Modelling Social Balance

Bao Anh Vu


Autumn 2019


Since the 1940s, psychologists have investigated the development of friendship and enmity in a network of individuals. Several models have been developed, earlier ones being static models which use positive and negative signs to represent relationships between individuals. Later models use weighted signed networks and a matrix differential equation to describe the dynamics of the system as time passes.

Marvel et al (2011) and Traag et al (2013) have investigated the dynamic model under different initial conditions. Symmetric and normal initial conditions have been found to result in social balance in the form of two opposing factions (members of the same faction are connected only by positive signs and members of opposing factions are connected only by negative signs), while other initial conditions do not converge to social balance.

A recent paper by Veerman (2018) shows that under typical initial conditions, four factions arise instead of two. The purpose of this project is to investigate Veerman's model and further develop the model to a scenario where an additional state agent with unchanging opinions is trying to manipulate everyone in the network to follow their propaganda.

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Page Created: 24th June 2019.
Last Updated: 24th June 2019.