C++: Data Structures: Expression Tree Struct

This code is a typical non-OOP solution to the expression tree problem.
//======================================= ExprNode
struct ExprNode {
    char      op;    // one of +, -, *, /, #
    int       value; // integer value
    ExprNode* left;  // left subtree
    ExprNode* right; // right subtree

//======================================= eval
int eval(ExprNode* x) {
    // Recursively evaluate expression tree.
    int result;
    switch (x->op) {
       case '+': result = eval(x->left) + eval(x->right);
       case '-': result = eval(x->left) - eval(x->right);
       case '/': result = eval(x->left) * eval(x->right);
       case '#': result = x->value;  // an integer constant
    return result;
Solutions like this are quite common in non-OOP programs, however OOP programming offers several advantages: