Frequently Asked Questions
- My Doctor has advised I cannot finish my course of Hep B due to a vaccine shortage, what should I do?
NSW Health is aware of an ongoing shortage of hepatitis B vaccine in the private market. Please visit the NSW Health Private market hepatitis B shortage website for further information.
- My serology says I am immune why do I need another dose/serology done again?
The timing of doses and serology is underpinned by science that shows there is a period of transient immunity following a vaccine dose that tapers over time to either remain high enough to be considered immune long term, or falls below levels that mean lasting immunity hasn’t been achieved (p226 of the Australian Immunisation Handbook 10th Ed). Serology done too early may provide a false positive for long term immunity.
The NSW Health policy PD2011_005 is based on the above, and regardless of what other information you might find in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, it is the NSW Health Policy that must be complied with. This policy dictates a minimum period of 28 days following the last dose of Hep B before a valid serology can be done. We generally advise students to have serology done on Day 29 to be certain, as even one day too soon will be rejected by NSW Health as invalid.
- Do I have to go outside my local area for placement?
Every effort is made to secure adequate numbers of placements across all settings, located as close as possible to each of the campus locations, to attempt to minimise the travel time or need for accommodation associated with placement. However, availability of placements local to students is limited and students will be required to travel significant distances or secure accommodation during placement.