Current and Future Research Projects
Thermal Physiology Laboratory (Australia)
- Neural and pharmacological control of human sweating
- Thermal adaptation: heat and cold
- The interaction of hydration state on physiological and cognitive function
- Regional variations in thermosensitivity, sweating, skin blood flow and thermal comfort
- Evaluation of clothing and personal protective equipment
- Auxiliary and post-exercise cooling for emergency service and military personnel
- Physical employment standards for workers in stressful environments
Environmental Physiology Laboratory (Slovenia)
- Contribution of thermal and non-thermal factors to the regulation body temperature in humans
- Mathematical modelling of human temperature regulation
- Decompression sickness projects: ocular bubbles; exercise; hydration state; body temperature
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: freezing and non-freezing cold injuries
- Physical employment standards for divers
- Altitude (hypobaric) physiology projects: hypoxic training protocols; training sustained human performance at altitude and sea level performance; altitude retinopathy; metabolism at high altitude; sleep; high-altitude (mountain) sickness
- Gravitational physiology projects: prolonged simulated weightlessness and vascular distensibility, thermoregulatory responses, muscle structure and function, and sleep
- The effect of motion sickness on G-tolerance
- The effect of carbon monoxide on exercise performance
- Clothing and textile research: thermal and evaporative resistance of protective clothing; flame retardant clothing; development of hiking boots; design and development of protective clothing from 3-D body scans; design and development of footwear from 3-D foot scans
- Technological projects: immersion (whole-body) thermal manikin; sweating (whole-body) thermal manikin; sweating thermal foot manikin with gait simulator; sweating thermal hand manikin with
grip simulator; sweating thermal head manikin; sweating thermal torso manikin; development of sweating rate monitor; development of hypoxic training facility (Olympic Nordic Centre Planica);
development of oxygen generator; development of underwater ergometer; development of radio pill and receiver system for hyperbaric environments; development of flame manikin
Human and Applied Physiology Laboratory (United Kingdom)
- Fluid replacement in elite triathletes
- Cooling systems for athletes and soldiers
- Thermoregulation in spinal cord injured athletes
- Thermal and metabolic responses of protected individuals in cold water
- The mathematical modelling of survival time in water
- Specificity of human adaptation to cold
- Evaluation of post-exercise cold immersions
- Thermal comfort and clothing microclimate conditions
- Psychophysiology of survival
- Cognition and deep body cooling
- Physiological and psychological responses to long-distance single-handed sailing
- Physiological and psychological responses to Arctic and Antarctic exploration
- Fitness standards for the oil industry
Laboratory for Applied Physiology (Japan)
- Effects of non-thermal factors on human heat loss responses
Blood flow responses in conduit vessel in humans - Thermoregulatory responses during intermittent exercise
- Thermoregulatory responses after exercise
- The effect of physical training on the thermoregulatory system in humans
- Difference in thermoregulatory responses between men and women
- The effect of menstrual cycle on thermoregulatory responses
- Human thermoregulatory adaptation to dynamic changes in the environment
- Identification of single sweat grand activity in humans
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (France)
- Phantom limb sensations in amputees
- Auditory processing in preterm newborns
- Electrophysiological investigation of intersensory interactions
- Ageing and thermal adapation
- Driver comfort and arousal: ergonomics and the thermal environment
- Physiological determinants of cognitive functions
Department of Environmental Physiology (Sweden)
- Thermal balance in soldiers patrolling in desert climate
- Different techniques to prepare (acclimatize/acclimate) individuals for physical work at high altitude
- Effects of motion sickness on thermal balance
- Effects of cold habituation on local cold-induced peripheral vasodilatation
- Gas mixtures and decompression tables
- Physiology based adjustments of breathing apparatus
- High-altitude physiology and hypoxia
- Spatial disorientation
- Increased gravitoinertial load
- Weightlessness