A Novel Queue Length Aware Distributed Link Scheduler for Multi Tx/Rx Wireless Mesh Networks

The Multi-Transmit-Receive (MTR) feature of next generation Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) enables routers to transmit or receive from multiple neighbors simultaneously. Hence, these WMNs are ideal for use as broadband access in both cities and rural areas. A key problem, however, is designing a distributed link scheduling algorithm that ensures high network capacity. In this paper, we propose Voting-ALGO, a novel queue length aware distributed link scheduler that requires only one hop neighbors' queue information and uses the celebrated max weight policy in a distributed manner. We have evaluated the performance of Voting-ALGO in various network topologies, and compared it against other approaches including queue length aware link/node based centralized algorithm, and state-of-the-art distributed approaches: JazzyMAC and ROMA. The results show that Voting-ALGO obtains 100\% throughput as compared to centralized policies, while other distributed algorithm such as JazzyMAC can only achieve 25\% of a network's capacity region.