Distillery 1.0

Distillery 1.0

WIGL Main Lab

Main lab - room G04

WIGL Main Lab Benchspace

Benchspace with analytical balances in the main lab.

WIGL Fume Hood & Evaporation Pod

Right: Conditionaire fume hood equipped with a scrubber, for safe handling of hydrofluoric and perchloric acids.
Left: Analab evaporation pod, which provides an ultra-clean environment for drying down samples.

WIGL Fume Hoods

Self-contained fume hoods installed the small lab (room G04B), dedicated ion exchange chromatography. Silicate samples are processed on the left, while low-abundance samples (e.g. carbonates, samples for cosmogenic 10Be) are processed on the right.

WIGL ESI prepFAST System

An ESI prepFAST system is installed in the small lab. This is an automated ion exchange chromatography system which allows us to prepare rapidly and precisely large numbers of samples.
This was funded as part of the ARC LIEF grant LE140100023 “Innovative isotopic techniques to study the response of soil and water resources to modern and past climate change”.