My eQuals privacy

The following privacy statement describes how UOW will manage personal student information, for the purpose of providing students with a means to access, and share digitally certified versions of academic documentation, via the portal. 

Collection and use of personal information

UOW will only collect and use personal information that is necessary to facilitate access to the My eQuals portal. This may include the student name, student number, date of birth, email address, contact details, course information and payment details. To facilitate the issuance of digital academic documentation and subsequent access to the portal, the required information may be collected directly from the student, or UOW may use the information held in the student record.  

To facilitate the issuance of digital academic documentation, UOW will use personal information to:

  • process, authenticate, certify, issue, upload and/or review digital academic documents to be hosted on the portal
  • collect payment for requests for the issuance of digital academic documents (where relevant)
  • complete internal administration functions relating to the issuance of digital academic documents
  • provide support services to maintain and enable your access to the My eQuals portal; and 
  • receive and/or share a digital academic document hosted on My eQuals, at your request or with your permission.

UOW will disclose personal information to the portal so students can access digital academic documentation, and/or share documentation directly with a third party, with student authority.  UOW will not disclose personal information to any third party, unless UOW has consent, or there is a legal requirement to do so.

Please be aware that once a student accesses the My eQuals portal, all personal information the student provides via the portal will be handled by My eQuals in accordance with the My eQuals privacy policy

UOW recommends students to check the My eQuals policy before submitting personal data to the site.

Security of your personal information

Digital academic documentation will be hosted on My eQuals, and made available in accordance with NSW legislated recordkeeping and privacy obligations.

Personal information that is made available via My eQuals will be hosted at the My eQuals data centre in Australia. UOW will use all appropriate measures to ensure the secure transfer of personal data to the My eQuals portal.

In some circumstances, personal information may be transferred off-shore. This may include when a student authorises third parties (in other countries) to access their digital academic documentation, or for My eQuals staff/contractors to provide technical support. The My eQuals privacy policy provides further information regarding the My eQuals security framework and data protection policies.

Whilst UOW does not have any campuses or affiliated partner institutions in the European Union (EU), we recognise that our students and/or alumni who may be located in the EU may wish to access their secure digital academic documents via My eQuals.  If as a student, you are based in the EU, UOW is committed to complying with the data protection principles under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679 - GDPR) when handling personal information.


If you have questions about your digital documents, please contact the AskUOW teamContact details in Student Central.

If you wish to make a complaint about how UOW has handled your personal information, please contact UOW’s Manager, Information Compliance at

My eQuals can be contacted directly via their My eQuals contact form. This privacy statement may be amended or updated from time-to-time. We encourage you to visit our website periodically in order to remain up to date.