Food waste bins

Food waste (compost) bins have green lids and/or signage.  Refer to the Food Waste poster (PDF).

Items that belong in food waste bins

  • food scraps (e.g. bread, fruit, coffee grounds)

Items that do not belong in food waste bins

  • paper towel, tissues
  • tea bags
  • paper and fibre-based takeaway food packaging (including items that are certified compostable).* Refer to the NSW EPA's position statement and information on this material and reason for not being accepted in the food waste bins
  • metals or plastics

The food waste and other organic materials that are collected go to a commercial composting facility to be reprocessed into garden and landscape materials and high quality compost. Contamination must be avoided so that the material can be used for this purpose.  It only takes a small amount of contamination for the contents of the food waste bin to be unable to be used for this purpose.  

Staff kitchen food waste bins

Following a trial in several office kitchen areas, food waste collection services are being provided in office kitchen locations across UOW to assist in diverting more of our waste from landfill. Waste audits have shown that our bins contain a high proportion of food waste and other organic materials. The bins are lined with a lime green compostable bag. These bags are made from food starch (not plastic) so will compost with the food waste.

Please check signage on and above the bin and seek advice if required. 

The food waste bins are serviced by the cleaners in the morning on a daily basis.

Staff can help by:

  • not overfilling the bin
  • keeping the food inside the bin
  • closing the lid so as not to attract pests or create odours.

Please report any issues that you notice and provide feedback to the Environment Unit

Food waste bins for events

Contact the Environment Unit if you would like to have foodwaste bins at your event.  Bin monitoring of food waste bins is essential as contamination is not acceptable and the bin will be rejected by the contractor.  Consider connecting with the Unilife volunteering team to assist you to undertake bin monitoring.