Three international students sitting outside talking

BAL International Peer Mentor Network

The Business and Law International Peer Mentor Network (BIPMN) program focuses on supporting incoming international students by pairing them with International Peer Mentors but can also support students at any stage of their degree looking for further guidance. The program is offered to students across the Wollongong, Sydney CBD and Liverpool campuses.

International Peer Mentors are experienced UOW BAL students who can share their knowledge and experience to build confidence in their mentees as they adjust to University and life in Australia.

Being mentored involves regular interactions with your assigned International Peer Mentor throughout the session and can be arranged around the availabilities of the mentee and mentor. A variety of platforms can be used to interact with International Peer Mentors, including Zoom, Skype, and instant messaging. Additionally, students may wish to meet face-to-face on campus.

What are the benefits of receiving International Peer Mentor support?

  • They will help you settle into your new surroundings at UOW
  • Allow you to quickly make new friends from different cultures and backgrounds
  • Learn about Australian culture and help you overcome culture shock
  • Get advice from a fellow student on making the most out of your experience at UOW
  • Get the chance to socialise with other students within the Faculty of Business and Law

How do International Peer Mentors benefit from the program?

  • Improve personal and professional development
  • Advance cross-cultural communication skills
  • Gain a rewarding experience by improving the wellbeing of new international students
  • Interact with students from a variety of backgrounds
  • Develop key leadership and communication skills to help you stand out to prospective employers

For more information, email the BIPMN team via 

Get UOWx Co-curricular recognition

BIPMN is recognised by UOWx and can help you to develop key employability skills to stand out when you graduate. This is a way to emphasise to employers the drive and dedication you can offer.

UOWx Co-curricular recognition for mentors UOWx Co-curricular recognition for mentees