Collaborative publications

Collaborative Publications

Full publication lists for each of the principal collaborators may be viewed from the web site associated with each scientist. Below are listed only those publications for which two of more of the principal collaborators were co-authors.


Mekjavic, I.B. & O. Eiken. (1985). Inhibition of shivering in man by thermal stimulation of the facial area. Acta Physiol. Scand. 125: 633-637.

Mekjavic, I.B., O. Eiken, A. Laprairie & E.W. Banister. (1987). The pattern of breathing during hypoxic exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 56: 619-622.

Passias T.C., I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (1990). Mild narcosis attenuates shivering in humans. In: Proceedings from the XVIth Meeting of the European Undersea Biomedical Society. pp 351A-351E.

Eiken, O., V. Convertino, D. Doerr, G. Morariu & I.B. Mekjavic. (1991). Interaction of the carotid baroreflex, the muscle chemoreflex and the cardiopulmonary baroreflex in man during exercise. The Physiologist 34 (1): 118-120.

Mekjavic I.B., T. Passias, C.J. Sundberg & O.Eiken. (1991). Behavioural temperature regulation during mild narcosis. In: Proceedings from the XVIIth Meeting of the European Undersea Biomedical Society. pp 153-159

Eiken, O., V.A. Convertino, D.F. Doerr, G.A. Dudley, G. Morariu & I.B. Mekjavic. (1992). Characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in man during normal and flow-restricted exercise. Acta Physiol Scand. 144: 325-331.

Passias, T.C., I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (1992). The effect of 30% nitrous oxide on thermoregulatory responses in humans during hypothermia. Anaesthesiology 76: 550-559.

Sun, J.C.L., O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (1993). Autonomic nervous control of heart rate in man during blood-flow restricted exercise in man. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 66: 202-206.

Eiken, O., J.C. Sun & I.B. Mekjavic. (1994). Effects of blood-volume distribution on the characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in humans at rest and during exercise. Acta Physiol. Scand. 150: 89-94.

Mekjavic, I.B., T. Passias, C.J. Sundberg & O. Eiken. (1994). Perception of thermal comfort during narcosis. Undersea Hyperbar. Med. 21: 9-19.

Mekjavic, I.B & O. Eiken. (1995). Inhalation rewarming from hypothermia: an evaluation in -20 degrees C simulated field conditions. Aviat. Space Envir. Med. 66: 424-429.

Mekjavic, I.B., S. Savic & O. Eiken. (1995). Nitrogen narcosis attenuates shivering thermogenesis. J. Appl Physiol. 78: 2241-2244.

Eiken, O., P.A. Tesch & I.B. Mekjavic. (1996). Effect of nitrous oxide on human skeletal muscle function. Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 40: 486-488.

Mekjavic I.B., J. Exner, P.A. Tesch & O. Eiken. (1996). Recovery of exercise-induced loss of muscle strength and muscle soreness is unaffected by HBO therapy. In Proceedings from XXII Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society. pp 557-560.

Mekjavic, I.B., M.J. Tipton & O. Eiken. (1997). Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine: Proceedings from XXIII Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society.

Mekjavic, I. B., Tipton, M. J. and Eiken, O. (1997) Diving and hyperbaric medicine. Biomed d.o.o., Slovenia. ISBN 961-90545-0-4.

Tipton, M. J., Franks, C. M., Meneilly, G. S. and Mekjavic, I. B. (1997) Substrate utilisation during exercise and shivering. European Journal of Applied Physiology 76(1): 103-108.

Tipton, M. J., Golden, F. St. C., Mekjavic, I. B. and Franks, C. M. (1998) Temperature dependence of habituation of the initial responses to cold water immersion. European Journal of Applied Physiology 78: 253-257.

Mekjavic I.B., M.J. Tipton & O. Eiken. (1999). Thermoregulation in divers. In: Proceedings from XXV Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society. pp 220-227.


Mekjavic, I.B., J.A. Exner, P.A. Tesch & O. Eiken. (2000). Hyperbarcic oxygen therapy does not affect recovery from delayed onset muscle soreness. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32: 558-563.

Mekjavic I.B., M.J. Tipton, M. Gennser, O. Eiken. (2000). Motion illness increases the risk of hypothermia. FOA Memo 00-3434/S.

Tipton, M. J., Mekjavic, I. B. and Eglin, C. M. (2000) Permanence of the habituation of the initial responses to cold-water immersion. European Journal of Applied Physiology 83:17-21.

Mekjavic, I. B., Tipton, M. J., Gennser, M. and Eiken, O. (2001) Motion illness potentiates core cooling during immersion in humans. Journal of Physiology 535.2: 619-623.

Mekjavic, I. B., Eglin, C. M., Golden, F. St. C. & Tipton, M. J. (2001) Thermal status of saturation divers during operational dives in the North Sea. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine 28(3): 149-155.

Mekjavic, I.B., M.J. Tipton, M.Gennser & O. Eiken. (2001). Motion sickness potentiates core cooling during immersion in humans. J. Physiol. 535: 619-623.

Eiken O., R. Kölegård, B. Lindborg, I. Mekjavic, J. Linder. (2001). The effect of muscular straining on G-protection during assisted pressure breathing. FOI-R—0230--SE.

Eiken O., M.J. Tipton, R. Kölegård, B. Lindborg, I.B. Mekjavic. (2001). Motion illness decreases the capacity to tolerate gravitational forces in humans. FOI-R—0341--SE.

Mekjavic, I.B., K. Rogelj, M. Radobuljac & O. Eiken. (2002). Inhalation of warm and cold air does not influence brain stem temperature in normothermic humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 93: 65-69.

Golja, P., O. Eiken, S. Rodman, B. Sirok & I.B. Mekjavic. (2002). Core temperature circadian rhythm during 35 days of horizontal bed rest. J. Grav. Physiol 9: P187-P188.

Jaki Mekjavic, P., O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2002). Visual function after prolonged bed rest. J. Grav. Physiol 9: P31-P22.

Kacin, A. I.B. Mekjavic, R. Kölegård & O. Eiken. (2002). Influence of active recovery following prolonged bed rest on static exercise pressor response. J. Grav. Physiol 9: P91-P92.

Eiken O., R. Kölegård, I. Mekjavic. (2002). Exercise pressor response and relaxed G-tolerance as influenced by physical fitness. FOI-R—0717—SE.

Eiken O., I.B. Mekjavic. (2002). The Valdoltra bedrest study: effects of 35 days of horizontal bedrest on the function of peripheral blood vessels, the thermoregulatory system and on the function and structure of the musculoskeltal system. FOI-R—0748—SE.

Rees, A., Eglin, C., Taylor, N.A.S., Hetherington, M., Mekjavic, I.B., and Tipton, M.J. (2002). The nature of human adaptation to cold. In: Tochihara, Y. (Editor). Environmental Ergonomics X. Fukuoka, Japan. Pp. 235-237.

Golja, P., Tipton, M. J. and Mekjavic, I. B. (2003) Cutaneous thermal thresholds – the reproducibility of their measurements and effect of gender. Journal of Thermal Biology 28: 341-346.

Mekjavic, I. B., Tipton, M. J., and Eiken, O. (2003) Thermal considerations in diving. Chapter 4 in: Bennett & Elliott (Eds) The physiology and medicine of diving. 5th Edition. Sunders. Elsevier Science.

Eiken, O., R. Kölegård, B. Lindborg, I.B. Mekjavic & J. Linder. (2003). The effect of straining manoeuvers on G-protection during assisted pressure breathing. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 74: 822-826.

Mekjavic I.B., M.J. Tipton & O. Eiken. (2003). Thermal problems in diving. In: Bennet & Elliot, The Physiology and Medicine of Diving 5th edition. (eds. Brubakk & Neuman). Saunders . pg 115-152.

Eiken O., R.Kölegård, B. Johannesson, E. Bergsten, M. Grönkvist. (2003). Överlevnadsplagg 39; effekt på andningsarbete och komfort under ökad acceleration. FOI-R—0908—SE.

Eiken O, R. Kölegård, I. Mekjavic. (2003). Effects of motion sickness on the exercise pressor-response. FOI-R--1101—SE.

Eiken O, I. Mekjavic, P. Sundblad & R. Kölegård. (2003). G-tolerance as influenced by the distensibility of arteries and arterioles in the legs. FOI-R--1100—SE.

Golja, P., A. Kacin, M.J. Tipton, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2004). Hypoxia increases the cutaneous threshold for the sensation of cold. Eur J. Appl. Physiol. 92: 62-68.

Eiken, O. & I.B. Mekjavic. (2004). Ischaemia in working muscles potentiates the exercise-induced sweating response in man. Acta Physiol Scand 181: 305-311.

Mekjavic, I.B. & O. Eiken. (2004). The effects of hyperbaric oxygen on recovery of eccentric muscle injuries in athletes. Intern. J. Sports Med. 5: 228-237.

Eiken, O., M.J. Tipton, R. Kölegård, B. Lindborg & I.B. Mekjavic. (2004). Motion sickness decreases arterial pressure and therefore acceleration tolerance. Aviat. Space Environ, Med. 76: 541-546.

Golja, P., Kacin, A., Tipton, M. J., Eiken, O., Mekjavic, I. B. (2004) Hypoxia increases the cutaneous threshold for the sensation of cold. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 92: 62-68.

Gordon, C.J., Haley, C.D., McLennan, P.L., Tipton, M.J., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2004). An open-loop model for investigating mammalian thermosensitivity. First Integrated Symposium on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Thermal Biology and Temperature Regulation. Rhodes, Greece. October 10-15th, 2004. P. 141.

Gordon, C.J., Haley, C.D., McLennan, P.L., Tipton, M.J., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2004). An open-loop model for investigating mammalian thermosensitivity. Journal of Thermal Biology. 29(7-8):703-707.

Stocks, J.M., Taylor, N.A.S., Tipton, M.J., and Greenleaf, J.E. (2004). Human physiological responses to cold exposure. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. 75(5):444-457.

Tipton, M. J., Mekjavic, I. B. & Golden, F St.C. (2004) Hypothermia. Chapter 13 in: Bove A. A. (Ed). Bove & Davis’ Diving Medicine. Saunders.

Eiken, O., Tipton, M. J., Kolegard, R., Lindborg, R. and Mekjavic, I. B. (2005) Motion illness decreases arterial pressure and therefore acceleration tolerance. Aviation Space Environmental Medicine. 76(6): 541-6.

Golja, P., Kacin, A., Tipton. M. J., and Mekjavic, I. B. (2005) Moderate hypoxia does not affect the zone of thermal comfort in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 93(5-6): 708-13.

Kacin, A., Golja, P., Eiken, O., Tipton, M. J., Gorjanc, J. and Mekjavic, I. B. (2005) Human temperature regulation during cycling with moderate leg ischaemia. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 95: 213-220.

Mekjavic, I. B., Golja, P., Tipton, M. J. and Eiken, O. (2005) Human thermoregulatory function during exercise and immersion after 35 days horizontal bed rest and recovery. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 95: 163-171.

Mekjavic, I.B., Lenart, B., Vrhovec, M., Tomsic, M., Kakitsuba, N., Taylor, N.A.S., and Oakley, H. (2005) Static and dynamic evaluation of biophysical properties of footwear: the Jozef Stefan Institute sweating thermal foot manikin system. In: Prevention of Cold Injuries. Meeting Proceedings RTO-MP-HFM-126, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 19-20th, Paper 6. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: RTO. Pp. 6.1-6.8.

Mekjavic, I.B., Lenart, B., Vrhovec, M., Tomsic, M., Bartels, V., Umbach, K.H., Kakitsuba, N., Taylor, N.A.S., and Oakley, H. (2005). Static and dynamic evaluation of biophysical properties of footwear: The Jozef Stefan Institute sweating thermal foot manikin system. Eleventh International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics. May 22nd-26th, 2005. Ystad, Sweden. Pp. 290-292.

Mekjavic, I.B., Lenart, B., Vrhovec, M., Tomsic, M., Kakitsuba, N., Taylor, N.A.S., and Oakley, H. (2005). Static and dynamic evaluation of biophysical properties of footwear: the Jozef Stefan Institute sweating thermal foot manikin system. Third International Conference on the Human-Environment System. Tokyo, Japan, September 12th-15th, 2005. Pp. 51-53. Invited Presentation.

Mekjavic, I.B., P. Golja, M.J. Tipton & O. Eiken. (2005). Human thermoregulatory function during exercise and immersion after 35 days of horizontal bed rest and recovery. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 95: 163-171.

Kacin, A., P. Golja, M.J. Tipton, O. Eiken, J. Gorjanc & I.B. Mekjavic. (2005). Human temperature regulation during cycling with moderate leg ischaemia. Eur J Appl Physiol. 95: 213-220.


Eiken, O., J. Nowak, T. Jogestrand & I.B. Mekjavic. (2006). Effect of local arteriosclerosis on carotid baroreflex sensitivity and on heart rate and arterial pressure variability in humans. Clin Physiol Funct Imag. 26: 9-14.

Mekjavic I.B. & O. Eiken. (2006). Contribution of thermal and non-thermal factors to the regulation of body temperature in humans. J Appl Physiol. 100: 2065-2072.

Nobel G., O. Eiken, A. Tribukait, R. Kölegård, I.B. Mekjavic. (2006). Motion sickness increases the risk of accidental hypothermia. Eur J Appl Physiol. 98: 48-55.

Eiken O., G. Nobel, R. Kölegård, A. Tribukait & I.B. Mekjavic. (2006). Effekt av åksjukemedicin på rörelsesjukebetingad benägenhet till nedkylning. FOI-R—2178—SE.

Taylor, N.A.S., Caldwell, J.N., and Mekjavic, I.B. (2006). The distribution of thermal sweating on the foot. Second International Meeting on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation. Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. March 3rd-6th, 2006. P. 71.

Taylor, N.A.S., Caldwell, J.N., and Mekjavic, I.B. (2006). The sweating foot: local differences in sweat secretion during exercise-induced hyperthermia. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. 77:1020-1027.

Babic, M., Lenarcic, J., Zlajpah, L., Taylor, N.A.S., Lenart, B., Vrhovec, M., Redotier, B., Candas, V., and Mekjavic, I.B. (2007). A sweating thermal torso manikin incorporating physiological characteristics of sweating. In: Mekjavic, I.B., Kounalakis, S.N., and Taylor, N.A.S. (Editors). Environmental Ergonomics XII. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics. Piran, Slovenia. Biomed d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia. P. 442.

Kacin, A., Golja, P., Eiken, O., Tipton, M. J. and Mekjavic, I. B. (2007) The influence of acute and 23 days of intermittent hypoxic exposures on the exercise-induced forehead sweating response. European Journal of Applied Physiology.

Mekjavic, I.B., Kounalakis, S.N., and Taylor, N.A.S. (Editors). (2007). Environmental Ergonomics XII. Biomed d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia. Pp. 1-641. Edited monograph.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Wilmink, F., Meijer, A., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2007). Chrome domes: sweat secretion from the head during thermal strain. In: Mekjavic, I.B., Kounalakis, S.N., and Taylor, N.A.S. (Editors). Environmental Ergonomics XII. Biomed d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia. Pp. 272-275.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Caldwell, J.N., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2007). Sweaty hands: differences in sweat secretion from palmar and dorsal surfaces. In: Mekjavic, I.B., Kounalakis, S.N., and Taylor, N.A.S. (Editors). Environmental Ergonomics XII. Biomed d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia. Pp. 289-292.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Smith, F.M., van den Heuvel, A.M.J., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2007). Regional differences in torso sweating. In: Mekjavic, I.B., Kounalakis, S.N., and Taylor, N.A.S. (Editors). Environmental Ergonomics XII. Biomed d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia. Pp. 293-296.

Berg, H., O. Eiken, J. Miklavcic & I.B. Mekjavic. (2007). Hip, thigh and calf muscle atrophy and bone loss after 5wk bedrest inactivity. Eur J Appl Physiol. 99: 283-289.

Kacin, A., P. Golja, O. Eiken, M.J. Tipton & I.B. Mekjavic. (2007). The influence of acute and 23 days of intermittent hypoxic exposures on the exercise-induced forehead sweating response. Eur J Appl Physiol. 99: 557-566.

Nobel G., R. Kölegård., I.B: Mekjavic, A. Tribukait, O. Eiken. (2007). Åksjukemedicin och rörelsesjuka vid nedkylning; slutrapport. FOI-R—2426—SE.

Kacin, A., P. Golja, M.J. Tipton, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2008). The influence of fatigue-induced increase in relative work rate on temperature regulation during exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 103: 71-77.

Eiken, O., R. Kölegård & I.B. Mekjavic. (2008). Pressure-distension relationship in arteries and arterioles in response to five weeks of horizontal bedrest. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 295: H1296-H1302.

Gonzales-Alonso J., O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2008). A critical core temperature and the significance of absolute work rate. In: Physiological basis of human performance during work and exercise (Eds. N.A.S. Taylor & H. Groeller). Elsevier, Oxford. Pg 481-486.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Wilmink, F., Meijer, A., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2008). Local differences in sweat secretion from the head during rest and exercise in the heat. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 104(2):257-264.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Smith, F.M., van den Heuvel, A.M.J., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2008). Sweat secretion from the torso during passively-induced and exercise-related hyperthermia. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 104(2):265-270.

Werner, J., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2008). Concepts in physiological regulation: a thermoregulatory perspective. In: Taylor, N.A.S., and Groeller, H. (Editors). Physiological bases of human performance during work and exercise. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh. ISBN: 0-443-10271-4. Pp. 325-340. 1.

Taylor, N.A.S., Kondo, N., and Kenney, W.L. (2008). The physiology of acute heat exposure, with implications for human performance in the heat. In: Taylor, N.A.S., and Groeller, H. (Editors). Physiological bases of human performance during work and exercise. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh. ISBN: 0-443-10271-4. Pp. 341-358.

Taylor, N.A.S., Mekjavic, I.B., and Tipton, M.J. (2008). The physiology of acute cold exposure, with particular reference to human performance in the cold. In: Taylor, N.A.S., and Groeller, H. (Editors). Physiological bases of human performance during work and exercise. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh. ISBN: 0-443-10271-4. Pp. 359-377.

Tipton, M.J., Pandolf, K.B., Sawka, M.N., Werner, J, and Taylor, N.A.S. (2008). Physiological adaptation to hot and cold environments. In: Taylor, N.A.S., and Groeller, H. (Editors). Physiological bases of human performance during work and exercise. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh. ISBN: 0-443-10271-4. Pp. 379-400.

Machado-Moriera, C.A., Caldwell, J.N., Mekjavic, I.B., and Taylor, N.A.S. (2008). Sweat secretion from palmar and dorsal surfaces of the hands during passive and active heating. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. 79(11):1034-1040.

Babic, M., Lenarcic, J., Zlajpah, L., Taylor, N.A.S., and Mekjavic, I.B. (2008). A device for simulating the thermoregulatory responses of the foot: estimation of footwear insulation and evaporative resistance. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 54(9):622-638.

Kondo, N., Taylor, N.A.S., Shibasaki, M., Aoki, K., and Che Muhamed, A.M. (2009). Thermoregulatory adaptation in humans and its modifying factors. Global Environmental Research. 13(1):35-41.

Rittweger J., B. Simunic, G. Bilancio, N. Gaspare De Santo, M. Cirillo, G. Biolo, R. Pisot, O. Eiken, I.B. Mekjavic & M. Narici. (2009). Bone loss in the lower leg during 35 days of bed rest is predominantly from the cortical compartment. Bone 44: 612-618.

Kölegård R., I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (2009). Increased distensibility in dependent veins following prolonged bedrest. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 106: 547-554.

Tribukait A., G. Nobel, I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (2010). Effects of anti-histaminic and anti-cholinergic substances on human thermoregulation during cold provocation. Brain Res. Bull. 81:100-106.

Yogev D., O. Eiken, R. Pisot, G. Biolo, P. Diprampero, M. Narici, I.B. Mekjavic. (2010). Effect of 21 days of horizontal bed rest on behavioural thermoregulation. Eur J. Appl. Physiol. 108:281-288.

Nobel G., A. Tribukait, I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (2010). Histaminergic and cholinergic neuron systems in the impairment of human thermoregulation during motion sickness. Brain Res Bull. 82:193-200.

EIKEN O., M. GRÖNKVIST, R. KÖLEGÅRD, U. DANIELSSON. D. ZAVEC, S. KOUNALAKIS, I. MEKJAVIC. (2010). Termisk belastning ho soldater som bär svensk marsktridsutrustning. STH-rapport 2010-0047.

Eiken O., M. Hallberg, Ib. Mekjavic, S. Kounalakis. (2010). Energiomsättning vid simulerad patrullering i mörker. STH-rapport 2010-00.

Mekjavic I.B., O. Eiken. (2010). Lunar habitat simulation: workshop on bedrest in hypoxic environments. ISBN 978-961-90545-3-6.


Keramidas M.E., S.N. Kounalakis, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2011). Muscle and cerebral oxygenation during exercise performance after short-term respiratory work. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 175: 247-254.

Keramidas M.E., S.N. Kounalakis, T. Debevec, B. Norman, T. Gustafsson, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2011). Acute normobaric hyperoxia transiently attenuates plasma EPO concentration in healthy males: Evidence against the “Normobaric Oxygen Paradox” theory. Acta Physiol. 202: 91-98.

Debevec T., M.E. Keramidas, B. Norman, T. Gustafsson, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2011). A transition from hyperoxia to mild hypoxia does not augment Erythropoietin production: resolving the ”normobaric oxygen paradox” Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Jul 7 (Epub ahead of print).

Keramidas M.E., S.N. Kounalakis, T. Debevec, B. Norman, T. Gustafsson, O. Eiken & I.B. Mekjavic. (2011). Long-term intermittent hyperoxic exposures do not enhance erythropoiesis. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. (Epub ahead of print).

Nobel G., A. Tribukait, I.B. Mekjavic & O. Eiken. (2011). Effects of motion sickness on thermoregulatory mechanisms in a thermoneutral environment. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Sep 3 (Epub ahead of print).

Keramidas M.E., S.N. Kounalakis, O. Eiken, I.B. Mekjavic. (2011). Carbon monoxide exposure during exercise performance: muscle and cerebral oxygenation. Acta Physiol Scand. Sep 20 (Epub ahead of print).

Amano, T., Kato, Y., Machado-Moreira, C.A., Taylor, N.A.S., Inoue, Y., Nishiyasu, T., and Kondo, N. (2011). Changes in eccrine sweating on the glabrous skin of the palm and finger during isometric exercise. Acta Physiologica. 202(4):649-655..

Eiken O., I.B. Mekjavic, P. Sundblad, R. Kölegård. (2012). G tolerance vis-à-vis pressure-distension and pressure flow relationships of leg arteries. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Feb 15 (Epub ahead of print).

Mekjavic I.B., M.E. Keramidas, S.N. Kounalakis, R. Pisot, P. Diprampero, M. Narici, O. Eiken. (2012). Heat production and heat loss responses to cold water immersion after 35 days horizontal bed rest. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 83: 472-476.

Kounalakis S.N., O. Eiken, I.B. Mekjavic. (2012). Exercise thermoregulatory responses following a 28-day sleep-high train-low regimen. Eur J Appl Physiol Mar 10 (Epub ahead of print).

Keramidas M.E., O. Eiken, I.B. Mekjavic. (2012). Prevailing evidence contradicts the notion of a “normobaric oxygen paradox” Carbon monoxide exposure during exercise performance: muscle and cerebral oxygenation. Eur J Appl Physiol Mar 31 (Epub ahead of print).

Eiken O., M. Grönkvist, R. Kölegård, D. Zavec, U. Cihua, I. Mekjavic. (2012). Termisk belastning hos markstridssoldater vid patrullering i ökenklimat: effekter av två olika ballistiska kroppsskydd samt av två olika strategier för nedkylning. STH-rapport 2010-0063:8.

Eiken O., I.B. Mekjavic, U. Ciuha, M. Grönkvist. (2012). Strategies for increased dissipation of excess body heat during a simulated desert patrol. STH-rapport 2009-0108:25.

Kounalakis SN, Keramidas ME, Eiken O, Jaki Mekjavic P, Mekjavic IB. (2013). Peak oxygen uptake and regional oxygenation in response to a 10-day confinement to normobaric hypoxia. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 23(4):e233-45.

Debevec T, Pialoux V, Mekjavic IB, Eiken O, Mury P, Millet GP. (2013). Moderate exercise blunts oxidative stress induced by normobaric hypoxic confinement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 46(1):33-41.

Taylor, N.A.S., Tipton, M.J., and Kenny, G.P. (2014). Considerations for the measurement of deep-body, skin and mean body temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology. 46:72-101.

Debevec T, Bali TC, Simpson EJ, Macdonald IA, Eiken O, Mekjavic IB. (2014). Separate and combined effects of 21-day bed rest and hypoxic confinement on body composition. Eur J Appl Physiol. 114(11):2411-25.

McDonnell AC, Eiken O, Mekjavic PJ, Mekjavic IB. (2014). Circadian rhythm of peripheral perfusion during 10-day hypoxic confinement and bed rest. Eur J Appl Physiol. 114(10):2093-104.

Rojc B, Morrison SA, Eiken O, Mekjavic IB, Dolenc-Grošelj L. (2014). The separate and combined effects of hypoxia and sustained recumbency/inactivity on sleep architecture. Eur J Appl Physiol. 114(9):1973-81.

Debevec T, Simpson EJ, Macdonald IA, Eiken O, Mekjavic IB. (2014). Exercise training during normobaric hypoxic confinement does not alter hormonal appetite regulation. PLoS One. 9(6):e98874.

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