Modelling A Zombie Outbreak

Dylan Maher

MATH245 project

Autumn 2020

Co-supervised with Chayne Planiden


During a zombie outbreak, the continued existence of the human race will depend on the swiftness of the enactment of countermeasures against the threat. Therefore, it is critical that action plans are developed before such an incident takes place so that they are ready to be implemented as quickly as possible in response to the appearance of the walking dead. This paper explores previous studies on modelling zombie outbreaks and reviews academic papers that examine the use of genetic algorithms. After conducting an initial analysis on the set of differential equations chosen to model the zombie outbreak, a genetic algorithm is implemented to find the optimal combinations of intervention strategies that will ensure the most survivors in a zombie outbreak.

Keywords: zombies, susceptibles, infectives, genetic algorithm, deterministic, stochastic, quarantine, vaccine.

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Page Created: 6th July 2020.
Last Updated: 6th July 2020.