Mark Nelson's Papers

Publications listed on this page are sorted into the following categories.

Book Chapters Refereed Papers Letters to the editor Refereed conference proceedings
Accepted for publication Unrefereed conference proceedings Miscellaneous Submitted
Publications as editor Book Reviews

You can read the abstracts for papers I published in a given year by clicking on the year in the list below. Alternatively, clicking on the title of one of papers will take you straight to the corresponding abstract.

1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 2019 Miscellaneous
1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 Submitted for Publication
1997 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2021
1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022

In the following:

    Book Chapters

  1. M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Recent experimental work on the self-heating and spontaneous combustion of coal, in G.B. Stracher (editor), Wild Coal Fires: Case Studies from Around the World, Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology v, XVIII, p 31-83, 2007.
  2. M.I. Nelson, X.D. Chen and H.S. Sidhu. Reducing the emission of pollutants in industrial wastewater through the use of membrane reactors. In R.J. Hosking and E. Venturino (Editors), Aspects of Mathematical Modelling, Birkhäuser, Basel, 95-107, 2008.
  3. M.I. Nelson. Reducing sludge formation in the activated sludge process. In Kyushu~University Institute of Mathematics~for Industry, editor, Agriculture as a metaphor for creativity in all human endeavors, volume 70 of MI Lecture Notes, pages 38-43. Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University, Japan, 2016.
  4. M.I. Nelson. Reducing sludge formation in the activated sludge process. In R.S. Anderssen, P. Broadbridge, Y. Fukumoto, K. Kajiwara, M. Simpson, and I. Turner, editors, Agriculture as a Metaphor for Creativity in All Human Endeavors, pages 53--66. Springer, Singapore, 2018. "
  5. Refereed papers

  6. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. A Mathematical Model of Ignition in the Cone Calorimeter. Combustion Science and Technology, 104:35-54, 1995.
  7. M.I. Nelson and J. Brindley. Modelling Char-Formation in Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Thermogravimetric Experiments. Thermochimica Acta, 258:175-188, July 1995.
  8. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. The Dependence of Critical Heat Flux on Fuel and Additive Properties: A Critical Mass Flux Model. Fire Safety Journal, 24(2):107-130, 1995.
  9. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. Ignition Properties of Thermally Thin Materials in the Cone Calorimeter: A Critical Mass Flux Model. Combustion Science and Technology, 113-114:221-241, 1996.
  10. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. Polymer Ignition. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 24(8):39-46, October 1996.
  11. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. Ignition Properties of Thermally Thin Thermoplastics - The Effectiveness of Inert Additives in Reducing Flammability. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 54(2-3):255-267, 1996.
  12. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. The Effect of Heat Sink Additives on the Ignition and Heat Release Properties of Thermally Thin Thermoplastics. Fire Safety Journal, 28(1): 67-94, February 1997.
  13. M.I. Nelson. Ignition Mechanisms of Thermally Thin Thermoplastics in the Cone Calorimeter. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 454(1971):789-814, March 1998.
  14. E. Balakrishnan, M.I. Nelson, and G.C. Wake. Radiative Ignition of Combustible Materials I. Polymeric Materials Undergoing Non-Flaming Thermal Degradation - The Critical Storage Problem.
  15. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 30(11-12):177-195, December 1999.
  16. M.I. Nelson and J. Brindley. Polymer Combustion: Effects of Flame Emissivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 357:3655-3673, December 1999.
  17. M.I. Nelson, G.C. Wake, and X.D. Chen. Heterogeneously catalysed combustion in a continuously stirred tank reactor - low temperature reactions. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 4(1):1-27, March 2000.
  18. M.I. Nelson. Comparison Theorems for Multicomponent Diffusion Systems: Developments since 1961. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 4(2):151-163, 2000.
  19. H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, G.N. Mercer and R.O. Weber. Dynamical analysis of an elementary X+Y-->P reaction in a continuously stirred tank reactor Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 28(4):353-375, 2000.
  20. M.I. Nelson. A dynamical systems model of the limiting oxygen index test. II Retardancy due to char-formation and addition of inert fillers. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 5(1): 59-83, March 2001.
  21. M.I. Nelson, G.C. Wake, X.D. Chen, and E. Balakrishnan. The multiplicity of steady-state solutions arising from microwave heating: I Infinite biot number and small penetration depth. The ANZIAM Journal, 43(1): 87-103, 2001.
  22. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu, R.O. Weber, and G.N. Mercer. A dynamical systems model of the limiting oxygen index test. The ANZIAM Journal, 43(1): 105-117, 2001.
  23. J.E.J. Staggs and M.I. Nelson. A critical mass flux model for the flammability of thermoplastics. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 5(3), 399-427, September 2001.
  24. E. Balakrishnan, M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Microwave assisted ignition to achieve combustion synthesis. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 5(3): 151-164, September 2001.
  25. M.I. Nelson. Thermally thin materials with enhanced fire-resistant properties: A dynamical systems model. Combustion Science and Technology, 167: 82-112, 2001.
  26. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Bifurcation phenomena for an oxidation reaction in a continuously stirred tank reactor. I Adiabatic operation. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 31(2): 155-186, February 2002.
  27. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley and A.C. McIntosh. Ignition properties of thermally thin plastics: The effectiveness of non-competitive char formation in reducing flammability. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 6(3): 155-181, 2002.
  28. M.I. Nelson, E. Balakrishnan, and X.D. Chen. A Semenov model of self-heating in compost piles. Transactions of IChemE Part B: Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 81(B), 375-383, 2003.

    This paper was awarded a `John A Brodie Medal: Certificate of Merit' for being one of the top six papers published in the 9th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineers Congress (2002) in practical application of chemical engineering. They were over 900 papers provided to the congress. The award is given annually by the Chairman of College of Chemical Engineers, The Institution of Engineers of Australia.

  29. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Bifurcation phenomena for an oxidation reaction in a continuously stirred tank reactor. II Diabatic operation. The ANZIAM Journal, 45(3), 303-326, 2004.
  30. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Flammability limits of an oxidation reaction in a batch reactor. II The Rychlý mechanism. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 35(2), 119-129, February 2004.
  31. T.R. Marchant and M.I. Nelson. Semi-analytical solutions for one and two-dimensional pellet problems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 460, 2381-2394, 2004.
  32. M.I. Nelson. Bifurcation phenomena for an oxidation reaction in a continuously stirred tank reactor. III The inhibiting effect of an inert species. The ANZIAM Journal, 46(3), 399-416, March 2005.
  33. H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Behaviour of an elementary oxidation reaction in a semi-batch reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 110(1-3), 31-39, 2005.
  34. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Analysis of a chemostat model with variable yield coefficient. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 38(4): 605-615, 2005.
  35. M.I. Nelson, X.D. Chen and M.J. Sexton. Analysis of the Michaelis-Menten mechanisms in an immobilised enzyme reactor. The ANZIAM Journal, 47(2): 173-184, 2005. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) link for this article is
  36. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Evaluating the performance of a cascade of two bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 61(10): 3159-3166, 2006.
  37. R.O. Weber, H.S. Sidhu, D.M. Sawadeu, G.N. Mercer and M.I. Nelson. Using the method of lines to determine critical conditions for thermal ignition. The Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 56, 185-200, 2006.
  38. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Reducing the emission of pollutants in food processing wastewaters. Chemical Engineering & Processing, 46(5), 429-436, May 2007.
  39. H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, T. Luangwilaiu and X.D. Chen. Mathematical Modelling of the Self-Heating Process in Compost Piles. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 2(2), article 8, 2007.
  40. H.S. Sidhu, S.D. Watt, M.I. Nelson and A.K. Ray. Performance improvement and dynamical behaviour analysis of a cascade of two CSTRs. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 5: A13, 2007.
  41. S. Karp, X.D. Chen and M.I. Nelson. Direct-contact heat transfer coefficient for condensing vapor bubble in stagnant liquid pool. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 85(A3), 320-328, 2007.
  42. M.I. Nelson, T.R. Marchant, G.C. Wake, E. Balakrishnan, and X.D. Chen. Self-heating in compost piles due to biological effects. Chemical Engineering Science 62(17), 4612-4618, 2007.
  43. M.I. Nelson, T. Kerru and X.D. Chen. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor and membrane reactor models with death and maintenance included. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3(1), 70-80, 2008.
  44. M.I. Nelson and E. Balakrishnan. Autoignition of hydrocarbons in a batch reactor. Analysis of a reduced model. Applied Mathematics Letters, 21(8), 866-871, 2008.
  45. M.I. Nelson, E. Balakrishnan, H.S. Sidhu and X.D. Chen. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor models and membrane reactor models to process industrial wastewaters. Chemical Engineering Journal, 140, 521-528, 2008.
  47. M.I. Nelson, J.L. Quigleyu and X.D. Chen. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor and membrane reactor models with non-competitive product inhibition Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 4(1), 107-117, 2009.
  48. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Analysis of the activated sludge model (number 1). Applied Mathematics Letters, 22, 629-635, 2009.

  49. M.I. Nelson and A. Holderu. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor models governed by Contois kinetics. II. Reactor cascades. Chemical Engineering Journal, 149 (1-3), 406-416, 2009.
  50. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Analysis of a chemostat model with variable yield coefficient: Tessier kinetics. The Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 46(2), 303-321, 2009.

  51. H.S. Sidhu, S.D. Watt, and M.I. Nelson. Performance comparison between a two-reactor cascade and a single tank in an Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Process. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 3(3/4), 214-225 2009.
  52. M.S. Mahmudp, T. Safinski, M. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. Kinetic Analysis of Oleic Acid Esterification Using Lipase as Catalyst in a Microaqueous Environment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49(3), 1071-1078. 2010.
  53. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. Analysis of an Immobilised Enzyme Reactor with Catalyst Activation. Chemical Product and Process Modeling 4, Issue 3, Article 14, 2009.
  54. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and A.K. Ray. Analysis of a model for ethanol production through continuous fermentation: ethanol productivity. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 8, A52, 2010.

  55. T. Luangwilai, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Modelling air flow and ambient temperature effects on the biological self-heating of compost piles. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 5(4), 609-618, 2010.
  56. T. Luangwilaip, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Using Singularity Theory to Analyse a Spatially Uniform Model of Self-Heating in Compost Piles. East-West Journal of Mathematics, Contributions in Mathematics and Applications III: 328-343, 2010.
  57. Rodney Van Bentumu and Mark Ian Nelson. Modelling the Passage of Food Through an Animal Stomach: a Chemical Reactor Engineering Approach. Chemical Engineering Journal, 166(1), 315-323, 2011.
  58. S.W. McCue, M. Hsieh p, T.J. Moroney and M.I. Nelson. Asymptotic and numerical results for a model of solvent-dependent drug-diffusion through polymeric spheres. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 71(6), 2287-2311, 2011.
  59. X.D. Chen, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. Theoretical probing of the phenomenon of the formation of the outermost layer of a multi-component particle, and the surface chemical composition after the rapid removal of water in spray drying. Chemical Engineering Science, 66(24):6375--6384, 2011.
  60. M.I. Nelson, E. Balakrishnan and and H.S. Sidhu. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor and membrane reactor models with Tessier kinetics Chemical Engineering Communications, 199(3), 417-433, 2012.
  61. R.T. Alqahtanip. M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor models with recycle around each reactor governed by Contois kinetics. III. Two and three reactor cascades. Chemical Engineering Journal, 183, 422-432, 2012.
  62. Mark Ian Nelson and Wei Xian Lim u. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor and membrane reactor models with non-competitive product inhibition. II. Exponential inhibition. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 7(1), 24-32, 2012.
  63. Mark Ian Nelson and Wei Xian Lim u. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor and membrane reactor models with non-competitive product inhibition. III. Linear inhibition. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 7(3), 343-352, 2012.
  64. H.Y. Alfifi p, T.R. Marchant and M.I. Nelson. Generalised Diffusive Delay Logistic Equations: Semi-analytical solutions. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 19, 579--586, 2012.
  65. S-Y Qian p, P. Yu, Z-Y Zhang, D.M. Hailey, P.J. Davy and M.I. Nelson. The work pattern of personal care workers in two Australian nursing homes: a time-motion study. BMC Health Services Work, 12, 305, 2012.
  66. R.T. Alqahtani p, M.I. Nelson and A. Worthy. A fundamental analysis of continuous flow bioreactor models governed by Contois kinetics. IV. Recycle around the whole reactor cascade. Chemical Engineering Journal, 218, 99-107, 2013.
  67. M.I. Nelson, T. Nicholls u and N. Hamzah. A biological process subject to noncompetitive substrate inhibition in a generalized flow reactor. The ANZIAM Journal, 54(4):273--290, 2013. Trackable link:
  68. T. Luangwilai p, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Biological self-heating in compost piles: A Semenov formulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 101:533--542, 2013.
  69. X.D. Chenm, H. Sidhu, and M. Nelson. On the addition of protein (casein) to aqueous lactose as a drying aid in spray drying --- theoretical surface composition. Drying Technology, 31: 1504--1512, 2013.
  70. X.D. Chenm, H. Sidhu, and M. Nelson. A linear relationship between dimensionless crossing-point-temperature and Frank-Kamenetskii reactivity parameter in self-heating test at infinite Biot number for slab geometry. Fire Safety Journal, 61: 138--143, 2013.
  71. M.I. Nelson and N. Hammzah. Performance evaluation of bioethanol production through continuous fermentation with a settling unit. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 7, 2083--2088, 2013.
  72. H.Y. Alfifip, T.R. Marchant, and M.I. Nelson. Semi-analytical solutions for the 1- and 2-D diffusive Nicholson's blowflies equation. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 79, Number 1, 175-199, 2014. .
  73. S. Qianp, P. Yu, D.M. Hailey, Z. Zhang, P.J. Davy, and M.I. Nelson. Time spent on daytime direct care activities by personal carers in two Australian residential aged care facilities: a time-motion study. Australian Health Review, 38, 230--237, 2014.
  74. M.I. Nelson and T.C.L. Yuem. A Mathematical Analysis of a Membrane Bioreactor Containing a Sludge Disintegration System . Chemical Engineering Communications, 201(10): 1384-1403, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/00986445.2013.809001.
  75. Ahmed Hussein Msmalip, Mark I. Nelson and Maureen P. Edwards. Quadratic autocatalysis with non-linear decay. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52(8): 2234-2258, 2014.
  76. M.R. Alharthip, T.R. Marchant and M.I. Nelson. Mixed quadratic-cubic autocatalytic reaction-diffusion equations: Semi-analytical solutions . Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(21-22), 5160-5173. 2014.
  77. Harvinder S. Sidhu, Mark Ian Nelson and Easwaran Balakrishnan. An Analysis of a Standard Reactor Cascade and a Step-Feed Reactor Cascade for Biological Processes Described by Monod Kinetics, Chemical Product and Process Modelling, 9, 2014. Trackable link:
  78. R.T. Alqahtanip, M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. Analysis of a Chemostat Model with Variable Yield Coefficient and Substrate Inhibition: Contois Growth Kinetics. Chemical Engineering Communications, 202(3), 332-344, 2015. Trackable link:
  79. R.T. Alqahtanip, M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. A Biological Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters: Contois Kinetics. ANZIAM J, 56(4), 397-415, 2015. 2015.
  80. M.I. Nelson and E. Balakrishnan. Quadratic autocatalysis in an extended continuous-flow stirred tank reactor (ECSTR). Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(1), 363-372, 2016.
  81. A.O.M. Alharbip, M.I. Nelson, A.L. Worthy and H.S. Sidhu. Analysis of an activated sludge model in which dead biomass is recycled into slowly biodegradable particulate substrate. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10(4), 580-597. 2015.
  82. M.R. Alharthip, T.R. Marchant and M.I. Nelson. Cubic autocatalysis in a reaction-diffusion annulus: semi-analytical solutions. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 67, article 65. 2016.
  83. H.Y. Alfifip, T.R. Marchant, and M.I. Nelson. Non-smooth feedback control for Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction-diffusion equations: semi-analytical solutions. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 54:1632--1657, 2016.
  84. R.T. Alqahtani, M.I. Nelson, Annette L. Worthy. Sludge disintegration. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40: 7830--7843, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2016.03.040.
  85. C.S. Ormerodp and M. Nelson, Controlled release drug delivery via polymeric microspheres: a neat application of the spherical diffusion equation. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(8): 1268-1281. 2017.
  86. G.U. Semblante, H.I. Hai, J. McDonald, S.J. Khan, M. Nelson, D-J. Lee, W.E. Price, and L.D. Nghiem. Fate of trace organic contaminants in oxic-settling-anoxic (OSA) process applied for biosolids reduction during wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 240: 181--191, 2017.
  87. M.I. Nelson, P. Hagedoornu, and A.L. Worthy. The demon drink. ANZIAM Journal, 59(2): 135--154, 2017.
  88. M.I. Nelson. A mathematical model for end-product toxicity. Chemical Product and Process Modelling, 13(3), 2018.
  89. T. Luangwilaip, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. One-dimensional spatial model for self-heating in compost piles: Investigating effects of moisture and air flow. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 108: 18--26, 2018.
  90. Mark I. Nelson, Rubayyi T. Alqahtani and Faisal I. Hai. Mathematical modelling of the removal of organic micropollutants in the activated sludge process: a linear biodegradation model. The ANZIAM Journal, 60(2), 191-229, 2018.
  91. Mark Ian Nelson and Bronwyn H. Bradshaw-Hajek. An analysis of organic carbon removal in a two-reactorc cascade with recycle and a two-reactor step-feed cascade with recycle. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15(1), 11 pages, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/apj.2392.
  92. Mark Ian Nelson. A model fix gone wrong: investigation of an SIS model with saturating treatment. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 52(2), pages 299-309, 2021.
  93. Fahad Al Saadi, Annette Worthy, Haifaa Alrihieli and Mark Nelson. Localised spatial structures in the Thomas model. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 194, 141-158 2022.
  94. Fahad Al Saadi, Annette Worthy, Ahmed Msmali and Mark Nelson. Stationary localised patterns without Turing instability. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 45(16), 9111-9129, 2022.
  95. M.I. Nelson. How long should a town be locked down to eliminate an infectious disease?. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1--15, 2022.
  96. S.S. Alsaeedp, M.I. Nelson, M. Edwards, and A. Msmali. A mathematical model for the activated sludge process with a sludge disintegration unit. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 2022.
  97. T. Luangwilai, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. Inclusion of biological and chemical self-heating processes in compost piles model: A semenov formulation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2230027, 2022.
  98. Letters to the editor

  99. M.I. Nelson, J. Brindley, and A.C. McIntosh. Letter to the Editor: Response. Fire Safety Journal, 25(4): 357-360, November 1996.
  100. Refereed conference proceedings

  101. M.I. Nelson. A Dynamical Systems Model of Autoignition in the Cone Calorimeter. In Fire Safety Science: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, pages 547-558. International Association for Fire Safety Science, 1997. ISBN 4-9900625-5-5.
  102. H.S. Sidhu, M.J. Sexton, M.I. Nelson, G.N. Mercer, and R.O. Weber. A simple combustion process in a semibatch reactor. In R.L. May, G.F. Fitz-Gerald, and I.H. Grundy, editors, EMAC 2000 Proceedings, pages 251--254. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2000. ISBN 085825 705X.
  103. N. Waterhouseu, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Polymer combustion: The critical mass flux model. In M. Pemberton, I. Turner, and P. Jacobs, editors, EMAC 2002 Proceedings, pages 231--236. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2002. ISSN 1447-378X.
  104. R.O. Weber, M.I. Nelson, and S. Gay. Modelling wine production. In M. Pemberton, I. Turner, and P. Jacobs, editors, EMAC 2002 Proceedings, pages 237--240. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2002. ISSN 1447-378X.
  105. M.J. Sexton, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. Numerical Investigation of a Reaction in a Batch Reactor: Flammability Limits. The ANZIAM Journal, 44(E): C687-C704, 2003. Download the paper from
  106. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Improving the Productivity of Bioreactors using Natural Oscillations. In R.L. May, and W.F. Blyth, editors, EMAC 2003 Proceedings, pages 163--168. Engineering Mathematics Group, ANZIAM, 2003. ISBN 1-86365-533-6.
  107. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Efficient Means of Determining Product Yields in Reactors. In Proceedings of the 31st Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2003, 6 pages (on CDROM), 2003. ISBN 0-86396-829-5.
  108. H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Improving Bioreactor Performance: Are Two CSTBs Always Better Than One? In Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2005, 6 pages (on CDROM). Institute of Engineers, Australia, 2005. ISBN 1-86499-832-6.
  109. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. Analysis of a model for the treatment of wastewater by the activated sludge process. The ANZIAM Journal, 47: C1-C18, 2006.
  110. H.S. Sidhu, S.D. Watt and M.I. Nelson. Activated sludge wastewater treatment process: Performance comparison between a two-reactor cascade and a single tank. In D. Patterson & B. Young, editors, Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2006, 6 pages (on CDROM). CCE Conference Management, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2006. ISBN 0-86869-110-0.
  111. H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, N.A. Ansari and X.D. Chen. Mathematical analysis of self-heating in compost piles. In D. Patterson & B. Young, editors, Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2006, 6 pages (on CDROM). CCE Conference Management, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2006. ISBN 0-86869-110-0.
  112. Elahe Aminifarp, Richard Caladine, Anne Porter and Mark I. Nelson. Online Solutions to Mathematical Problems: Combining Video, Audio and Stills on the Web . In T.C. Reeves and S.F. Yamashita, editors, Proceedings of E-Learn 2006. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, pages 2-8 (on CDROM), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2006. ISBN 1-880094-60-6
  113. H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. A simple spatial model for self-heating compost piles. ANZIAM Journal E, 48, C135-C150, 2007.
  114. E. Aminifarp, A. Porter, R. Caladine and M.I. Nelson. Creating mathematical learning resources --- combining audio and visual components. ANZIAM Journal E 47, pp C934-C955, 2007.
  115. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and A.K. Ray. Analysis of a model for ethanol production through continuous fermentation. ANZIAM Journal E (EMAC2007), 49, C85-C99, 2007.
  116. H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Mathematical analysis of the activated sludge process for domestic wastewater treatment. In Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2007, pages 712-720 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2007. ISBN 0-858-25844-7.
  117. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and X.D. Chen. A spatially uniform model of oxidative self-heating in compost piles. In Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2007, pages 1673-1683 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2007. ISBN 0-858-25844-7.
  118. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and A.K. Ray. Improving ethanol production through continuous fermentation. In Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2007, pages 1862-1869 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2007. ISBN 0-858-25844-7.
  119. E. Aminifarp, R. Caladine, A. Porter and M.I. Nelson. Beyond Videoconference: Increased Functionality to Enhance Media-Rich Interactions in Teaching and Learning. In G. Richards (Editor), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007, pages 6985-6990, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, USA, 2007.
  120. A. Porter, M.I. Nelson, E. Aminifarp, G. Williams, and R. Caladine. Access grid rooms: the plan, the reality. In C.S. Lim, S. Fatimah, G. Munirah, S. Hajar, M.Y. Hashimah, W.L. Gan, and T.Y. Hwa, editors, Proceedings of the 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education 2007 (EARCOME 4), pages 285--291. School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. ISBN 978-983-2700-45-46.
  121. R. Hudsonp, A. Porter and M. Nelson. Encouraging Mathematics Teachers to Integrate Technology in Teaching and Learning: Professional Development a Key Factor. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007, pages 3246-3253, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, USA, 2007.
  122. H.S. Sidhu, J. Kavanagh, S.D. Watt and M.I. Nelson. Performance Evaluation of Ethanol Production Through Continuous Fermentation. In Proceedings of the 36th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2008, pages 590-599 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2008. ISBN 85825-823-4.
  123. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. An Operational Model for a Well-Stirred Membrane Bioreactor: Reactor Performance Analysis. In Proceedings of the 36th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2008, pages 1566-1574 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2008. ISBN 85825-823-4.
  124. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and X.D. Chen. The passage of food through animal stomachs: A chemical reactor engineering approach. In Proceedings of the 36th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2008, pages 533-542 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2008. ISBN 85825-823-4.
  125. M.S. Mahmudp, J.W. Ryanu, C.G. Cooperu, T. Safinski, M. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. Kinetic Analysis of Oleic Acid Esterification Using Lipolytic Enzyme As Catalyst. In Proceedings of the 36th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2008, pages 1382-1392 (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2008. ISBN 85825-823-4.
  126. R. Hudsonp, A. Porter and M. Nelson. Barriers to Using ICT in Mathematics Teaching: Issues in Methodology. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, pages 5765-5700, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, USA, 2008.
  127. R. Hudsonp, A. Porter and M. Nelson. The View of Secondary School Mathematics Teachers in Australia regarding the use of Technology in the Classroom. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, pages 5711 - 5777, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, USA, 2008.
  128. M.S. Mahmudp, T. Safinski, M. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. Kinetic Analysis of Oleic Acid Esterification Using Lipase as Catalyst in a Microaqueous Environment, Proceedings 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, paper DNC3ZU (on USB key). 2009.
  129. T. Luangwilaip, H.S. Sidhu M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Biological self-heating of compost piles with air flow. In Proceedings of the 37th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2009, (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2009. ISBN 978-0858259225.
  130. A.H. Msmalip and M.I. Nelson. A model for incomplete mixing in a bioreactor. In Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2010, (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2010. ISBN 978-085-825-9713.
  131. R. van Bentumu, M.I. Nelson, X.D. Chen and G. O'Brien. The pH profile of the human stomach. In Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2010, (on CDROM), Engineers Australia, 2010. ISBN 978-085-825-9713.
  132. R. Hudsonp, A. Porter and M. Nelson. Statistical Analysis Model Predicting Computer Use in Mathematics. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011, pages 712-720, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, USA, 2011.
  133. M. Hsieh p, S.W. McCue, T.J. Moroney and M.I. Nelson. Drug diffusion from polymeric delivery devices: a problem with two moving boundaries. In W.~McLean and A.~J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2010, volume~52 of ANZIAM J., pages C549--C566, August 2011. [August 3, 2011].
  134. T. Luangwilaip, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. The Semenov Formulation of the Biological Self-Heating Process in Compost Piles. In P.~Howlett, M.~Nelson, and A.~J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2009, volume~51 of ANZIAM J., pages C425--C445, Jun 2010. [June 29, 2010].
  135. R.T. Alqahtani p, M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. A mathematical analysis of continuous flow bioreactor models governed by contois kinetics: A two reactor cascade. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2011, pages 1--11. Engineers Australia, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978 085 825 9225.
  136. T. Luangwilai p, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, and X.D. Chen. Modelling the effects of moisture content in compost piles. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2011, pages 1--12. Engineers Australia, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978 085 825 9225.
  137. A.H. Msmali p, M.I. Nelson and J. Kavanagh. The effect of incomplete mixing upon the performance of a membrane-coupled anaerobic fermentor. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2011, pages 1--12. Engineers Australia, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978 085 825 9225.
  138. M.I. Nelson and E. Balakrishnan. An analysis of an activated sludge process containing a sludge disintegration system. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2011, pages 1--11. Engineers Australia, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978 085 825 9225.
  139. M.I. Nelson and E. Balakrishnan. An analysis of an activated sludge process containing a sludge disintegration system. In F. Chan, D. Marinova, and R.S. Anderssen, editors, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2011, pages 331-337. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978-0-9872143-1-7. Download the paper from
  140. R.T. Alqahtani p, M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. A mathematical model for the biological treatment of industrial wastewaters in a cascade of four reactors. In F. Chan, D. Marinova, and R.S. Anderssen, editors, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2011, pages 256-262. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2011. On CDROM. ISBN 978-0-9872143-1-7. Download the paper from
  141. B. Bukhatowa p, A.L. Porter and M.I. Nelson. Experience with change evaluations suggests the need for better learning designs: one possibility for mathematics. In S. Barton, J. Hedberg & K. Suzuki, editors, Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011, pages 875-884. EDiTLib, USA. 2011.
  142. R.T. Alqahtani p, M.I. Nelson and A.L. Worthy. Analysis of a chemostat model with variable yield coefficient: Contois kinetics. In M. Nelson, M. Coupland, H. Sidhu, T. Hamilton and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC 2011, ANZIAM J, 53, pages C155-C171. 2012. Download the paper from .
  143. T. Luangwilai p, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. A two dimensional, reaction-diffusion model of compost piles. In M. Nelson, M. Coupland, H. Sidhu, T. Hamilton and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC 2011, ANZIAM J, 53, pages C34-C53. 2012. Download the paper from .
  144. A.H. Msmali p, M.I. Nelson and M. Edwards. The effect of incomplete mixing upon quadratic autocatalysis. In M. Nelson, M. Coupland, H. Sidhu, T. Hamilton and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC 2011, ANZIAM J, 53, pages C266-C279. 2012. Download the paper from .
  145. M.R. Alharthi p, T.R. Marchant and M.I. Nelson. Semi-analytical solutions for cubic autocatalytic reaction-diffusion equations; the effect of a precursor chemical. In M. Nelson, M. Coupland, H. Sidhu, T. Hamilton and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC 2011, ANZIAM J, 53, pages C511-C524. 2012. Download the paper from .
  146. A.H. Msmali p, M.I. Nelson and M. Edwards. The effect of incomplete mixing upon the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2012, pages 1--10. Engineers Australia, 2012. On CDROM. ISBN 978 1 922107 59 6.
  147. T. Luangwilai p, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Understanding the role of moisture in the self-heating process of compost piles. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2012, pages 1--13. Engineers Australia, 2012. On CDROM. ISBN 978 1 922107 59 6.
  148. D. Mallet, M.I. Nelson, A. Porter, A. Dekkers, M. Townley-Jones, I. Hudson, S. Belward, C. Coady, and D. King. Australian learning and teaching council projects in the mathematical sciences: A retrospective. . In M. Nelson, M. Coupland, H. Sidhu, T. Hamilton and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC 2011, ANZIAM J, 53, pages C576-C591, 2013. Download the paper from .
  149. A.O.M. Alharbi p, M.I. Nelson, A.L. Worthy, and H.S. Sidhu. Sludge formation in the activated sludge process: Mathematical analysis. In Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMECA 2013, ( pages 1--7. Chemical College, Engineers Australia, 2013. Download the paper from CDROM. ISBN 978 1 922107 07 7.
  150. B. Bukhatwa p, A.L. Porter, and M.I. Nelson. Video resources for supporting learning in mathematics rich disciplines: A teaching perspective. In Mark Nelson, Mary Coupland, Harvinder Sidhu, Tara Hamilton, and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2011, volume 53 of ANZIAM J., pages C606--C620, July 2013. .
  151. Asma Alharbi p, Mark Ian Nelson, Annette Worthy, Harvinder Sidhu. Sludge formation in the activated sludge process with a sludge disintegration unit. In Mark Nelson, Tara Hamilton, Michael Jennings and Judith Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2013, volume 55 of ANZIAM J., pages C348--C367, August 2014. .
  152. W.L. Sweatman, G. Mercer, J. Boland, N. Cusimano, A. Greenwood, K. Harley, P. van Heijster, P. Kim, J. Maisano, M.I. Nelson, and G. Pettet. Seaweed cultivation and the remediation of by-products from ethanol production: a glorious green growth. In T. Farrell and A.J. Roberts, editors, Proceedings of the 2014 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, MISG-2014, volume 56 of ANZIAM Journal, pages M1--M29, May 2016. .
  153. M.M. Salehp and M.I. Nelson. Maximizing product concentration in a diabatic multistage reactor. In Mark Nelson, Dann Mallet, Brandon Pincombe, and Judith Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2015, volume 57 of ANZIAM J., pages C101--C124, 2016.
  154. F.S. Saadi, M.I. Nelson, and A.L Worthy. Sludge disintegration model with finite disintegration rate. In Mark Nelson, Dann Mallet, Brandon Pincombe, and Judith Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2015, volume 57 of ANZIAM J., pages C346--C363, 2016.
  155. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu, and F. Hai. Investigating the performance of the activated sludge model (number 1). In Chemical Engineering - Regeneration, Recovery and Reinvention: CHEMECA 2016, pages 1067-1078, 2016. On CDROM. ISBN 978-1-922107-83-1.
  156. T. Luangwilai, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Understanding the effects of ambient humidity on the self-heating of compost piles. In, Proceedings of the Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Chemeca 2018, Engineers Australia, 2018.
  157. T.A. McLennan-Smith, M. Nelson, Z. Jovanoski, M. Rodrigo, and H.S. Sidhu. Stochastic processes in a discrete model of ground combat. In S. Elsawah, editor, 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pages 116--122. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2019 ISBN 978-0-9758400-9-2.
  158. M.I. Nelson and F.I. Hai. Nitrogen removal in a cascade of four reactors employing the activated sludge process. In S. Elsawah, editor, 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pages 130-136. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2019. ISBN 978-0-9758400-9-2.
  159. M. Berryp, M.I. Nelson, B. Monaghan and B. Whale. The effects of oscillating boundary conditions on thermal ignition. In Christopher C. Tisdell, Zlatko Jovanoski, William Guo, Judith Bunder editors, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2019, volume 61 of ANZIAM J., pages C45--C48, 2020. .
  160. T. Luangwilai, H.S. Sidhu, and M.I. Nelson. Understanding the factors affecting the self-heating process of compost piles: Two-dimensional analysis. In A. Clark, Z. Jovanoski, and J. Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2021, volume 63 of ANZIAM J., pages C15-C29, 2022 .
  161. A.H. Msmali, M.I. Nelson, and F.S. Al Saadi. Treating cancerous cells with a continuous release of virus particles. In A. Clark, Z. Jovanoski, and J. Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2021, volume 63 of ANZIAM J., pages C195-C207, 2022. .
  162. M. Berry, M. Nelson, M. Moores, B. Monaghan, and R. Longbottom. Using inert hot-spots to induce ignition within industrial stockpiles. In A. Clark, Z. Jovanoski, and J. Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2021, volume 63 of ANZIAM J., pages C182--C194, 2022. .
  163. M.I. Nelson and F.I. Hai. Biological self-heating in industrial compost piles: an informal discussion of students applying prior mathematical skills within an industrial case study. In A. Clark, Z. Jovanoski, and J. Bunder, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2021, volume 63 of ANZIAM J., pages C208--C221, 2022. .
  164. Accepted for publication

  165. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. An operational model for a well-stirred membrane bioreactor: reactor performance analysis. Accepted, for publication in Applied Mathematics Letters, November 2009.
  166. Unrefereed conference proceedings

  167. M.I. Nelson. The Autoignition of Thermoplastics in the Cone Calorimeter: A Dynamical Systems Model. In Proceedings of the 16th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, pages 494-497. Wydawnictwo,, Akapit'' (Kraków, Poland), 1997. ISBN 83-7108-028-X.
  168. Miscellaneous

  169. Graeme Wake and Mark Nelson. Preface to ``Mathematical Modelling of Nonlinear Systems: A Tribute to Professor John Brindley''. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 36(3), page xiii, 2002.
  170. Graeme Wake and Mark Nelson. Forward. A Tribute to Professor John Brindley, Large Research Professor, University of Leeds, U.K. . Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 36(3), page xv-xvi, 2002.
  171. M.I. Nelson. NSW ANZIAM 2003 Branch Meeting. The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 31(1): 63, 2004.
  172. M.I. Nelson and B.R. Young. Editorial: Special Issue Contributed from CHEMECA 2006 - Australasian Process Modelling and Control Selected Papers. (2007) Chemical Product and Process Modelling, 2, Issue 2, Article 1.
  173. M.I. Nelson, B. Young and H.S. Sidhu. Editorial: Special Issue Contributed from CHEMECA 2008 - Mathematical Modeling. Chemical Product and Process Modelling, 4, Issue 3, Article 1, 2009.
  174. M.I. Nelson. (2008) ACT/NSW ANZIAM meeting. The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 36(1), 28-29, 2009, The Australian Mathematical Society.
  175. Andrew Metcalfe, Phil Howlett, Mark Nelson and Anthony Roberts. Preface to the Proceedings of the EMAC 2009. ANZIAM Journal, 51(0), 2009. .
  176. G. Cox and M.I. Nelson. Report on NSW ANZIAM 2009. The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 31(1), 63, 2010, The Australian Mathematical Society.
  177. N. Thamwattana and M.I. Nelson. Report on the 2010 NSW ANZIAM meeting. The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 38(5), 269-270, 2010, The Australian Mathematical Society.
  178. Mark Nelson, Anthony Roberts, Mary Coupland, Tara Hamilton and Harvinder Sidhu. Preface to the Proceedings of the Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference. ANZIAM Journal, 53(0), 2012. .
  179. Mark Nelson, Judith Bunder, Tara Hamilton, and Michael Jennings, editors. Proceedings of the 11th Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, volume 55 of ANZIAM Journal, 2014.
  180. P. Broadbridge, M. Nelson and J.~Wang. Editorial: Mathematical methods for applications. \newblock \emph{The ANZIAM Journal}, 58\penalty0 (3-4):\penalty0 209--–210, 2017. \newblock \doi{10.1017/S1446181117000086}.
  181. Co-editor with Dr Tonghua Zhang of special issue of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering on the topic: ``Advances in Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Bioprocesses'', 2020. .
  182. Mark I. Nelson and Rodney O. Weber. Editorial: Special issue celebrating the achievements of Professor G.C. Wake. The ANZIAM Journal, 62(4): 353-354, 2020. doi: 10.1017/S1446181121000067.
  183. Submitted

  184. M.I. Nelson. Flammability limits in closed vessel experiments: A Semenov model. Submitted, 2000.
  185. M.I. Nelson and X.D. Chen. Heterogeneously catalysed combustion in a continuously stirred tank reactor. II Autothermal behaviour in low temperature reactions. Submitted, 2000.
  186. M.I. Nelson, R.O. Weber and A.G. Tate. Modelling of Open Vat Red Wine Fermenters. Submitted, 2002.
  187. X.D. Chen and M.I. Nelson. Modelling Air-Drying of Coal Particles - A New Biot and Lewis Number Analysis. Submitted, 2005.
  188. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, A.K. Ray. Analysis of a model for ethanol production through continuous fermentation in multiple tanks. Submitted, 2008.
  189. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Flammability limits of an oxidation reaction in a batch reactor. Submitted, 2008. Submitted, 2008.
  190. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Flammability limits of an oxidation reaction in a batch reactor. Submitted, 2008.
  191. S.D. Watt, H.S. Sidhu, M.I. Nelson, A.K. Ray. Analysis of a model for ethanol production through continuous fermentation in multiple tanks. Submitted, 2008.
  192. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Flammability limits of an oxidation reaction in a batch reactor. Submitted, 2008. Submitted, 2008.
  193. M.I. Nelson and H.S. Sidhu. Flammability limits of an oxidation reaction in a batch reactor. Submitted, 2008.
  194. M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu and A.A. Adesina. Analysis of an immobilised enzyme reactor model. Submitted, 2008.
  195. Rodney Van Bentumu and Mark Ian Nelson. The Passage of Food Through an Animal Stomach: A case Study for first-year calculus students. Submitted, 2009.
  196. R.T. Alqahtani p, M.I. Nelson and A. Worthy. The biological treatment of industrial wastewater: Contois kinetics. Submitted, 2011.
  197. X.D. Chen, H.S. Sidhu and M.I. Nelson. Unique properties of dimensionless crossing-point-temperature (CPT) versus Frank-Kamenetskii Reactivity Parameter in Transient Self-Heating Test. Submitted, 2011.
  198. M.I. Nelson and E. Balakrishnan, An analysis of an activated sludge process containing a sludge disintegration unit. Submitted, 2011.
  199. M.I. Nelson and T.C.L. Yuem. A mathematical analysis of a membrane bioreactor containing a sludge disintegration system. Submitted, 2012.
  200. S. Qian, P. Yu, D. Hailey, P. Davy & M.I. Nelson. How personal carers spend their time on direct care activities in two Australian nursing homes: a time-motion study. Submitted, 2012.
  201. 4, Number 3, 2009. (`Papers from Chemeca 2008).
  202. Editor (with A. Metcalfe, P. Howlett and A.J. Roberts) of Proceedings Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference 2009, 2010. ( ANZIAM J. 51(E)).
  203. Editor (with A.J. Roberts, M. Coupland, T.J. Hamilton and H.S. Sidhu) of Proceedings Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference 2011, 2011. ( ANZIAM J. 53(E)).
  204. Book Reviews

  205. Zombies & Calculus. Colin Adams. Princeton University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-6911-6190-7. Reviewed in Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 42, 3, 181--183, 2015. Link to the book review section.
  206. Biomolecular Feedback Systems. Domitilla del Vecchio and Richard M. Murray . Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-0-691-16153-2. Reviewed in Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43, 3, 185--191, 2016. Link to the book review section.

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Page Created: 5th December 1997.
Last Updated: 17th February 2023.