Indigenous Tailored Academic Program

Indigenous tailored academic program (ITAP)

ITAP is a free face-to-face academic support initiative that aims to improve educational outcomes for Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. Tutors are recruited and appointed to eligible students by Woolyungah Indigenous Centre (WIC).

The principal goal of ITAP is to explicitly enhance and improve on the individual student’s academic progress and outcomes. The program enables students to participate equitably and compete at the level of their peers and encourages academic excellence in their chosen program of study.

At WIC, we value the role of our tutors and strive to employ the highest qualified and quality tutors for our students.





Key information

To be eligible for the ITAP, a student must:

  • Identify as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted in the community in which he/she lives or has lived;
  • Enrolled in formal education at the University of Wollongong and UOW College;
  • Assessed as requiring tutorial assistance to achieve satisfactory academic results.

Applicants are required to submit the following supporting documentation:

  • Confirmation of Aboriginality: By a letter with a common seal signed by the chairperson of an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander incorporated organisation in which the applicant lives or has previously lived, e.g. lands council or Aboriginal cultural centre. Woolyungah Indigenous centre understands that sometimes obtaining an official confirmation of Aboriginality can be challenging.
  • Therefore, we accept our WIC statutory declaration of Aboriginality signed by a Justice of Peace. This is a legal binding document demonstrating your self- identification as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person. The statutory declaration must be accompanied by evidence of your claim. 
  1. Complete your ITAP tutor application form
  2. Please attach your resume, academic transcript, and other relevant supporting documents.

Your application will be reviewed and if short-listed, you will be contacted for an interview. If successful, you will be placed on the ITAP Tutor database and contacted directly if Woolyungah can match you with a student.

Please contact Woolyungah Indigenous Centre: