C++ Notes: <string> class

Assume the following declarations:

   string s, s1, s2;
   char c;  
   char* cs;
   int i, start, len, start1, len1, start2, len2, newSize; 
   istringstream istr; // requires <sstream>
   ostringstream ostr; // requires <sstream>

Methods and operators

Constructors and destructors
 string s;Creates a string variable.
 string s(s1);Creates s; initial value from s1.
 string s(cs);Creates s; initial value from cs.
 s1 = s2;Assigns s2 to s1.
 s1 = cs;Assigns C-string cs to s1.
 s1 = c;Assigns char c to s1.
 s[i] = c;Sets ith character. Subscripts from zero.
 s.at(i) = c;As subscription, but throws out_of_range if i isn't in string.
 s.append(s2);Concatenates s2 on end of s. Same as s += s2;
 s.append(cs);Concatenates cs on end of s. Same as s += cs;
 s.assign(s2, start, len);Assigns s2[start..start+len-1] to s.
 s.clear();Removes all characters from s
cs = s.c_str();Returns the equivalent c-string.
s1 = s.substr(start, len);s[start..start+len-1].
c = s[i];ith character. Subscripts start at zero.
c = s.at(i);As subscription, but throws out_of_range if i isn't in string.
i = s.length(); Returns the length of the string.
i = s.size(); Same as s.length()
i = s.capacity();Number of characters s can contain without reallocation.
b = s.empty(); True if empty, else false.
i = s.resize(newSize, padChar);Changes size to newSize, padding with padChar if necessary.
Searching All searches return string::npos on failure.
i = s.find(c);Position of leftmost occurrence of char c.
i = s.find(s1);Position of leftmost occurrence of s1.
i = s.rfind(s1);As find, but right to left.
i = s.find_first_of(s1);Position of first char in s which is in s1 set of chars.
i = s.find_first_not_of(s1);Position of first char of s not in s1 set of chars.
i = s.find_last_of(s1);Position of last char of s in s1 set of chars.
i = s.find_last_not_of(s1);Position of last char of s not in s1 set of chars.
i = s.compare(s1); <0 if s<s1, 0 if s==s1, or >0 if s>s1.
i = s.compare(start1, len1, s1,
start2, len2);
Compares s[start1..start1+len1-1] to s1[start2..start2+len2-1]. Returns value as above.
b = s1 == s2
also > < >= <= !=
The comparison operators work as expected.
Input / Output
 cin >> s;>> overloaded for string input.
 getline(cin, s);Next line (without newline) into s.
 cout << s;<< overloaded for string output.
 istr.str(s);Sets input string stream to s.
s = ostr.str();Returns string generated in output string stream.


The + and += operators are overloaded to concatentate/append two strings.
s = s1 + s2;
s += s2;
s += cs;
s += c;

And much more

And lots more: replace, insert, iterators, string streams, different parameter types, ...