School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
 in collaboration with
School of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences

Reflective Communication of Mathematics

A taste of teaching

2016 Marketing Poster

MATH270 | Teaching Practice

Tutoring Experience: A minimum of ten lessons of tutoring mathematics throughout the course of the session. This tutoring can take on any form: one-to-one private tutoring, helping a small group of students informally (eg, a homework afternoon at a local high school) or even part-time tutoring for a maths subject on campus. The tutoring can be paid or unpaid work, but at high school level or higher.

Maths Fun Day: In a group of 2-3 people, you will prepare and deliver an engaging (educational) mathematical activity that is fun and exciting for groups of Year 7 (Stage 4) students. Your activity will be implemented at a Maths Fun Day to be held at a local high school, where you will run the 18-minute activity six times to different groups of students.

"Work Like a Mathematician": In a group of up to 5 other students you will prepare and deliver two sets of two activities (lessons) to be delivered to Year 8 and/or Year 9 students. In each set of activities, one will be implemented in a whiteboard tutorial room (where students 'work like mathematicians') and the other in a standard classroom.
MATH270 | Reflection

Autobiographical Lens: In class, we will ask you to think about and share your own learning style and experiences. You will write a reflective journal on your tutoring experiences, addressing issues such as what you learnt about mathematics, about teaching, about your style, about how your student learns, or what explanations and discussions were effective. You will also write a reflection on both the Maths Fun Day activity and the Work Like a Mathematician activities that you prepared.

Colleague Lens: In class, you will discuss aspects of your tutoring experiences with your peers, sharing ideas and suggestions to improve your practice. You will also trial your Maths Fun Day activity and your Work Like a Mathematician activities on your peers for them to give constructive feedback.

Literature Lens: You will be asked to read various articles related to best-practice in mathematics teaching, then discuss the articles in class. These journal articles are intended to promote thought about yourself and discussion and include authors such as Richard Skemp and Peter Liljedahl.
MATH270 | Sample seminar schedule

Week 1 Introduction
Discussion: Best and Worst from School
Presentation: Working with Children
Week 8 Maths Fun Day trials
Week 2 Maths Fun Day organisation
Discussion: Brookfield text
Presentation: Good Teaching Practice
Week 9 Maths Fun Day
Week 3 Work Like a Mathematician - Phase 1 trials

Week 10

Work Like a Mathematician - Phase 2 trials
Week 4 Discussion: Your Reflection
Discussion: How would you explain...?
Discussion: Skemp articles

Week 11

Discussion: Your Reflection
Discussion: How would you explain...?
Discussion: Liljedahl articles
Week 5 Work Like a Mathematician day

Week 12

Work Like a Mathematician day
Week 6 Work Like a Mathematician - Phase 1 debrief
Discussion: How would you explain...?
Discussion: Math Class Needs a Makeover

Week 13

Work Like a Mathematician - Phase 2 debrief
Discussion: Your Reflection
Discussion: The MATH270 Journey | Where to now?

Week 7

Activity and Discussion: Teaching percentages
Discussion: My Favourite No
IMSITE Strategy: Provide earlier experiences of education for mathematics/science undergraduates through elective courses or minors that introduce students to research on learning and/or short placements in schools.
A Maths Education minor around MATH270 for students wishing to continue to the Master of Teaching is being considered.

Curriculum Arrangements
IMSITE Strategy: Develop new courses in which pre-service and practising teachers and school students work on authentic science and mathematics inquiry projects with senior undergraduates, PhD students, or professionals in science and mathematics.
MATH270 is now part of the Bachelor of Mathematics Education program and brings together maths undergraduates, practising teachers and school students.
Continued Professional Learning
IMSITE Strategy: Use integrated coursework and practicum strategies (e.g., mathematical rounds, teachers’ circles) to maintain the link for teaching graduates to their discipline and their profession.
The Maths Fun Day and Work Like a Mathematician activities maintain links with local high school teachers, who are inspired to improve practice.
MATH270 | Interesting and Useful Links
The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
Dan Meyer: 'Math Class Needs a Makeover'
My Favorite No
Skemp: 'Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding'
Liljedahl: Teaching Resources
Selected Past Maths Fun Day activities
Monty Hall Problem
Bingo Dice Game
Fractions with Playdoh!
A Look into Time
Probability Game
Maths Collaboration
Whiteboard room STEM Conference
Science Collaboration

Teacher Resources