 2.1.3 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
1.3 UOW assists students and HDR candidates develop a sense of purpose and direction by providing a clear understanding of what a course will involve (including assessment tasks and teaching and learning methods), and where the course can lead them in the future (employment and post graduate opportunities)

Student and graduate feedback (SES, CEQ/GOS)

Employer feedback (ESS)

Academic Advice to Students Policy

Teaching and Assessment: Subject Delivery Policy

Subject Outline Checklist

Course Finder

Course Handbook

Career Smart
HES 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 CPDG > FEC > Academic Senate
1.4 Students and HDR candidates are made aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Student Charter and relevant UOW policies

No. of student appeals and complaints

Student Charter embedded in orientation program

Student Charter

Coursework Rules

HES 7.2.2 and 4.2.4 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
2.1 First year undergraduate curriculum and assessment is designed around foundation academic skills

First year retention rates

Student feedback (SES)

Course Design Procedures

HES 1.3.3

ESOS National Code Standard 6

CPDG > FEC > Academic Senate
2.2 A range of co-curricular programs equip students and HDR candidates with appropriate information literacy and other academic skills

Library Learning Hub - participation numbers

Online guides usage

Student and HDR candidate feedback

StartSmart completions

Student academic success program participation rates and student feedback

Course Design Procedures


Student academic success programs

ESOS National Code Standard 6 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
2.3 Early assessment and timely and helpful feedback enables students  to confirm their course choice

Course attrition rates

Retention rates

Student feedback (SES)

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice – Teaching

Teaching and Assessment: Assessment & Feedback Policy
HES 1.3.2 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
2.4 Students and HDR Candidates  have access to information and advice to support their academic progress in their first year of study and beyond

Student feedback (SES)

Course Progress rates
Academic Advice to Students Policy

HES 1.3.4

ESOS National Code Standard 6

FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure  Key inputs External references Governance
3.1 UOW is able to identify students and HDR candidates at risk of failing or withdrawing from their course early on in the session and offer support and advice

Attrition rates including Commencing Student Attrition

Learning Analytics Reports

Issues Identified at HDR Progress Reviews

Support for Students Policy

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice – Teaching

Assessment & Feedback Policy 

Course Progress Policy 

Postgraduate and Mature Age Student Orientation and Transition Program

Academic Advice to Students Policy 

UOW Retention and Success Plan

Annual HDR Progress Review

HES 1.3.4

ESOS National Code Standard 8
FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
4.1 Explanations provided to students in the form of policy documents and learning resources include definitions of the types of behaviour that students and HDR candidates must avoid (plagiarism, collusion, cheating) and what behaviours are permitted or encouraged (group work, peer feedback, collaboration)

UOW Online Study Resources utilisation

Student, HDR candidate and staff feedback

Student academic misconduct and research misconduct statistics

HDR Orientation attendance and feedback

Academic Integrity Policy

Student Conduct Rules

Academic Misconduct Procedures

Student Charter

UOW Referencing and Citing website

Learning Development Plagiarism and Turnitin website

UOW Online Study Resources website


HES 5.2.1 and 7.2.2

ESOS National Code Standard 6

FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
4.2 Students and HDR candidates are able to articulate an understanding of academic and research integrity and student academic misconduct and research misconduct that is in concert with that outlined in University policy

StartSmart completions

PREQ results

Academic Integrity Policy


Research Integrity and Conduct Policy

HES 5.2.3 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
4.3 UOW deters, detects and responds to allegations of student academic misconduct and research misconduct by providing good induction programs, well-resourced academic skills teaching staff, clearly documented guidance, course design and assessment that incorporates the practice of academic and research skills and removes temptations to ‘copy and paste’, and procedures that are trusted and implemented by staff

Number and type of allegations of student academic misconduct – trend data

Number and type of allegations of research misconduct

Annual report on student academic misconduct

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Misconduct (Coursework) Procedures

Research Integrity and Conduct Procedures - Breaches, Concerns and Complaints

HES 5.2.2

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
5.1 UOW provides a transparent, consistent and expeditious process for resolving student and HDR candidate academic grievances

No. of student and HDR candidate complaints and outcomes

Feedback from Student Ombudsman 

Complaints and Appeals annual report

Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy

HDR Student Academic Complaints Policy

Procedures for Investigating Grievances

Student Academic Consideration Policy

Student Conduct Rules

HES 2.4.1 and 2.4.2

ESOS National Code Standard 10
UEC/URC> Academic Senate
5.2 UOW provides appropriate appeal mechanisms and review by an independent third party if internal processes fail to resolve a grievance

Annual Student Ombudsman’s Report

Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy

HDR Student Academic Complaints Policy

Procedures for Investigating Grievances

HES 2.4.3

ESOS National Code Standard 10

UEC/URC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
6.1 All students and HDR candidates have ready access to a physical library as well as to electronic library and learning resources

Library space per student load at each campus/location

Usage statistics for each Library

Library user feedback

Review of library and information access arrangements within collaborative delivery arrangements

Library Client Service Charter

Code of Conduct – Library

Other Library policies incl. Client Feedback, Client Service, Collection Development

Library website

Collaborative Delivery of a UOW Course Policy and Procedures
HES 3.3.1 UEC/URC > Academic Senate
6.2 As part of their orientation to UOW, all commencing  students and HDR candidates receive training in academic integrity and acknowledgement practice

StartSmart completion rates

Student feedback on StartSmart

StartSmart website HES 1.3.1 UEC> Academic Senate
6.3 All students and HDR candidates have access to support and advice to enable them to utilise information and learning resources effectively to support their studies

StartSmart completion rates

Library usage stats & no. of consultations

Library client feedback

StartSmart website

Library policies (see 6.1)

HDR Supervision and Resources Policy

HES 2.1.2 and 4.2.4

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

UEC> Academic Senate
6.4 All students and HDR candidates have ready access to printing and copying facilities Student and HDR candidate feedback (e.g. SES Learning Resources domain) ITS Student Prepaid Printing & Copying HES 2.1.1 UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
7.1 All students and HDR candidates receive a user account on enrolment which is used to access IT facilities of the University (including the internet, email, desktop
computers, and administrative applications) and have access to timely user support
Student and HDR candidate feedback (e.g. SES Learning Resource domain)

Student IT Support webpage

Student Charter
HES 2.1.2 UEC> Academic Senate
7.2 Students and HDR candidates  have access to high quality computer and other laboratories relevant to the discipline including specialist software, hardware and other lab equipment Student and HDR candidates  feedback

Student Charter

Annual HDR Progress Review (APR Process)

HES 2.1.2 UEC> Academic Senate> University Council
7.3 UOW provides high quality online learning tools and systems to support student learning both on and off campus Digital Learning Threshold compliance

Digital Learning Thresholds

UOW Technology-Enriched Learning Strategy

HES 2.1.1 and 2.1.2

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
8.1 Students and HDR candidates have ready access to a range of learning development services and resources to support their learning

LD participation and success rates

Student Charter

Learning Development website

HES 3.3.4

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC> Academic Senate
8.2 UOW actively develops students and HDR candidates’ English language proficiency during their studies

Curriculum mapping

Student and HDR candidate/graduate feedback

English Language Policy

HES 2.3.3 and 3.3.4

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC> Academic Senate
8.3 Students and HDR candidates  have ready access to careers advice and support in finding employment and enhancing their employability

Participation in Career and work experience programs

Feedback from students and HDR candidates on career support (SES)

CareerSmart completions

Student Charter

Student Career Development and Employability Strategy


HES 2.3.2

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
9.1 UOW provides a range of social and extra-curricular programs to complement its academic programs

Student Life participation rates/evaluation

Global Communicators Program participation/evaluation

Student Charter

- UEC> Academic Senate> Council
9.2 UOW provides an inclusive learning and teaching environment and encourages intercultural interaction in a range of formal and informal settings Student and HDR candidates feedback

UOW Strategic Plan Goal 2.4

Student Charter

Respect for Diversity Policy

Inclusive Language Guidelines

HES 2.2.1 and 3.3.3 UEC> Academic Senate> Council
9.3 All students and HDR candidates have access to a range of well-being services including a counselling service

Wellbeing Centre evaluation

Student and HDR candidates feedback

Student Charter

HES 2.3.2

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC> Academic Senate> University Council
9.4 Students and HDR candidates  with a disability, health condition or carer responsibilities can access reasonable adjustment advice and support

Disability Support evaluation

Student and HDR candidates feedback

Disability Policy – Student Health Assessment and Leave Policy

Student Academic Consideration Policy & Guidelines

Respect for Diversity Policy

HES 2.3.3

UEC> Academic Senate
9.5 UOW provides a safe and respectful learning and teaching environment

Student and HDR candidates feedback

No. of student and HDR candidates  complaints

RRR completion rates

Safe and Respectful Communities annual reporting

EO online

Safety on Campus website

Respect for Diversity Policy

Bullying Prevention Policy

Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

Inclusive Language Guidelines

IT Acceptable Use Policy

Critical Incidents Guidelines

Code of Conduct – Staff

Student Charter

Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy

HDR Student Academic Complaints Policy

HES 2.3.4 and 2.3.5

ESOS National Code Standard 6

UEC/URC> Academic Senate> University Council
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
10.1 UOW provides opportunities at various levels for student participation in the University’s decision-making processes

Level of student and HDR candidates  participation on UOW committees

Student Advisory Council - attendance and feedback

Student as partners initiatives

Student Charter

HES 6.3.3

FEC/UEC > Academic Senate > Council

10.2 Students and HDR candidates have access to an independent Student Advocacy service and an independent Student Ombudsman

Student Advocacy Service statistics

Annual Student Complaints and Appeals Report

Student Charter

HES 2.4.1

Commonwealth Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines

UEC/URC> Academic Senate> University Council