Two workshops are being offered in association with ABC9: (1) Innovations in Pressure Measurement and (2) Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Lower Limb. It is essential for delegates to register for the workshops because places are limited. To register, please send your name to: (You must be registered for the ABC9 conference to participate in the workshops).
Workshop 1: Innovations in Pressure Measurement
Date: Wednesday 3 December 2014
Time: 8.30 am – 12.00 noon
Hosted by Dr Patrick McLaughlin, ezup, College of Health & Biomedicine, Victoria University
This pressure measurement workshop will showcase the latest products from novel (, including the recently released pedoped systems, which interface load measurement with iPhones and iPads. The new pedoped for shoes and the new pedoped pads will be available to workshop participants for hands-on testing. Users of all pressure measurement systems will have opportunities during the workshop to ask questions about the challenges and issues associated with measuring pressure in their research projects.
COST: FREE (Sponsored by Novel)
Workshop 2: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Lower Limb
Date: Wednesday 3 December 2014
Time: 1.00 pm - 3:30 pm
Hosted by Dr Karen Mickle, Biomechanics Research Laboratory, University of Wollongong
This workshop is for current users of ultrasound or for those wishing to incorporate musculoskeletal ultrasound into their research. The workshop will begin with a visit to the University of Wollongong Anatomy Laboratory, where workshop participants will have an opportunity to have a “hands-on viewing” of lower limb cadavers and to review anatomical structures that will be assessed during the ultrasound section of the workshop. In this latter section of the workshop, participants will be guided through an overview of ultrasound methodologies used to assess lower limb structure. Smaller working groups will then be formed in areas of focus (e.g. intrinsic foot muscles, tendons and shank muscles) so everyone has an opportunity to perform an ultrasound assessment and to discuss research directions and challenges associated with using ultrasound in their research.
NOTE: Participants who register for this workshop will be required complete necessary documentation so they can enter the Anatomy Laboratory. All participants must also wear enclosed shoes during the workshop.
COST: FREE (Sponsored by the Faculty of Science, Medicine & Health & Sonosite Australasia)