Devised & Performed by: 2nd Year Bachelor of Performance Students Directed by: Emily Ayoub

Solitude i,nterrupted
- - (Everyday)
Wollongong Campus
Performance Space | 25.168
I need solitude, which is to say, recovery, return to myself, the breath of a free, light, playful air. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Solitude i,nterrupted takes the audience on a dreamlike journey of self discovery in search of a space, undisturbed. A wilderness of the subconscious that sits suspended in time, as a brief interlude from the mania of contemporary life. Can fulfilment be found in this alternate realm of being? What happens when the terrain back to reality becomes impassable and challenging to negotiate? Does the search for solitude become a journey from which there is no return?
Grounded in ensemble-led devised creation and using physical and visual theatre techniques, Solitude i,nterrupted creates a museum of surreal and fantastic imagery, revealing a commentary on escaping the intensity of everyday life and seeking silence.
Emily is founder and Artistic Director of Clockfire Theatre Company. A theatre-maker, director, performer and teacher, Emily graduated from the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School Paris (2011) having begun her studies at Theatre Nepean, University of Western Sydney (2005). For Clockfire, she has created, produced and directed The Natural Conservatorium for Wise Women, we, the lost company and devised and performed in Lei Hideaway, The Grief Parlour and A Hunger Suite.
Emily co-runs Clockfire Creative Lab which specialises in creative education programs for both students and teachers. She has taught Mask & Mime, Devising Theatre, Clown, Bouffon and Approaches to Movement at AIM Dramatic Arts, AFTRS, Casula Powerhouse, InPlay Arts, Riverside Theatres and for school drama students across NSW. As a performer, Emily has also worked with Siren Theatre Co/Griffin Independent, Riverside Theatres, Night Sky Productions and in numerous education tours for Echelon Productions and Brainstorm Productions.
Cast: Flynn Mappleback, Leah Herbert, Declan Marx, Kezia Killin, Arthur Gallagher, Mirabel Collyer, Noah Cegielski, Lily Chrisite Daly, Abbey McDonald, Samuel Litvensky, Lillian Woods
Production Manager: Jaime Peterson
Stage Manager: Jeremy Ainsworth and Jess Henley-Sadgrove
Sound Design: Jess Henley-Sadgrove, Jeremy Ainsworth and Emily Ayoub
Lighting Design team: Carina Louise and Allison Gillespie
Sound Operator: Jess Henley-Sadgrove